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Everything posted by microjunk
Im sure you solved this by now, sorry its so late responding found it looking for something else unrelated. Anyway for number one, I have the same issue, I dont know yet what causes it for number two there is more than one way to get metadata. Have a look in the block class for each block you are having trouble with, thats where I found my answers. For number three the answer is in the village class of the structurevillagepieces class.
Add a new MapGenVillage type to chunkprovider
microjunk replied to microjunk's topic in Modder Support
How can I add a new MapGen with IVillageCreationHandler? I tried that and it didnt load. What I did was just copy all the vanilla stuff for the village and used the handler to load the mapgen, nothing happened...no error and no villages. I changed the block types from cobble to obsidian to test to make sure they were loading or not. I dont want to replace completely, I just want to add my own map....how is this possible..... -
[SOLVED] Change player dimension on item right click
microjunk replied to coolAlias's topic in Modder Support
Yes, I noticed that after I posted the reply. I wasnt intending that you had no experience, was just trying to help out a bit. -
[SOLVED] Change player dimension on item right click
microjunk replied to coolAlias's topic in Modder Support
Dont know if this will help, I used this in a mod I made some time ago (1.4.6) to get the player to the end dimension.... public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Entity par5Entity) { if (par5Entity.ridingEntity == null && par5Entity.riddenByEntity == null && par5Entity instanceof EntityPlayer && !par1World.isRemote) { ((EntityPlayer)par5Entity).travelToDimension(1); } } The above is obviously from a block, but may still work. Not sure if it will allow you to get to the overworld like you want, but its a start away from setInPortal... -
I have been searching for a while now and have found no info on this at all. I have tried the initmapgenevent, maybe I did it wrong but again no information has been found on that either. I would prefer not to do any base edits if at all possible. I have searched this forum and many other outlets on the web looking for an answer. Basically I just want to load a new MapGen to the world without creating a new dimension or new world type so I can add new villages to the game. Is there a way to register a new map, or possibly use a forge event for this? Please help, I have been searching for almost 3 weeks now and have had no luck at all...
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1788684-forge-151-crafting-table-with-custom-grid-sizes-5x5-code-posted/ everything you need for a custom crafting table.....
under the same user name<microjunk> I have a tutorial for 1.4.7 and one for 1.5.2 for crafting tables at minecraft forums, perhaps you should give those a look, in the meantime post your block, container, gui handler, and the code snippet for how you are registering the handler in your mod class. Also bare in mind that particles, images and GUI stuff are all done on the client side of the game, adding this info to your proxy is almost never a good idea, those that encourage it have been fortunate to have never had the multitude of errors that can come from mixing your proxy with IGuiHandler.....
As I said before I have a small bit of experience with GUI blocks, and from the looks of your container you are missing one key ingredient... public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { if(worldObj.getBlockId(posX, posY, posZ) != Builder.builder.blockID) { return false; } else { return entityplayer.getDistanceSq((double)posX + 0.5D, (double)posY + 0.5D, (double)posZ + 0.5D) <= 64D; } } This bit is needed to reference your blocktable and to keep the GUI open, I know this because when I first started to mess with GUI blocks I had the same exact problem
When I first started to make GUI blocks I had the exact same problem, I looked in your container code and dont see where you are referencing the block for your mod...look into the container for workbench, you will see a can interact with method and in that method will be where it says about it being the workbench black...if you dont have this, it is necessary to have it, or your gui will not stay open....same with furnaces and any block really, in some way the block has to be referenced in the tile or container to keep the GUI open. I know this doesnt sound like much I am tired and at work. But look into the code I am telling you and you will begin to see what I mean....
Using forge interact hook to control vanilla cow
microjunk replied to microjunk's topic in Modder Support
Well yes, I did check out the videos, and while they were informative, didnt really get me any closer to a solution. I have probably tried 40 different ways to get to the preferred out come, but nothing is even close, I can mount the cow, but not control. I have added a new task entry and all, I have tried to load new methods in my event class for move entity and onupdate....but alas I get nowhere with it. I know it can be done, maybe not the way I am attempting to do so, but iChun did it with his trail mix mod. I think he may have used a world tick handler or similar. Unfortunately I do not know where to begin doing so with a tick handler to accomplish the task. After about 30 attempts is when I posted this seeking help. I would like someone to point me in a direction of best way of doing this, if anyone knows how. I want to make vanilla mobs rideable without editing base files....again I know this can be done... -
For about more than a week now I have been trying to figure out how to make it possible to ride the vanilla cow with forge hooks. So far the only one that seems to get me close is the interact event. However there have been some complications roadblocking me every step of the way. This is my event set up for this particular event. Ignore the AI addition of controlledbyPlayer....it doesnt work anyway. At the moment I have an error on COwHelper.moveEntity...its suggestion I change the method modifier to static, when I do that and make for necessary changes it crashes. CowHelper Any help, thoughts, suggestions, or even some other way to do this, I am all open...I also have the crash report from when I change the modifier in the cowhelper class...
Thanks for pointing that out Mazetar, with that I was able to find 2 other smaller mistakes and fix them too....All is working now, so now I can add this to the other issue I had with the actual mod this learning experience was intended for, riding vanilla mobs.... (whipping sound) ride that creeper, just a soon as I figure out how to stop the swell timer when mounted....
yeah, I think I see it now....duh, how did I miss that. I went through the code he had like 20 times before making changes, just to make sure I understood it. I dont know how I missed that. I am at work right now, so when I get home I will fix it. When All goes well, I should be able to add it to the other mod then just fine. Thanks for pointing that out. I tried to add you to skype, but I guess it didnt work....
