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Everything posted by Tablock_

  1. I am not sure exactly what is causing this crash. It could be possible that you have too many mods and that is overwhelming your computer's memory, or some mods are conflicting with each other. The CurseForge app has a feature that allows you to disable mods. Open the profile of your modpack and you will see an option on the right-hand side to deactivate specific mods. I recommend disabling mods until the game runs. Then, slowly activate them until you find the mods causing the crash.
  2. Are you still getting an OutOfMemoryError? You may have to just remove random mods until the game stops crashing, and go from there. Or you can send me the new crash report and I can try to see what's wrong.
  3. I looked at the crash report again and it looks like the crash is occurring with a mod named "Xaero's World Map." You also have a mod installed called "Xaero's Minimap." Try removing one or both of these mods and see if it worked. If this is the problem, you can try using the JourneyMap mod instead, which is similar to Xaero's Minimap.
  4. You should try allocating more memory to Minecraft, hence the "OutOfMemoryError." If you are using the CurseForge app to make your server: Go to the homepage and click on the settings icon in the bottom left corner. Select "Minecraft" Scroll to the bottom of the page and increase the allocated memory by dragging the slider. If you are not using the CurseForge app: Open the Minecraft launcher Click on "Installations" Edit the installation containing your modded server. Click on "More Options" Look for the text field underneath "JVM Arguments" and paste the following: -Xmx"INSERT_MEMORY_HERE"G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M Replace "INSERT_MEMORY_HERE" with your desired amount of memory to allocate (including the quotations). Try to double or triple the previous amount of memory first. Adding too much memory may cause issues as well. If this does not work, you may have mods that are conflicting with one another.
  5. I would like to create blocks that switch between different models without using block states. I am creating a mod that improves the speed of redstone, and limiting block updates and placements is crucial for large redstone contraptions. Block states require an entirely new block to be placed to function, which I want to avoid. I have developed a method that determines what model I want to render for each particular block via a HashMap. The problem I am having is rendering these models as they change. Imagine a lever connected to a redstone lamp using 5 redstone dust. After flipping the lever, I wish to change the models of each redstone dust and lamp without using block states. A redstone contraption with thousands of redstone dust, torches, etc. will cause lag and may approach the block update limit. Is there a way to do this? It does not matter whether it is possible client-side only or not. The compass item can switch between models, and I was wondering if this is also possible with blocks. If it's impossible, I will resort to block states, only updating the blocks close to the player.
  6. I am creating a custom block by extending the 'Block' class and noticed that many of the methods inside this class are depreciated. For example, 'getShape,' 'canSurvive,' 'use,' and many others are depreciated. Many of these methods are very useful for me. However, I am hesitant to use them because of their depreciated status. Are there alternative ways to accomplish what these methods do? Also, if there is documentation on various alternatives that would be greatly helpful.
  7. I am creating a custom block by extending the 'Block' class and noticed that many of the methods inside this class are depreciated. For example, 'getShape,' 'canSurvive,' 'use,' and many others are depreciated. Many of these methods are very useful for me. However, I am hesitant to use them because of their depreciated status. Are there alternative ways to accomplish what these methods do? Also, if there is documentation on various alternatives that would be greatly helpful.
  8. Thank you so much! That was exactly what I was looking for. This is going to make my life so much easier.
  9. I'm not sure how to explain what I'm having a problem with if you couldn't tell by the title, so I will just give an example. The following is in the Block class. public void fallOn(Level p_152426_, BlockState p_152427_, BlockPos p_152428_, Entity p_152429_, float p_152430_) { p_152429_.causeFallDamage(p_152430_, 1.0F, DamageSource.FALL); } All of the parameters are named starting with the letter 'p' then a sequence of numbers. I heard that there is a way to fix this, but I don't know how. Do you know?
  10. This is not true, Class$forName has nothing to do with the way I registered things. It has to do with the fact that I did not call DeferredRegister$register in the ID class. I could have also made the DeferredRegister fields private in the ID class. Anyway, thank you for answering all of my questions and giving me all of your help.
  11. Got it, its changed now. This was to load the ID class so that all of those static fields were initialized before I called DeferredRegister$register(IEventBus bus). I removed that now and replaced it with a new method I created: ID$init(). This did it! But I have a couple questions on why this works. Why do I need to check if its server side? Isn't it already server side only? What exactly is ServerPlayer? I see that it extends Player, but what's the difference? Is ClientboundSetPassengersPacket telling the client that the entity is riding the player? Thanks as always.
