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Everything posted by Azarsra

  1. it turns out it is a problem when another mod, The problem is caused by terrablender.
  2. My fluid changes color depending on the biome, the same way water does. But I want it to stay the same color.
  3. Well, I got this working, thanks for trying to help though, how do I get my fluid to have water physics?, right now it does not push you. You can just sorta clip through it. Nevermind, I got the fluid fully working.
  4. Right now it only works with players but I want it to work with every entity. I achieved this same thing back in 1.7.10. so I'm not sure what changed in this version.
  5. Nevermind, I just made use of canHarvestBlock. Thanks everyone.
  6. Hey, how would I go about apply the enchanted effect?, also I don't want the armor to be enchanted I just want it to look enchanted when wearing it.
  7. Is there anyway I can make My own custom "needs_diamond_tool.json" but instead of diamond, It needs netherite?
  8. Thanks! I added it, but is there anyway I can Make it mineable with any tier higher than diamond?
  9. Thanks, I'll look into that later!
  10. Where is the vanilla leave LootTables located? also sorry for not responding sooner I was sick
  11. My block is mineable with diamond, but I only want it to be mineable with netherite, How should I go about doing this
  12. For example getInventory() is public, and at the beginning of your code, it says public, which means you can use it in other classes, but if you switch that to private, it will not be able to be used in other classes. I hope you understand that.
  13. @Hannos While I do Love helping people, diesieben07 is right, You Must atleast try to understand the Code I am telling you to use, That way You can Write code without having to post/look on forums just to get something to work
  14. public static final ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> LinaBlock = FeatureUtils.register("blockeeveelina", Feature.ORE.configured(new OreConfiguration(eeveelina_List, 10))); public static final PlacedFeature EeveelinaPlacement = PlacementUtils.register("blockeeveelina_placer_all", LinaBlock.placed(commonOrePlacement(15, HeightRangePlacement.triangle(VerticalAnchor.bottom(), VerticalAnchor.absolute(40)))));
  15. Found the problem, Turns out even though I changed The texture name to lower case, My computer for some reason would not update the name. So I just copied and pasted it, and for some reason, That updated The name to all lower case, why? I don't even know. Sorry for wasting your time, on this stupid little mistake.
  16. this is all i've found so far: Using missing texture, unable to load tutorialmod:textures/block/linaflower.png : java.io.FileNotFoundException: tutorialmod:textures/block/linaflower.png
  17. Glad I can help, and remember coding will always have set backs, the thing that makes coding special is a person's will to keep going until they succeed.
  18. If you're wonder the "inventory" method, says private, so it can only be used in the player class, I hope this helps anyone.
  19. Use "getinventory()" instead of "inventory" If you go in the player class, you will see that it say "public static" instead of "private" private can only be seen in one class, so use the "getInventory"
  20. here are the .json files Flower Json: { "parent": "minecraft:block/cross", "textures": { "cross": "tutorialmod:block/linaflower" } } FlowerPot Json: { "parent": "minecraft:block/flower_pot_cross", "textures": { "plant": "tutorialmod:block/linaflower" } } the model Json: { "parent": "item/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "tutorialmod:block/linaflower" } } Blockstates: { "variants": { "": { "model": "tutorialmod:block/linaflower" } } } { "variants": { "": { "model": "tutorialmod:block/potted_linaflower" } } } Registries: private void LinaClient(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) { ItemBlockRenderTypes.setRenderLayer(BlockInit.LinaFlower.get(), RenderType.cutout()); ItemBlockRenderTypes.setRenderLayer(BlockInit.PotLinaFlower.get(), RenderType.cutout()); } private void LinaSetup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) { event.enqueueWork(() ->{ ((FlowerPotBlock)Blocks.FLOWER_POT).addPlant(BlockInit.LinaFlower.getId(), BlockInit.PotLinaFlower); }); }
  21. Sorry for not responding sooner, Thanks for helping me, even though I was being a pain, I feel really stupid now, I'm just wondering how did I not come up with that earlier, It is working but instead of the smooth transition, it just poofs into daytime, but honestly I don't really care much, Thank you for helping me.
  22. yeah I figured That was One of the problems lol, I honestly forgot about it. But it shows in the code it self. Here you go: public static ServerLevel serverlevel() { ServerLevel server = serverlevel().getLevel(); return server; } also yes, I know how stupid this code is, but how would I go about accessing ServerLevel?
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