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Everything posted by Azarsra

  1. Nevermind. I found out how to do it on this version
  2. Back in 1.7.10 this was pretty easy to do. Do anyone know what's the best method to use here?
  3. Nvm, I got it to work, Thanks! for helping!.
  4. do you know if I can use the "setAggressive" method in the Mob class?. or will this not work?
  5. Okay thanks, I'll test this tomorrow, but for now I am going to bed.
  6. I just need to make the entities not attack the player just like creative, For context I am making a mod where you're a zombie, I already made it where you burn in the sunlight, I just need entities not to attack.
  7. I'm so sorry, The .Json files were the problem, I feel so stupid right now. Thanks for helping.
  8. Nevermind, I think the .json files are wrong, I'll check and see if that is the problem, if so, I am completely sorry for wasting your time
  9. The version I am using is: 1.18.2-40.1.0
  10. When I hover the crosshair over the glass, the glass pane outline appears, but it renders like a normal block, I tried translucent and cutoutMipped, non of these have worked.
  11. Found the problem, Turns out there is a json file called "animals_spawnable_on", and one called "wolves_spawnable_on", And that worked!
  12. So anyone have an Solution? The BIome is working fine and everything else, it is just getting my custom grass to be a valid spawn that is the problem. Also I probably should clarify that hostile mobs spawn, it is just creatures that don't spawn.
  13. here is the block class: public class linaglass extends IronBarsBlock { public linaglass(BlockBehaviour.Properties p_56839_) { super(p_56839_); this.registerDefaultState(this.stateDefinition.any().setValue(NORTH, Boolean.valueOf(false)).setValue(EAST, Boolean.valueOf(false)).setValue(SOUTH, Boolean.valueOf(false)).setValue(WEST, Boolean.valueOf(false)).setValue(WATERLOGGED, Boolean.valueOf(false))); } } and here is the how I registered the RenderType: private void LinaClient(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) { ItemBlockRenderTypes.setRenderLayer(BlockInit.blockeeveelinaglass.get(), RenderType.translucent()); }
  14. So I have a BIome with a custom block has the surface block, But entities do not spawn, I tried using the "valid_spawn.json", but that didn't work. Anyone knows how to fix this?.
  15. Thanks, By any chance do you know how to make it look like glass panes, right now it just renders like a normal block.
  16. How would I schedule the tick the tick to happen randomly?
  17. This code is working, I just want the tick to happen randomly, this is the tick code: public void tick(BlockState state, ServerLevel level, BlockPos pos, Random p_60465_) { if(!level.isClientSide) { if(level.getBlockState(pos.above()) != Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState()) { level.setBlock(pos, Blocks.DIRT.defaultBlockState(), 11); } Random ran = new Random(); int x = pos.getX(); int y = pos.getY(); int z = pos.getZ(); int i1 = x + ran.nextInt(3) - 1; int j1 = y + ran.nextInt(5) - 3; int k1 = z + ran.nextInt(3) - 1; if(level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(i1, j1, k1)) == Blocks.DIRT.defaultBlockState() && level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(i1, j1 + 1, k1)) == Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState()) { level.setBlock(new BlockPos(i1, j1, k1), BlockInit.LINAGRASS.get().defaultBlockState(), 11); } } }
  18. Just trying to make my custom grass block grow on dirt, did this back in 1.7.10, But can't seem to get the tick to happen in this version.
  19. it turns out it is a problem when another mod, The problem is caused by terrablender.
  20. My fluid changes color depending on the biome, the same way water does. But I want it to stay the same color.
  21. Well, I got this working, thanks for trying to help though, how do I get my fluid to have water physics?, right now it does not push you. You can just sorta clip through it. Nevermind, I got the fluid fully working.
  22. Right now it only works with players but I want it to work with every entity. I achieved this same thing back in 1.7.10. so I'm not sure what changed in this version.
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