  12. That makes sense. I did that and the Carrier entity renders correctly with no error now. However, entities still do not ride the player correctly after being hit with the Carrier projectile. Again, the server knows that the entity is riding the player, but the client is clueless. I created a github repository, here it is: https://github.com/Tablocked/MyFirstMod. Hopefully you can see it with no issues. I set up my entity renderer in a class named Client. I already showed you every other class that you should need.
  13. I have tried to follow what you have asked of me, but I get this error: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRenderer.shouldRender(net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity, net.minecraft.client.renderer.culling.Frustum, double, double, double)" because "entityrenderer" is null I have registered a new entity like so: public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<Carrier>> CARRIER = ENTITIES.register("entity_carrier", () -> EntityType.Builder.<Carrier>of(Carrier::new, MobCategory.MISC).sized(0.25F, 0.25F).clientTrackingRange(4).updateInterval(10).build("entity_carrier")); Please disregard how messy this is. I would like to get it working first. This is my custom entity class: public class Carrier extends ThrowableItemProjectile { public Carrier(EntityType<Carrier> entityType, Level level) { super(entityType, level); } public Carrier(Level level) { super(Main.CARRIER.get(), level); } @Override public Packet<?> getAddEntityPacket() { return NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this); } @Override protected void onHitEntity(EntityHitResult entityHitResult) { entityHitResult.getEntity().startRiding(getOwner()); } @Override protected Item getDefaultItem() { return ID.ENTITY_CARRIER.getItem(); } } And if you need it, my item class: public class EntityCarrier extends Item { public EntityCarrier() { super(ID.newItemProperties()); } @Override public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use(Level level, Player player, InteractionHand interactionHand) { ItemStack itemStack = player.getItemInHand(interactionHand); player.playSound(SoundEvents.BONE_BLOCK_PLACE, 0.5F, 0.4F / (level.getRandom().nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F)); if(!level.isClientSide) { Carrier carrier = new Carrier(level); carrier.setItem(itemStack); carrier.shootFromRotation(player, player.getXRot(), player.getYRot(), 0.0F, 1.5F, 1.0F); level.addFreshEntity(carrier); } return InteractionResultHolder.consume(itemStack); } } My entries will be in the same class and be private. I am trying to get it working first then clean up. No I didn't handle getOwner() yet. I also didn't make a git repo yet, I understand how much easier that will make this. I will try to set it up before you hear back from me.
  14. I do not have a git repo, unfortunately. That is a good idea though, I will be creating one in the future. But since I'm running low on time at the moment I will give you it here directly. Note that ID$newItemProperties() just returns new Item.Properties().tab(Main.MOD_TAB). public class EntityCarrier extends Item { public EntityCarrier() { super(ID.newItemProperties()); } @Override public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use(Level level, Player player, InteractionHand interactionHand) { ItemStack itemStack = player.getItemInHand(interactionHand); player.playSound(SoundEvents.BONE_BLOCK_PLACE, 0.5F, 0.4F / (level.getRandom().nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F)); if(!level.isClientSide) { Carrier carrier = new Carrier(level, player); carrier.setItem(itemStack); carrier.shootFromRotation(player, player.getXRot(), player.getYRot(), 0.0F, 1.5F, 1.0F); level.addFreshEntity(carrier); } return InteractionResultHolder.consume(itemStack); } } public class Carrier extends Snowball { public Carrier(Level level, LivingEntity player) { super(level, player); } @Override protected void onHitEntity(EntityHitResult entityHitResult) { entityHitResult.getEntity().startRiding(getOwner()); } } And if you need it, this is how I am registering EntityCarrier: public static final RegistryObject<Item> ENTITY_CARRIER = Main.ITEMS.register("entity_carrier", () -> new EntityCarrier()); Do you think this isn't working because I need to create my own entity type? I'm stumped. If you would like anything else please let me know.
  15. Ok that makes a lot more sense, thank you. I really appreciated your help.
  16. Got it Ok, I want an entity that comes in contact with the projectile to ride the player. I do this by calling entityHitResult.getEntity().startRiding(getOwner()) (assume getOwner() is handled). But when I run the game, only the server believes that the entity is riding the player. I know this because the entity still appears in the same location when hit, but its drops spawn above the player's head when killed. I must somehow tell the client that the entity is riding the player too.
