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Everything posted by KeeganDeathman
Is there a way to control the camera, I think I saw that somewhere.
That's a thing? Really? Why has no one told me this?
Yes but he wishes to rework the system so that the vanilla chat is distance based. OP, you can't do that without editing the base code, sorry.
I have posted this three times now and the last two times I was pointed to TheGreyGhost. Let me just say it here. I know how to make a custom block render. I do not know how to make one side of the block show dynamic data. For examples, I mean like CC's monitors. So once again, NO rendering tutorials, YES how-tos on displaying dynamic data.
I am trying to make some objects in my mod that would act as NPC's. One is more complicated than the other but the basic idea is the same. One is called a Deathman Labs Virtual Holographic Interface. It will project a 3D hologram of an avatar to relay information over a pad, when a touchscreen is right clicked. The other is the mainframe. She is an artificial intelligence, that starts off very basic. She will ask you to do quests for her. For instance "Did you know, if you program a expansion chip with a voice generation program, I will be able to speak, and you won't have to read this text.' Or, 'I seem to have forgotten that I do not have speakers. Please give me some, two are required.' So yeah, she wants new things. She would have three basic screens. All the screens would have the same setup. A blue box to the right, and a view of her model to the left. Like Darksiders 2 shops. http://www.supercheats.com/guides/files/guid/darksiders-2/8-26-2012_34.jpg So that, reversed, and blue. I do not want to render another model in the GUI, I wish to have the gui have a hole there, where the player's view would be placed so she would be in the hole. I looked at the bed code, but that of course moves the entire person, I don't want to reposition the person, as the model is only 1.5 blocks tall. I can code everything else, it's just the view.
Everything works! Thanks for all your help!
I am wondering how I would get it to continousley update, I have it working, but you get whatever the burnTime was at the opening of the gui.
Okay so for the container I would guess I need to sync the server's tile entity with the client's tile entity? I found these two... public void addCraftingToCrafters(ICrafting p_75132_1_) { super.addCraftingToCrafters(p_75132_1_); p_75132_1_.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 0, this.tileFurnace.furnaceCookTime); p_75132_1_.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 1, this.tileFurnace.furnaceBurnTime); p_75132_1_.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 2, this.tileFurnace.currentItemBurnTime); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void updateProgressBar(int p_75137_1_, int p_75137_2_) { if (p_75137_1_ == 0) { this.tileFurnace.furnaceCookTime = p_75137_2_; } if (p_75137_1_ == 1) { this.tileFurnace.furnaceBurnTime = p_75137_2_; } if (p_75137_1_ == 2) { this.tileFurnace.currentItemBurnTime = p_75137_2_; } } Would I use these to make my gui get the proper burn time, or am I grasping at non-existent hooks.
Shut up i figured the source out. Google! After MrCaracal explained default. I ended up changing it back due to thinking that was a problem, but I may just change it back.
Regarding the source, tell me how to do that. Regarding the icons. Yep, just saw that. Thing is when i switched back to if-else from switch statements in the TE, it started flickering again.
I dont have that source linked. Do you? Either way, the getIconOff and getIconOn are different, in the terms of which metadata is being checked.
Had a feeling you'd say that. Updated
diesienben07 regarding your latest post, I have updated the code regarding that, if it detects more fuel it sets it back to true in the same tick. Swapping out the if-else chains with switch statements seems to have stopped the flickering, but now the burn time is acting odd. The console shows the bt increasing and decreasing appropriately. However, the fuel is eaten up automatically, and the gui counter and the textures both indicate 0.
I guess it might have helped some, but there was no noticeable difference when I restricted the operations of updateEntity to just the server. I'd also like to pint out the following: side1 is the top/bottom texture as well as the default side2 is the sides and back texture side3 is the front when off side3On is the front while on The textures facing east and west will flicker between their correct state(except the front, which should be side3On, but shows side3, but that may be a problem with the burnTime) and side1. If the side3 is facing north it flickers between side3 and side3On If the side3 is facing south, it flickers between side3 and side2, and the back flickers between side2 and side1 MrCaracal thank you. I will update my code. disesiben07 I will try that
the burn time if-else chain is because i do not think you can have a case for >0, if you can, IDK. Also no switch statements for booleans.
I am making a furnace that will produce power, called a 'power furnace.' I would like to have the textures update based on whether the furnace is burning or not. To do this, i used metadata. 0-3 directionals off, 4-7 directionals on However, when I place fuel in the tile entity, the textures on the x axis start to flicker, and the the front texture, no matter what side. They seem to be changing metadata and my console proves it. Although the furnace should be burning, the metadata output i coded in shows 0 most of the time, sometimes jumping to 3, back to 0, sometimes to 7, back to 0, and then sometime to 11. It shouldnt be going that high. TileEntity: https://github.com/KeeganDeathman/LabStuff/blob/master/java/keegan/LabStuff/tileentity/TileEntityPowerFurnace.java BlockPowerFurnace: https://github.com/KeeganDeathman/LabStuff/blob/master/java/keegan/LabStuff/blocks/BlockPowerFurnace.java It shouldn't be doing this, should it?
