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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by KeeganDeathman

  1. I was wondering if there was a way to have it so that when theres two of the same block stacked on top of eachother, one on top of the other, the top block changes texture. This is for a new roots transistion texture for my code lyoko mod my texturer gave me. Ive tried setting up a multiblock and the register icon method checks if it is the top block(multiblock is complete) and changes the texture of the block. Ive also tried having it so that when you place the top block on, it changes into a different block, with the same class, except the iconregister registers the 'top block' texture. Didn't work. Any help?
  2. Hello. I want to make a cable that connects to other cables, and some other blocks, like the pipes in redpower 2 and buildcraft, or the cables in the Code Lyoko mod on planet minecraft, or redpower cables. Any help?
  3. well i can tell that the multiblock is working cause the 'holomap projector complete' line is printed. im not sure where i would put the println
  4. Im trying to make it so that when you finish my multiblock, it renders a model, ive set up the multiblock correctly, but setting the boolean that allows the model to render isnt working. heres my code: multiblock function tile entity: Tile Entity render: ive had the block create the tile entity, registered it, bound the renderer to the tile entity, any one know whats happening? cause i dont
  5. I was just wondering how to get a gui to open when a block is powered. I know how to do the gui, but not checking when the block is powered. any help?
  6. Okay Im missing something, anyone know what it is?
  7. Okay so putting anything if(code.equals("WILLIAM")) { Here } breaks the text field. So i must be setting it up wrong. If you need it heres my gui:
  8. Okay so, let me think, I need to set up a packet is that it? And mew im using a GuiTextField. So yeah. Im gonna try having it send a chat message to the player or something similar. So then i can see if its just the fact that im setting it up wrong. ell you what happens!
  9. tried it, and it didn't change anything. Still cant enter text with that function being called. Hmm, i wonder if im doing it wrong some how, heres my updated code: protected void keyTyped(char par1, int par2, EntityPlayer player) { this.virtBtn.enabled = this.virtTextField.getText().trim().length() > 0; if (this.virtTextField.isFocused()) { this.virtTextField.textboxKeyTyped(par1, par2); this.code = this.virtTextField.getText(); } if (par2 == 28) { if(code.equals("WILLIAM")) { player.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(1, new ItemStack(Lyoko.itemWilliamSword)); } this.actionPerformed(this.virtBtn); } }
  10. oh yeah anyway, ill try that, but i think thats what ive been doing, but it might not be.
  11. Well, its kinda easy to see that your working on a code lyoko mod, esepcially since your the one whose code I'm referencing. . Anyway heres the link to my mod, http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1899645-ssp-and-smp162-forgecode-craft-the-code-lyoko-mod-for-the-best/#entry23450822 Anyway, i looked at your code for the tower console, and the armor, and combined the two. But when I add player.inventroy.setInventorySlotContents(1, new ItemStack(Lyoko.itemWilliamSword, 1) the text field does not work anymore. am i missing something?
  12. Just decided to do this for the heck of it. I am requesting the modder status, I am the sole developer of the Code: CRAFT mod, and a sub-forum would be nice.
  13. Hello again, I'm trying to set it up so that when you type in a certain code in a text field in my gui, it gives you some items. I've looked over the source code of a different mod that does something similar, it does the code thing, and it gives you a certain weapon if you wear certain armor. But when i try to do that, the text field stops working, any help with this? Here's what I'm using to use to do it protected void keyTyped(char par1, int par2, EntityPlayer player) { this.virtBtn.enabled = this.virtTextField.getText().trim().length() > 0; if (this.virtTextField.isFocused()) { this.virtTextField.textboxKeyTyped(par1, par2); this.code = this.virtTextField.getText(); } if (par2 == 28) { if(code.equals("WILLIAM")) { player.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(1, Lyoko.itemWilliamSword); } this.actionPerformed(this.virtBtn); } } tell me if you need any more code
  14. I'd also like to note that this never happened until i moved the model files into my Cient package
  15. I have made some custom block and item models. And i have ran the mod in eclipse just fine, but when I run it in minecraft, it gives me the following error:
  16. okay, i fixed it, turns out i forgot t create the tile entity
  17. Ok, so I set it to true, which I'm sure is what im supossed to do, but its still not working. Im going to try to see if the method is actually being called.
  18. Well then, ill take a look at that. Thanks
  19. okay here it is, I've gotten rid off the stuff that has almost nothing to do with the gui. need anything else?
  20. Okay...
  21. Nope, that will make it so that anyway installing the mod will not be able to go on servers without the mod installed.
  22. Hi im having trouble opening my gui. I have it set so that when the block is right clicked it calls this: player.openGui(Lyoko.instance, 1, world, x, y, z); and that leads to this i think in my main mod file: NetworkRegistry.instance().registerGuiHandler(this, new GuiHandler()); and my guihandler looks like this and my gui looks like this: and my Tile Entity looks like this: and my container looks like this: but when i right click the block, absolutley nothing happens. Help?
  23. Actually, that was the annotation DOING ITS GAWD DANG JOB! It was alerting you to the fact that something about your function was different than the function in the base class. As several people have said more than once. Which is why I've blocked you. Good day, sir. Oh my god, are you not listening! I was showing him what i meant. I know that the annotation is telling me that, and I thought he told me to put the annotation in the methid, he did not understand, so i made an example. God!
  24. You had sympathy for me? Wierd. Any way, i didn't mean to be rude, it's just, he was confusing, and I did figure something out, i was missing parms. Like to point out some stuff, A. Im awesome okay B. When i put an annotation in a method, I WAS SHOWING IT DIDN'T WORK, IT WAS AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT NOT TO DO. (caps cause ive said this 3 TIMES!)
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