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  1. Hi, isn't this a bit outdated? I haven't seen people use proxies in a while. Additionaly, is there a way for me to register my ores only if no ore dictionary matches were found?
  2. Hi I was trying to mod in 1.7 recently, and after 30 min. of trying to understand why this doesn't work: I found that copying it into PreInit will fix it. So the question is: Is there a) A way to know what to put where. b) A convention, on what order to do stuff in. c) A basic patter of why some things go in certain places. Ehhh, as far as I remember there used ti be no hardcoded limitaions on Init, PreInit and PostInit.
  3. If you are referring to ~ as my "forge" folder, then the problem is not solved yet, because I don't have a caches folder in .gradle!
  4. Up! I am having the same problem.
  5. http://pastebin.com/gKZGFUmR I put a brand new forge in an empty folder. Then I ran cmd and cd to my folder, Then gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and the build failed.
  6. So what are you saying is that we have those neat and self-explanatory names in MCP, just to NOT use them and instead use func_####_ methods, so that our code is messy and unreadable? Yeah, I am feeling that I got something wrong.
  7. Okay, I think that build/unpacked/src/main is the minecraft decompiled, but I want it available as a source (with a neat ability to open files as folders, if you know what I mean, instead of folders upon folders of .Java files) Is that possible?
  8. I am sorry I am having the same problem, did gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, did gradlew eclipse, still no decomp minecraft. Can you clarify, what to do? Please
  9. Thank you, that helped.
  10. I am running forge 964, I did what you said, but nothing changed, maybe I am doing it wrong? Here is the console: http://pastebin.com/gJv00ZkG P.S. I am not sure, what you meen by "setup".
  11. Hello, I installed brand new Forge and Eclipse and Gradle support for Eclipse, following the instructions in the "[TUTORIAL] Getting Started with ForgeGradle". After launching Eclipse and importing the workspace from forge, my Eclipse threw 9 errors and the minecraft client won't launch. http://pastebin.com/hcn1TCAU Solution: Okay, so you need to run 'gradlew eclipse --refresh-dependencies'
  12. I may be horribly wrong, cause I'm new to modding, but it seems to me that you should run otherLoads() before gameRegisters() in load() ?
  13. I may be horribly wrong, cause I'm new to modding, but it seems to me that you should run otherLoads() before gameRegisters() in load() ?
  14. Uppedy Up Up
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