[1.7.10] This method won't work for no reason
KeeganDeathman replied to KeeganDeathman's topic in Modder Support
I guess I should just have it so that it keeps running till it finds some plasma. So a the end of equalizeWith, put if(plasmaInt > 0) networked = true; -
[1.7.10] This method won't work for no reason
KeeganDeathman replied to KeeganDeathman's topic in Modder Support
So, i take it the onUpdate is called, on every update. I could have a boolean, that ticks to true once it's connected to a network. If I have something like this however, N= existing network with plasma p[ x ]=new pipe with x being number of pipe. N p[z] p[2] p[3] p[...] If p[1] is placed first, then [2][3][...], everything is fine, p[1] gets the count from N, and p[x<1] gets it from p[x-1]. But if we have it like where p[...] is placed, then [3][2][1], [1] gets the count, but [2][3][...] don't until a addition or subtraction occurs, (if it's called from within the network, if, in addition say, the current plasma count + the addition != the issuers plasma count, the addition is changed so it is the difference between the current pipe's plasma count, and the issuer's. This would solve the problems of p[x<1], but you'd have empty pipes until a addition or subtraction call is performed.) Now, I use updateEntity(), is that the same thing as onUpdate, or is it different -
When did Forge for 1.8 drop?
In my pipe system, I have it so that there a 2 basic functions in the pipes tile entity, to add to the plasma, and to subtract from it. These methods take an int, the difference, to which it adds(addition method) or subtracts(subtraction method) from the internal plasma count. It also takes a tile entity, the 'issuer' tile entity, this tile entity is excluded from the following search for connected pipes, any pipe found has the respective method called, and it repeats. The issuer is exlcuded as to make sure I don't have dupe bugs, in a sense. However there is no method for when a pipe is added, so I made one, the equalization method, called at the end of the constructor. It was originally called in the onBlockAdded method, which is called before createNewTileEntity so. It basically searches for the first connected pipe, and takes it's plasma count, and raises it's own to that count, while the count is 0. However, it can't find any pipes, I've tried instanceof BlockPlasmaPipe, and the current one, neither seem to work. Heres the code: //ONLY call when the block is added! public void equalize() { if(!worldObj.isRemote) { System.out.println("Starting equalization."); System.out.println("Checking for pipes."); if (worldObj.getBlock(xCoord + 1, yCoord, zCoord) != null && getPlasma() == 0) { eqaulizeWith(xCoord + 1, yCoord, zCoord); }if (worldObj.getBlock(xCoord - 1, yCoord, zCoord) != null && getPlasma() == 0) { eqaulizeWith(xCoord - 1, yCoord, zCoord); }if (worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord) != null && getPlasma() == 0) { eqaulizeWith(xCoord, yCoord + 1, zCoord); }if (worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord) != null && getPlasma() == 0) { eqaulizeWith(xCoord, yCoord - 1, zCoord); }if (worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + 1) != null && getPlasma() == 0) { eqaulizeWith(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord + 1); }if (worldObj.getBlock(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - 1) != null && getPlasma() == 0) { eqaulizeWith(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord - 1); } } } private void eqaulizeWith(int x, int y, int z) { System.out.println("Checking block for plasma carring properties."); if(worldObj.getBlock(x,y,z) == LabStuffMain.blockPlasmaPipe) { System.out.println("We're good. Plasma currently at: " + getPlasma()); TileEntityPlasmaPipe tile = (TileEntityPlasmaPipe)worldObj.getTileEntity(x,y,z); plasmaInt = tile.getPlasma(); System.out.println("Now it's at: " + getPlasma()); } } Help?
if your 'naveblock' only rotates certain blocks that you add, then your good, you'll need a TileEntitySpecialRenderer and constantly rotate it. If you wish to rotate vanilla blocks, you can't without editing minecraft's base code. Sorry
I have a problem with my machine. It is supposed to take the item in the input slot, compare it against a list of recipes, and if it matches the input of one, it starts to 'spin' and after 5 minutes it stops spinning, and places the appropriate output in the output slot. However, even though I am inputting a valid item, it isn't validating the recipe and therefore doesn't begin to spin. Here is my code: TileEntityCentrifuge Recipes class CentrifugeRecipe And I use this to add the recipe(this is the only implemented so far...) Recipes.addCentrifugeRecipe(new ItemStack(itemWaterCanister), new ItemStack(itemHydrogenCanister)); It gets to attempting the spin, and prints i and the size of recipes, and then it stops. Help?
I can do custom models and stuff, but i cant get it to do the screen like thing
I want to know how you would render something like Computercraft screens, where it can display and series of strings, no matter what they are. I know it has to do with a custom render, but how do I do it
A tutorial mod for MC AND other mods? One condition, I get to add built-in tutorials for my mod, LabStuff, and possibly Code CRAFT. Ive got more ideas, and can code pretty good. PM me