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  1. Most likely it's a problem with your workspace. Can you post a picture of your Referenced Libraries? If you don't see your libraries, then first check if you have jdk 16. Then, go to your project directory and run the command gradlew refresh, or gradlew eclipse. Hope it helps!
  2. From my research, ItemGroups MISC and MATERIALS are same. The reason causing the difference are the mappings. Both share the same instance. So, don't get confused.
  3. Thanks a lot @Luis_ST and @UserMC123. My Biome is now generating in the overworld and the problem is solved.
  4. Hi UserMC123, Thanks for your reply, but I actually know how to do this stuff. I am confused with the Custom Biome Class (In yours, I think it's TestForestBiome). It would be great if you could post your Custom Biome class in a Git repo or some other site.
  5. Overall, I have made these changes to my Main (and only) class. package com.hastev.biomes; import net.minecraft.util.RegistryKey; ... @Mod("tutorial") public class Main { public static final RegistryKey<Biome> stony = RegistryKey.create(Registry.BIOME_REGISTRY, new ResourceLocation("tutorial", "tutorial_biome")); public Main() { IEventBus bus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus(); bus.addListener(EventPriority.LOWEST, this::commonSetup); } public void commonSetup(FMLCommonSetupEvent e) { e.enqueueWork(() -> { BiomeManager.addBiome(BiomeType.COOL, new BiomeEntry(stony, 1)); BiomeDictionary.addTypes(stony, Type.SANDY); } ); } } And, Minecraft is now crashing with the errors: 1. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown biome id emitted by layers: -1 Crash Report: https://pastebin.com/9nYUpA5v
  6. Like this? public void commonSetup(FMLCommonSetupEvent e) { e.enqueueWork(() -> { BiomeEntry entry = new BiomeEntry(stony, 1); BiomeManager.addBiome(BiomeType.COOL, entry); BiomeManager.addAdditionalOverworldBiomes(stony); } );
  7. Hi, I am working on a mod which adds a custom biome to the overworld, the /locatebiome command lists my biome as well, but it shows that the type "tutorial:tutorial_biome" cannot be found in "minecraft:overworld". My Biome JSON file: https://pastebin.com/8QUJcSxJ My Surface Builder JSON file: https://pastebin.com/hVJBEjSd My Main.java File: https://pastebin.com/c288ptJ7 Also, please mention an alternative to extending the Biome class, as it's no longer possible. I am tired of JSONs. Thanks in advance!
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