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Everything posted by microjunk
Well, looking over your code on github, I cant see much difference in the way I did it from yours, so I would still like to know if I can call the worldgen class for the tree using an item, kind of like instant structures type mods, but without having to put all that code in the sapling. I would like to keep the classes separate until I can find a way to fix it, or until mojang decides to return bonemeal to its original state. At least then I could right click the sapling and make it generate the class and the tree would grow, so to speak....
First I'd like to say that the new bonemeal system is horrible. I wont argue that it wasn't needed, because it was too easy to get food and crops to grow the way it was. However perhaps a way of making it harder to get or craft would have been better. Now, on to the issue. I cant seem to get my custom trees to grow at all with the new system. I can right click all day and nothing will grow, not one sapling. I am using forge and have registered my bonemeal class in the pre init and have done my sapling the way it is supposed to I think. MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new MTJTBonemealEvent()); if you need anything else let me know. I have used many pages here as reference, and tried to find as much info as possible for a solution. One other thing I have considered, is there a way to make an item that when I right click a sapling it will spawn a tree. I dont mind doing it this way, I just hate the thought of burning up bonemeal for this when it absolutely is a pain in the @@@ to get working or doesnt work at all.....A custom item doesnt seem that bad compared to this....
First I'd like to say that the new bonemeal system is horrible. I wont argue that it wasn't needed, because it was too easy to get food and crops to grow the way it was. However perhaps a way of making it harder to get or craft would have been better. Now, on to the issue. I cant seem to get my custom trees to grow at all with the new system. I can right click all day and nothing will grow, not one sapling. I am using forge and have registered my bonemeal class in the pre init and have done my sapling the way it is supposed to I think. MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new MTJTBonemealEvent()); if you need anything else let me know. I have used many pages here as reference, and tried to find as much info as possible for a solution. One other thing I have considered, is there a way to make an item that when I right click a sapling it will spawn a tree. I dont mind doing it this way, I just hate the thought of burning up bonemeal for this when it absolutely is a pain in the @@@ to get working or doesnt work at all.....A custom item doesnt seem that bad compared to this....
Creating new particles is pretty easy in both modloader and forge. They are both done virtually the same way as well. You can follow this tutorial here for creating your new particle.... http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1524180-151-popgalops-beginner-advanced-modloader-modding-tutorials-taking-requests/ Then if you want a new particle with a new texture and customize you effect any way you want, follow this tutorial here http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1472578-tutorial-micros-particle-modding-and-more-crafting-table-soon-and-multibiome-wt/
This makes no difference, plus I thought this too, before posting. Thanks though. So I still need help with this...
In 1.4.7 half slabs were just another custom block really. Now in 1.5.1 they dont seem so easy, the way the class was setup in 1.4.7 no longer works in 1.5.1. Getting on to the point, I discovered how to set them up in 1.5.1 from a thread here that has now been labled solved. The slabs work, and even the double, however the block has no ingame name..... This is my block class... from the mod class Using the above works great, had no problems with my slabs working correctly using this method. Hoever they have no names...from the thread I saw to set it this way Though this does not work, using this I still have no names in game.....so if anyone knows how, I would greatly appreciate the help... thanks Microjunk
this has been discussed many times on the MinecraftForums....and the fact that (byte) is a reference of 256, it would stand to reason that block ids must be below 256 in order to be a top and filler block in the biome. I have done this, as has -reaper- and several others on the MCF. I have tested the theory manytimes and it only works when the block id is below that mark, it can be done, just mind your block ids, they are getting fewer and fewer with each MC update. It is hard coded in the MC code and can not be changed with out a custom way of doing it, and I have no idea how this would be done. Either way, for now, your block id must be below 256, and initialized before the biome you are trying to use the block in.....good luck and I hope it works out.
