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Everything posted by Crimson_Fluff

  1. the sub events of RenderTooltipEvent (Pre, GatherComponents and Color) all return event.getItemStack() as Air The event fires correctly, but the itemstack is always returned as air, no matter if in creative or survival, no matter what item you hover over
  2. hoping its something Forge can fix. As this seems wrong to get two different results. Im wondering if previous Forge versions do the same. I might have to do some testing Its not really important, I do my work Server side, its just something I noticed
  3. Hello All, Using the EntityJoinLevelEvent event, checking for Item Entities. When an item entity spawns in I notice that Client-side 'Air' is always returned, whereas Server-side the correct item is returned I feel this is a bug...
  4. Just Forge 41.0.1 and Minecraft 1.19 Feed a goat wheat and the game crashes heres the crash log - https://pastebin.com/3kNKggH6 wasnt sure if to post here on on the GitHub cos it says "Check the Forum first"
  5. Forge: 37.0.18 When killing large slimes they dont produce the smaller slimes. The Slime::Remove method that controls the spawning seems to only be called ClientSide. I moved my code into the Die method and all is good My slime class simply extends Slime. I have tested with just Forge and no other mods, and still the large slimes dont split Has anyone else had this problem? I would like validation that this is a bug and not me
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