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Everything posted by senjmam

  1. Sorry... i am realy stupid! Do not write code on a sleepy head, and learn English if you do not speak it perfectly screenshot - IT IS WORKING YES!!! - https://pastenow.ru/GPQVV final code @Override public void appendHoverText(ItemStack itemstack, Level world, List<Component> list, TooltipFlag flag) { super.appendHoverText(itemstack, world, list, flag); list.add(new TextComponent("cobblestone in stack:")); list.add(new TextComponent(String.valueOf(itemstack.getCount() * 9))); }
  2. =//= ItemStack ITEMFROMTOOLTIP = !?!? String count = String.valueOf(ItemStack.ITEMFROMTOOLTIP.getCount()); =//=
  3. oeky How get count from tooltip? Where i can see this? no (i have getCount method)- may be - how get tooltip to getCount
  4. I didn't find what I need in ItemStack tolltip -> getTooltipImage() and getTooltipLines() but that's not what I need but - getCount() - what i need How I can get itemstackfrom tolltip? May be events?
  5. public class compressed_cobblestone extends BlockItem { public compressed_cobblestone(){ super( blocks.COMPRESSED_COBBLESTONE.get(), new Properties().tab(BLOCKSTAB) ); } @Override public void appendHoverText(ItemStack itemstack, Level world, List<Component> list, TooltipFlag flag) { super.appendHoverText(itemstack, world, list, flag); list.add(new TextComponent("cobblestone in stack:")); String count = String.valueOf( /*here method of getting count in stack*/ * 9); // PROBLEM HERE PROBLEM HERE PROBLEM HERE list.add(new TextComponent(" "/* 4 spaces*/ + count)); } } Hi everyone!!! how to get the number of blocks (items) in the stack and display them in lore? I need to make it so that when I hover over a stack with items in the inventory, the number of items in this stack is written and multiplied nine times.
  6. I Changed JAVA_HOME, but this do not solved ./gradlew --version But i deleted JRE 8 and installed JRE17 = problem with --version disappeared In my Linux I found it at /home/$USER$/.gradle/caches/forge_gradle/ and deleted it I'll probably remember this Thank you for help!
  7. I am stupid? I did not have JRE 17, gradlew automatically pulled up JRE 8, which was. But the problems didn't go away
  8. Hey everyone! I Try to modding on 1.18.2 - Forge MDK 1.18.2 - 40.0.52. Modding on IntelliJ IDEA I Opened this MDK in IntelliJ, and saw some problems Screenshots- 1) Caused by: java.util.zip.ZipException: zip END header not found ( https://pastenow.ru/GOYIB ) 2) https://pastenow.ru/dc218a519a81c436df52e5713fef572c Okey, I checked java version and saw that 1) in IntelliJ is using JDK 17 (which is requred) ( https://pastenow.ru/GOYKU ) ( https://pastenow.ru/GOYLN ) 2) ./gradlew --version (JVM 1.8.0_322) ( https://pastenow.ru/GOYK9 ) and my questions 1) why in ./gradlew uses java 1.8? 2) how I can change ./gradlew java version 3) how I can solve another problems (on first and second screenshots)? (PS I have experience in java on school level) (PPS I checked another topic and did not see a similar problem [with java version]) thx
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