In 1.4.7 add this to your block class public int getTextureSize() { return 64; }
Thanks for all your help guys, I really appreciate the response I have received about the topic. Just a question though, It was mentioned that if the flower didnt spawn to commonly or wasnt generated throughout the world I could use a tile entity and it may be better. Well as some may have noticed I also asked another topic question about adding custom villager trades....Well as it turns out I plan to add this and several other aspects of the mod to custom trades. So the question is, as there really arent any good references for those that have never done it, how do I set up custom trades in forge, the modloader method does not work in forge, and shouldnt be done that way anyhow I know. But if it is better to use a tile for the flower and this is going to be a custom trade I would like to know how the tile would be set up for it (as I am sure others would too) and I would also need to know how to set up the forge VillagerRegistry method for doing this. I have tried and failed miserably at getting this to work. I have several flowers that are for trades, along with several other items. You guys are great, and I hope this isnt to forward of a question....and if you so desire to see the mod coming along it is here.... http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1678180-forge-mtjt-147-mountable-cows-and-spiders-defensive-plants-and-more/
I have found a tutorial or two on this for modloader, but can not seem to find anything in the way of doing it with forge. Using the modloader method in forge crashes MC. I know of the Villager Handler, dont know how to use it, I am at work right now so I cant even show my very poor attempts at getting this to work using forge, however it is very ugly, full of errors and has many issues that cant be resolved. If you could please show me a link on how to do this would be wonderful.
It's also how the daylight sensor tells day from night. WorldTime % 24000 should also work. How would this be added to the code provided by draco18s?
Thanks, this works pretty good, was playing with it some to make the flower a bit brighter, and also to answer the other question by vogner I would really like it to light up at night, not in the dark necessarily. I dont plan to have it spawn in the caves or anything like that, and also I plant to have it as rare as I can get it....
So no night flower then huh. Well at least I got more interest here than I did in the MinecraftForums... It seems there people just dont have enough concern to actually contribute to the development of mods as they do here.... I would really like to see this though, it would be a great addition to my More Than Just Trees mod.
I wish someone would help, I have been trying for almost 3 weeks and this is best I got
Yes, I have seen the getLightValue, I wasnt sure how to set it up, because when I tried it just kept showing errors, and suggesting to make this change or that change. So I abandoned hope using that. I even read the javadoc for it and its kind of vague to me. I was hoping to use a update tick but everything I tried doing that has not worked correctly or failed completely. Thats why I asked here. Could you possibly show me an example using getLightValue? Or know a github repo source whos mod uses it that I can look at to see what I was missing or doing wrong? Forge docs just dont have enough examples of how to set things up....
So as the title states I have a flower that I wish to make glow at night and not during the day. I have made several attempts at this all ending in not working correctly. The code I have now will make it glow at night if placed at night, but continues to glow during the day. If placed during the day, it will not glow at night.... Here is the code I have now. public class BlockTwilightRose extends BlockFlower { public BlockTwilightRose(int i, int j) { super(i, j); this.setCreativeTab(Trees.tabTreeDeco); this.setTickRandomly(true); } public int getTextureSize() { return 128; } public String getTextureFile() { return "/microjunk/trees/common/aart/HD_flowers.png"; } /*public int tickRate() { return 10; }*/ public int onBlockPlaced(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, float par6, float par7, float par8, int par9) { if (!par1World.isRemote) { long var6 = par1World.getWorldTime(); if(par1World.getBlockLightValue_do(par2, par3, par4,true)<10.0F || (par1World.canBlockSeeTheSky(par2, par3, par4) && var6 > 12000)) { //var1.setBlockWithNotify(var2, var3, var4, blockID); this.setLightValue(1F); } else { //var1.setBlockWithNotify(var2, var3, var4, blockID); this.setLightValue(0F); } } return par9; } @Override public void updateTick(World var1, int var2, int var3, int var4, Random var5) { this.onBlockPlaced(var1, var2, var3, var4,0,0F,0F,0F,0); } //public void randomDisplayTick(World var1, int var2, int var3, int var4, Random var5) //{ // this.updateTick(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5); //} /** * Returns the quantity of items to drop on block destruction. */ public int quantityDropped(Random par1Random) { return 1; } /** * Returns the ID of the items to drop on destruction. */ public int idDropped(int par1, Random par2Random, int par3) { return Trees.twilightRose.blockID; } } Any help at all is appreciated, thanks