I have looked at some source on github provided by GotoLink and tried to model mine using the same code more or less, and while his works for the hotairballon mine is not working for the speedboat.....I have posted my source for this to github hoping someone could take a look and let me know why. Or if there is a better way to do this, possibly show me how. I would really like to figure this out so I can apply this to another mod I am actually working on and make it so I can fly my chickens around in MP.... https://github.com/microjunk/speedboats
I tried that, and in the 2 places and the 2 different ways I added it, it will either let me in the boat and have no control at all, or crash when placing the boat. I have looked at the src for the steamship mod and also the spiderman mod and half wonder if this is even right<the way I am doing it> because neither use a key handler, and neither have the packet code in the entity class. Also both seem to use a tick handler...
I made a small and simple test mod to try to understand how packets work for a larger mod. This is a boat mod that when a key is pressed, the boat speeds up. Offline it works just fine, on the server it crashes. Crash Log PacketHandler keyhandler snip from the entity class This code came from a team member from the Fossil/Archeology mod, whos time is very limited at the moment and hasnt had a chance to help with this. I am hoping you can. Whats missing, whats broken, etc...Mazetar has helped a bit, but I am still getting lost and confused as this is my first go round with packets and keybinding.
Thank you Mazetar for your reply. Yes I have read the link you posted, but my java knowledge is pretty basic. I have an understanding of how a class is made, what constructors are, and what methods are too. I can read and understand a good bit of java and have some idea of what is happening in the code. I guess my biggest problem is the code in that page is not gear towards what exactly I am trying to do. I have looked in the boat and minecart, but the code there is not real clear and from what I have read in other places, not really that useful as it cant be manipulated to much, if at all. I have added keybinding code to my mobs before, but this only worked on SSP and would crash the game if trying to mount an entity while on the server. I tried to use the linked page to try and add my keybinding code to that, and it was riddled with errors, and after every error I tried to fix, would get more errors. I tried to search for this on github and in bitbucket so I could see if I could find a mod source to look at that does something similar to what I am aiming for, but have found nothing at all. Perhaps you know of a source there I can look at that may be more helpful than the linked page. Ultimately I am trying to eliminate the mobs I created because I have started to mess with Forge Events and am starting to understand them quite well and feel I should be able to get rid of the cow and chicken I created and use an event to handle the mounting of these mobs already in MC and then add the riding code to that in the event. I know how to add the channels and create the packethandler class, but after that it all goes downhill.
Is it possible to get player movement when riding an entity. I have tried to use packets, however after many failed attempts to do so, I am hoping to find another solution. I have a few mobs in my mod that are rideable and I want to be able to control them using key control, rather than the carrot on a stick method. So far that has and will continue to suffice if need be, however I think it would be better to control the mob with keyboard controls rather than the stick. I have seen it done in some older mods that use modloader, a few used forge, but recently I havent seen where any mods are still using that method. Most mods use packets now, and I just dont understand how they work and have, as I said, failed numerous times in trying. So I thought I could just get player movement to control the mobs. Is this possible, and how do I do this.....
Well, I figured out it was crashing because of the else statement I had after this if(world.getBlockId(i + x0, j + y0, k + z0)==MTJT.lovePlant.blockID && (x0!=0 || y0!=0 || z0!=0)) { isblocknear=true; world.spawnParticle("heart", i+0.5, j+1.0, k+0.5, 0.0D, 0.08D, 0.0D); break; } saying basically if it is not water than dont generate. I had removed the crash reports after this had stopped crashing when I removed it. I also found a method in the block class that may be of use, canPlaceBlockAt, not sure how I would modify this code I have or use the method properly. I also removed the breaks and it still spawns everywhere but where I want it to...
I have a plant that I want generated in the swamps, I did that part, but I only want it to spawn near or within 2 blocks of water. I have a different plant that is using this code This code will allow the plant if generated near another plant of the same type to spawn particles. It works great, but when applying this code to my other plant, it crashes the game...of course I changed the random display tick to on block added, and the Block love plant to the block waterstill. But this code is not working for the purpose I need.....Any help is appreciated
Couldnt think of a better way to say it in the title..... What I am trying to do is add an option in the config so the player can change the biome in the config option for my custom world type. I would like it so that it will allow for any biome from MC or my custom biomes or a biome from any mod, but if it is only possible to add the option for my biomes that would be fine too. Does anyone have any idea how I would set this up? Thanks in advance.
If all you want to do is return the item without making it take damage add this to the super constructor this.maxStackSize = 1; this.setContainerItem(this); otherwise if you seek to make it take damage, you will need a crafting handler
Wow, thanks for the fast reply....I knew I was on the right track, I thought I could use ItemPotion though cause Item.potion wasnt giving me the list of potions to choose from, didnt think of it in terms like wool, or dyes and using metadata....thanks.
Is it possible to use potions in crafting recipes? Not using the effect in an item like potion effected food, but craft an item like a sword using a potion and other items. I have looked all over the MC code and have not been able to find how the brewing stand does this... Any help at all is appreciated
I have a custom table or workbench that is not working properly and I cant seem to find the reason why....I can interact with it just fine, but when I put the items into the grid it does not craft my item. I have everything there, I know there is something missing though. I followed the same basic layout as my other custom table which is a 3x3 and it works just fine, recipes and all. This one however does not....below are my classes for the builder table This problem has been resolved, I will be making a tutorial on this subject over at minecraft forums soon...