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Everything posted by KeeganDeathman

  1. And what do you mean, edit the model.
  2. Well now the tablet doesn't render, and sometimes I can't get it back from the laptop. What about the tablet boolean in the TE, should that be static or no?
  3. Well that fixed the problem of getting the tablet back. But in my testing world, both laptops show the tablet. Im not sure if they share the tablet tough. Like you can put it one and take it out another. The tile entity is located in the tileentity package, duh. And if you ask me why I have the tablet stored in a custom variable, yet still have a container set up. I used to have a whole different setup for putting the tablet in, so theres where the container comes from. And the other thing, I forgot.
  4. Because when I remove the variable for the model, I have to start referencing the class directly when it comes time to render. When I do that it says I have to make renderModel static. When I do that it says I need to make Screen, Keys, Cord, and Tablet static as well. Those are the parts BTW.
  5. When I do that I have to change my two render methods and the part fields in my model class to static. Should I be doing this?
  6. So I don't need a separate instance of the model for every instance of the block? Okay...
  7. I'm currently focusing on DLStuff so here you go github.com/KeeganDeathman/DeathmanLabsStuff
  8. Across all my mods, it seems like all my TESRs are sharing a tile entity instances, that are bound to the same tile entity. The solar panel and wind turbines are sharing one. For instance, in LabStuff, if more one wind turbine entity is in view, they both start spinning faster, or if one is in no-spin conditions, but the others are, they all start spinning. Regardless of y-position or ability to see the sky. In DLStuff, if you right click while holding left-control and are holding an unprogrammed d-pad on a laptop, you plug it in to download the os. But if you do it again, you get it back. This also renders a d-pad and cord plugged into the back of the laptop. But if you take the d-pad out, or destroy the block and replace it even, the d-pad is still being rendered. Any ideas?
  9. So I dont need the code for if it's headed for the client at all? Okay thanks.
  10. I don't follow. And I keep hearing I need to ditch this, but then I'd have to learn the new system, recode my guis to use it, bleh.
  11. Did not see that. let me guess, isRemote?
  12. Hello. I am posting this now instead of last night when it happened cause I was only now able to get a crash report. The problem is when I declare a field for the packet pipeline my mod uses. It tells me this java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/entity/EntityClientPlayerMP at keegan.labstuff.LabStuffMain.<clinit>(LabStuffMain.java:113) ~[LabStuffMain.class:?] That is how I know it's the delcaration. I know this is because EntityClientPlayerMP doesnt exist on servers, but I can't isolate where it's being called. It's something higher up, I don't call it directly. Codes here : github.com/KeeganDeathman/LabStuff Thanks!
  13. Now I'm trying to install mekanism because TE by itself doesnt have power conduits, so I tried for universal cables, but I get this java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: thermalexpansion/block/cache/TileCache at thermalexpansion.block.TEBlocks.initialize(TEBlocks.java:60) ~[TEBlocks.class:?]
  14. nvm, found it and it works. Thanks!
  15. Where'd you get a dev verison of CoFHCore?
  16. If you mean a continuous beam you have problems.
  17. Did not work. The field is a forge variable by my guess, and CoFH core is calling the obf name, but forge is deobf. CCC seems to do nothing.
  18. So, CCC-universal? I'll try that.
  19. I would think so, before I had CCC-universal and NEI installed.And the file is labeled 1.7.10 Later, after testing. Yep, it works
  20. I put them in the mods folder of the project in questions main folder in my workspace.
  21. It still crashed. There is no deobf version of any TeamCoFH mods I can find. I have the latest CodeChickenCore-dev installed.
  22. That's the development version isn't it. I have the regular one installed
  23. I have a mod that interacts with Thermal Expansion's RF system. I try installing CoFHCore, Thermal Foundation, and Thermal Expansion, all the latest versions, in my dev envoriment, and a custom technic launcehr modpack. On the modpack, it works fine. But in the mod dev, I get this... java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: field_150325_L Any ideas? It's in CoFHCore, main class, line 179.
  24. Incase you still don't know, open a command prompt in your dev workspace, and type gradlew build. The file will be in builds/lib
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