  17. I am doing it this way to save code and reduce repetition. Each value in the ID enum represents a unique namespace and contains variables that stores the RegistryObject of the block, item, block enitity, etc. These variables can be null. Moreover, if I want to add an item under the namespace "test_item", all I have to do is add one line to the ID enum: TEST_ITEM(new Register().item()). At this point, the other registry types are self-explanatory, .block() registers a block, .blockEntity() registers a block entity. There are many variants of these methods that you can see in the Registry class I created. The code is very long, I understand, but I would like to have a variable for each registry type (item, block, etc) so I can refer to them later. Having to manually create these variables especially when each declaration is very similar is tedious and annoying. I am not sure what you mean by this. I was asking you why it is not ok to do the following: public static final Item ITEM = new Item(newItemProperties()); public static final RegistryObject<Item> TEST_ITEM = ITEMS.register("test_item", () -> ITEM); I thought it was because whenever Supplier$get() is called it should be creating a new instance of the Item class, not reusing the same item object. But why would this be a problem? From my understanding, the game uses the same instance from Item class for every item of the same type. BlockEntities, however, have unique instances of the BlockEntity class for every block entity.
  18. Here is my revised class. I am using registry objects to access my items and blocks. See the bottom of the class with all of the accessor methods. Also one question, why is it not ok to supply the Item constructor indirectly? I thought maybe because the game should be creating a new item object instead of reusing the same one. However, doesn't blocks and items use the same object anyway? I thought block entities created their own unique objects, that's why they can cause lag. public enum ID { STEELSTONE(new Register().item()), CARBON(new Register().item()), STEEL_BLEND(new Register().item()), STEEL_INGOT(new Register().item()), RAW_BISMUTH(new Register().item()), BISMUTH_INGOT(new Register().item()), BISMUTH_NUGGET(new Register().item()), XYLUTH_INGOT(new Register().item()), SPECIAL_PICKAXE(new Register().object(Item.class, () -> new PickaxeItem(Main.SPECIAL_TIER, 1, -2.8F, newItemProperties()))), BIOME_FINDER(new Register().object(Item.class, () -> new BiomeFinder(newItemProperties()))), MACHINE_CASING(new Register().block(Blocks.IRON_BLOCK).blockItem()), BISMUTH_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.IRON_ORE).blockItem()), DEEPSLATE_BISMUTH_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.DEEPSLATE_IRON_ORE).blockItem()), XYLITE_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.NETHER_GOLD_ORE).blockItem()), KRYPTOPHYTE_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.OBSIDIAN).blockItem()), MACHINE_BLOCK(new Register().block().blockItem()), BISMUTH_GENERATOR(new Register().block().blockItem().blockEntity()); public static final Named<Item> BISMUTH_ORES = ItemTags.bind(Main.MOD_ID + ":bismuth_ores"); public static final Named<Block> NEEDS_SPECIAL_TOOL = BlockTags.bind(Main.MOD_ID + ":needs_special_tool"); private String name = this.toString().toLowerCase(); private RegistryObject<Block> block; private RegistryObject<Item> item; private RegistryObject<BlockEntityType<?>> blockEntityType; private ID(Register registry) { registry.register(this); } private static class Register { private HashMap<Class<?>, Supplier<Object>> supplierMap = new HashMap<>(); private ID id; private void register(ID id) { this.id = id; for(Object key : supplierMap.keySet()) { Supplier<Object> supplier = supplierMap.get(key); if(key.equals(Item.class)) { id.item = Main.ITEMS.register(id.name, () -> (Item) supplier.get()); } if(key.equals(Block.class)) { id.block = Main.BLOCKS.register(id.name, () -> (Block) supplier.get()); } if(key.equals(BlockEntityType.class)) { id.blockEntityType = Main.BLOCK_ENTITIES.register(id.name, () -> (BlockEntityType<?>) supplier.get()); } } } private Register object(Class<?> type, Supplier<Object> supplier) { supplierMap.put(type, supplier); return this; } private Register item(Item.Properties itemProperties) { return object(Item.class, () -> new Item(itemProperties)); } private Register item() { return item(newItemProperties()); } private Register block(BlockBehaviour.Properties blockProperties) { return object(Block.class, () -> new Block(blockProperties)); } private Register block(Block blockToCopy) { return block(BlockBehaviour.Properties.copy(blockToCopy)); } private Register block() { return object(Block.class, () -> createInstance("")); } private Register blockItem(Item.Properties itemProperties) { return object(Item.class, () -> new BlockItem(id.block.get(), itemProperties)); } private Register blockItem() { return blockItem(newItemProperties()); } private Register blockEntity() { return