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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Pretend there is a GUI, it has 3 input boxes: 1.) Link to the weapon design as just a .PNG file 2.) Attack damage 3.) Attack speed and let's assume hand positioning for said custom weapon has a default premade along with all other necessities. How would one make it so players can dynamically create weapons while being in-game? And yes, you can ignore the things like sending requests to the weapon design link, I'm just curious how one would actually register this weapon while the game has already started.
  2. Try: gradlew genEclipseRuns --refresh-dependencies and after that: gradlew eclipse Then simply open eclipse and import it as an already existing gradle project
  3. Recently I've been making a few custom commands for a mod I'm working on, and although making custom commands is easy enough, making them have optional arguments (E.g. Who to target being defaulted to @p) is quite a pain as it requires method overloading (from what I've been doing anyway) causing a lot of duplicated code. Is there a better method to make optional arguments with default values without method overloading and or excessive amounts of code duplication?
  4. I-- wooow. I went over DamageSource and couldn't even see it. I feel so dumb right now for missing it. Thanks man.
  5. How can I use LivingHurtEvent to detect if the source of damage came from an explosion? So far I have only figured out how to detect it for all types of living entities, such as SpiderEntity, CreeperEntity, or even simply just LivingEntity, but I can't find out how to detect if the source was from an explosion.
  6. How do I go about storing custom player data such as a mana count for each individual player? I believe it has something to do with NBT however I can't find much on it for 1.16 Forge Modding.
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