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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Try without modloader you shouldn't need it anyway forge does modloaders job now.
  2. Glad you have got it working
  3. These mods are using modloader MP which isn't compatible with minecraft forge ask the mod authors to update to forge. Modloader MP WandCraft BattleTowers Put_contents_in_minecraft.jarto_play.rar (whatever mod this is wants to be in jar but is also using modloader mp) rope+ Ruins TF2 Sentry TF2 Teleporter These mods are crashing for other reason, afew of them want to be in the jar which would probably make them incompatible with forge even if you installed them properly. As if they want to be in the jar they will probably replace base classes. I'm not sure whats causing some of the crashes, but it looks like you have made a mess of installing alot of these mods and not checked the requirements of the mods or even the install instructions. Other Crashes Acrobatics Mod BicBiomesCraft Blizzard CandyWinterGenesis CraftingPack Crossbow Mod Decor Mod InstantMassive Structures (looks like it wants to be installed in the jar) Minecraft+ Mo' Gems Structures mod More Stairs MultiCraft NetherRack (also looks like it wants to be in the jar) Snowy Cliff Staffs Biome Riches (again looks like it wants to be in jar) Walled City
  4. No problem have fun
  5. There is already a method for this... mod_XXX.java public void load(){ registerSleepHandler(new YourSleepHandler()); } YourSleepHandler.java public class YourSleepHandler implements ISleepHandler { public EnumStatus sleepInBedAt(EntityPlayer player, int X, int Y, int Z) { //What you want to happen when you should be sleeping. //if for whatever reason what you want to do fails //return null for it to continue normal sleep. } }
  6. I believe its something like this though i havn't tested it. public int getIconFromDamage(int i) { switch(i){ case 1: return 0; case 2: return 1; default: return 2; } } where the case is the damage value and the return value is corresponding place on the sprite sheet. EDIT: Ok yes that does work I have just tested it. If you can't get it to work here is the rest of the code. mod_XXX.java package net.minecraft.src; import net.minecraft.src.forge.*; public class mod_McMod extends BaseMod { public static final Item itemTest = new ItemTest(130); public mod_McMod(){ } @Override public String getVersion() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "0.0.1"; } @Override public void load() { //new ItemStack(itemTest, 1, 0) //itemTest is your item, 1 is stack size for init don't think this matters and 0 is damage value ModLoader.addName(new ItemStack(itemTest, 1, 0), "Item 1 Name"); ModLoader.addName(new ItemStack(itemTest, 1, 1), "Item 2 Name"); ModLoader.addName(new ItemStack(itemTest, 1, 2), "Item 2 Name"); ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(itemTest, 3, 0), new Object[] {"###", '#', Block.dirt}); ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(itemTest, 3, 1), new Object[] {"##", '#', Block.dirt}); ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(itemTest, 3, 2), new Object[] {"#", '#', Block.dirt}); MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture("items.png"); } } ItemTest.java package net.minecraft.src; public class McItemTest extends Item { public McItemTest(int par1) { super(par1); setHasSubtypes(true); setMaxDamage(0); } private String[] names = new String[]{"item1", "item2" , "item3"}; @Override public String getItemNameIS(ItemStack itemstack) { return names[itemstack.getItemDamage()]; } @Override public int getIconFromDamage(int i) { switch(i){ case 1: return 1; case 2: return 2; default: return 3; } } public String getTextureFile() { return "items.png"; } }
  7. That's a step forward at least then I guess, least if you need to add a wrench you can try and make it as compatible as possible. For reference if anyone looks the forestry wrench bit is in. forestry.api.core.ForestryApi and you use it by doing registerWrench(ItemStack); and it returns true if it has managed to register it and false if it doesn't.
  8. I know as far as forestry is concerned the API allows you to add a wrench of your own to be usable on the forestry engines, but honestly not a clue on buildcraft and such.
  9. like this in your mod_xxx class. /** * Override if you wish to provide a fuel item for the furnace and return the fuel value of the item * * @param id * @param metadata * @return */ public int addFuel(int id, int metadata) { return 0; } so if you had multiple fuels you could do it like this: public int addFuel(int id, int metadata) { switch(id) { case fuelitem.shiftedIndex: return 1600; //Same As Coal case fuelitem2.shiftedIndex: return 20000; //Same as lava default: return 0; } }
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