object(BlockEntityType.class, () -> BlockEntityType.Builder.of(this::createBlockEntity, id.block.get()).build(null)); } private Object createInstance(String childClassName, Object... initargs) { String blockClassName = "com.tablock.my_first_mod.block." + WordUtils.capitalize(id.name.replace('_', ' ')).replace(" ", ""); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[initargs.length]; for(int index = 0; index < initargs.length; index++) { parameterTypes[index] = initargs[index].getClass(); } try { return Class.forName(blockClassName + childClassName).getConstructor(parameterTypes).newInstance(initargs); } catch(Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private BlockEntity createBlockEntity(BlockPos blockPos, BlockState blockState) { return (BlockEntity) createInstance("$BlockEntityChild", blockPos, blockState); } } private static Item.Properties newItemProperties() { return new Item.Properties().tab(Main.MOD_TAB); } public String getName() { return name; } public Block getBlock() { return block.get(); } public Item getItem() { return item.get(); } public BlockEntityType<?> getBlockEntityType() { return blockEntityType.get(); } }
  19. I see what you are saying, but I may have found a solution that better fits me: private static final Supplier<Object> supplier = () -> new Item(newItemProperties()); private static final RegistryObject<Item> item = Main.ITEMS.register("test_item", () -> (Item) supplier.get()); Is the above code valid? The Item constructor should not be called until it is already passed into the DeferredRegister. I am not entirely sure if this is valid due to their being an Item cast. If the code above isn't valid, is this? private static final Supplier<Item> supplier = () -> new Item(newItemProperties()); private static final RegistryObject<Item> item = Main.ITEMS.register("test_item", supplier);
  20. Ok, I didn't think about how that variable caused a memory leak. I used getOwner() instead but get the same result. public class Carrier extends Snowball { public Carrier(Level level, LivingEntity player) { super(level, player); } @Override protected void onHitEntity(EntityHitResult entityHitResult) { getOwner().playSound(SoundEvents.BREWING_STAND_BREW, 0.5F, 0.4F / (level.getRandom().nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F)); entityHitResult.getEntity().startRiding(getOwner()); } } EDIT: I meant to say server side only in my previous message
  21. Ok I understand, but how might I pass the Item constructor directly and have an Item variable that refers to the same item? I have tried using the ObjectHolder annotation, but I dislike having to have a variable for each type (i.e. item, block, block entity, etc). Since I am storing all of my registry types inside individual objects that represent a specific namespace, I can't use ObjectHolder because it requires a static initializer. Basically, I want to remove the hassle of manually creating a variable every time I need to register a new type. I don't want to have two variables, one a Block and the other an Item, just to represent the same namespace. If this is impossible then I will just use ObjectHolder and put my register types into corresponding classes, one class holding all my items, another my blocks, etc.
  22. I am trying to make any LivingEntity that collides with a custom projectile ride the player. However after some testing, Projectile$onHitEntity(EntityHitResult entityHitResult) is client-side only, and both the client and the server need to be notified that an entity is riding another. Is there a way to comminate to the server? public class Carrier extends Snowball { private LivingEntity player; public Carrier(Level level, LivingEntity player) { super(level, player); this.player = player; } @Override protected void onHitEntity(EntityHitResult entityHitResult) { //client-side only entityHitResult.getEntity().startRiding(player); } }
  23. I am using DeferredRegister. I am initializing them in my Main class and calling DefferedRegister$register(IEventBus bus): public static final String MOD_ID = "my_first_mod"; public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, Main.MOD_ID); public static final DeferredRegister<Block> BLOCKS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS, Main.MOD_ID); public static final DeferredRegister<BlockEntityType<?>> BLOCK_ENTITIES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.BLOCK_ENTITIES, Main.MOD_ID); public static final DeferredRegister<MenuType<?>> CONTAINERS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.CONTAINERS, Main.MOD_ID); public static final IEventBus BUS = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus(); public Main() throws ClassNotFoundException { Class.forName("com.tablock." + MOD_ID + ".setup.ID"); //loads the ID class from before ITEMS.register(BUS); BLOCKS.register(BUS); BLOCK_ENTITIES.register(BUS); CONTAINERS.register(BUS); TierSortingRegistry.registerTier(Main.SPECIAL_TIER, new ResourceLocation("special"), List.of(new ResourceLocation("netherite")), List.of()); DistExecutor.unsafeRunWhenOn(Dist.CLIENT, () -> () -> BUS.addListener(Client::init)); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); }
  24. I would like any feedback on what I have done for registering my items and blocks. I used an enum to organize all of the different namespaces or id's. Each namespace then contains the types of objects that are registered to them. Examples: "steelstone" stores an item only while "bismuth_ore" contains a block and an item. You can tell which namespaces contain what by looking at where they are defined in the ID class. I created a sub-class called Register that I use to define my namespaces. The methods inside this subclass do the registering, but only once I pass an instance of the Register class into one of my namespaces. Feel free to understand how it works, but the important thing I would like feedback on is if this is a valid way to approach registration, or that I just overcomplicated it. public enum ID { STEELSTONE(new Register().item()), CARBON(new Register().item()), STEEL_BLEND(new Register().item()), STEEL_INGOT(new Register().item()), RAW_BISMUTH(new Register().item()), BISMUTH_INGOT(new Register().item()), BISMUTH_NUGGET(new Register().item()), XYLUTH_INGOT(new Register().item()), SPECIAL_PICKAXE(new Register().object(new PickaxeItem(Main.SPECIAL_TIER, 1, -2.8F, newItemProperties()))), MACHINE_CASING(new Register().block(Blocks.IRON_BLOCK).blockItem()), BISMUTH_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.IRON_ORE).blockItem()), DEEPSLATE_BISMUTH_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.DEEPSLATE_IRON_ORE).blockItem()), XYLITE_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.NETHER_GOLD_ORE).blockItem()), KRYPTOPHYTE_ORE(new Register().block(Blocks.OBSIDIAN).blockItem()), MACHINE_BLOCK(new Register().block().blockItem()), BISMUTH_GENERATOR(new Register().block().blockItem().blockEntity()); //Feel free to understand how this works below. Otherwise the methods .block() registers a block using the corresponding namespace, .item() registers item, etc. Keep in mind I frequently used method overloading. public static final Named<Item> BISMUTH_ORES = ItemTags.bind(Main.MOD_ID + ":bismuth_ores"); public static final Named<Block> NEEDS_SPECIAL_TOOL = BlockTags.bind(Main.MOD_ID + ":needs_special_tool"); private String name = this.toString().toLowerCase(); private Block block; private Item item; private BlockEntityType<?> blockEntityType; private ID(Register registry) { registry.register(this);; } private static class Register { private List<Supplier<Object>> suppliers = new ArrayList<Supplier<Object>>(); private ID id; private void register(ID id) { this.id = id; for(Supplier<Object> supplier : suppliers) { Object object = supplier.get(); if(object instanceof Item) { id.item = (Item) object; Main.ITEMS.register(id.name, () -> id.item); } if(object instanceof Block) { id.block = (Block) object; Main.BLOCKS.register(id.name, () -> id.block); } if(object instanceof BlockEntityType<?>) { id.blockEntityType = (BlockEntityType<?>) object; Main.BLOCK_ENTITIES.register(id.name, () -> id.blockEntityType); } } } private Register object(Object object) { suppliers.add(() -> object); return this; } private Register item(Item.Properties itemProperties) { return object(new Item(itemProperties)); } private Register item() { return item(newItemProperties()); } private Register block(BlockBehaviour.Properties blockProperties) { return object(new Block(blockProperties)); } private Register block(Block blockToCopy) { return block(BlockBehaviour.Properties.copy(blockToCopy)); } private Register block() { suppliers.add(() -> createInstance("")); return this; } private Register blockItem(Item.Properties itemProperties) { suppliers.add(() -> new BlockItem(id.block, itemProperties)); return this; } private Register blockItem() { return blockItem(newItemProperties()); } private Register blockEntity() { suppliers.add(() -> BlockEntityType.Builder.of(this::createBlockEntity, id.block).build(null)); return this; } private Object createInstance(String childClassName, Object... initargs) { String blockClassName = "com.tablock.my_first_mod.block." + WordUtils.capitalize(id.name.replace('_', ' ')).replaceAll(" ", ""); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[initargs.length]; for(int index = 0; index < initargs.length; index++) { parameterTypes[index] = initargs[index].getClass(); } try { return Class.forName(blockClassName + childClassName).getConstructor(parameterTypes).newInstance(initargs); } catch(Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private BlockEntity createBlockEntity(BlockPos blockPos, BlockState blockState) { return (BlockEntity) createInstance("$BlockEntityChild", blockPos, blockState); } } private static Item.Properties newItemProperties() { return new Item.Properties().tab(Main.MOD_TAB); } public String getName() { return name; } public Block getBlock() { return block; } public Item getItem() { return item; } public BlockEntityType<?> getBlockEntityType() { return blockEntityType; } }
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