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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Checl you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  2. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  3. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  4. Graphics driver issue. If you really did try what is suggested in the FAQ then you need to contact AMD or your computer manufacturer/supplier to ask for help. Or try a specialised forum about graphic driver problems. e.g. https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/windows-update-may-have-automatically-replaced-your-amd-graphics/td-p/608958
  5. Is your mod really called minecraft? You are asking for help. How can we validate that statement? This kind of attitude makes your question unanswerable. Post something that reproduces your problem on github.
  6. Read the FAQ. Particularly the part about fixing graphics drivers.
  7. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author. NOTE: Minecraft 1.16 is no longer supported in this forum.
  8. It doubt it was removed? Like other classes they now use the official Mojang mapping name instead of the old forge invented one. https://gist.github.com/50ap5ud5/beebcf056cbdd3c922cc8993689428f4#full-migration-to-mojang-mappings
  9. Techniques that are used to write bots and cheats are not supported in this forum. It does not matter if you (claim) you are not actually writing cheats.
  10. Looks like some issue with "dynamic asset generator"?
  11. This is a repost of your question here: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125766-forge-server-running-fine-for-a-few-minutes-then-server-freezes/#comment-542153 The only new information is that we can see what it was doing when it crashed. Which is processing some commands from a datapack/mod. I mentioned in your post that there were broken commands in one of your mods (upgradedmobs). The new log also shows it running out of memory while loading a chunk: I also mentioned on your other thread that you had chunk loading errors. I take it since the rest looks unchanged, you never experimented with removing mods to try to find which one might be causing the problem(s)?
  12. That still shows rubidium and rubidium extras along with other client side only mods - oculus, not enough animations, etc. and related mods. There are probably others. You need to go through your mods and remove the client side only ones from the server.
  13. Please don't post logs in the forum, use a file upload site. That's also not the debug.log so I can't tell you which mod is really causing the problem. Something is trying to load client classes on the server. Guess: Remove all the broken client side only mods like rubidium, oculus, optifine, etc. from the server. You don't want or need them there.
  14. Looks like you are missing the moonlight mod?
  15. Do you mean this? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/ab70bde1d648125acee073a93a25d4b8f08985c9/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/gui/overlay/VanillaGuiOverlay.java#L173 You match something like this (I don't remember the exact code) if (event.getOverlay() == VanillaGuiOverlay.TITLE_TEXT.type) { // Do stuff } The title itself is a protected field on the object Minecraft.getInstance().gui So you will either need to use reflection to access it or use an AccessTransformer to make it public: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Access_Transformers I would also guess you want to listen for the event: You are currently listening on both Pre And Post. Post is not cancellable and too late for what you are doing anyway.
  16. Don't post logs in the forums, use a file upload site. Read the FAQ at the top of the forum about fixing broken graphics drivers.
  17. That is not the debug.log Remove all the broken client side only mods like rubidium, oculus, optifine, etc. you don't want or need on the server.
  18. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  19. Read the FAQ at the top forum. Particularly the part about fixing graphics drivers.
  20. You can't use any of forge's config system during mod construction. Read the lnks I posted above. If you want that you will need to write your own config system. But conditionally registering blocks and items is a very bad idea, Not least because there is no way to synchronize such configuration between client and server. The client will have already decided whether to create blocks/items long before it connects to the server. The client could also switch to another server running the same mod but with different config, i.e. different blocks and items. Such things are not supportable by minecraft. Instead you should unconditionally register all blocks and items and then use other mechanisms to decide what is accessible. e.g. conditionally registering recipes. https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/resources/server/conditional/ Use search in this forum for many other discussions on this topic.
  21. If you contine to post code snippets out of context, I will just ignore you. Post a working example that reproduces your problem on github. NOTE: You won't be able to use get() on a server config until a save is loaded. Those configs are world specific. Even normal configs are not accessible until FMLClient/CommonSetup: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Stages_of_Modloading
  22. Add some actual configuration options to your config. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Configs
  23. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  24. The same as any other block with an item. Your BlockItem constructor should forward the "Block" parameter to the BlockItem superclass constructor. Minecraft will do the rest of the book keeping to tie them together. See BedItem or any other subclass of BlockItem If you want to understand how it really works ,see BlockItem.registerBlocks() and follow the rabbit hole.
  25. That error suggests you have a mod that is not for Minecraft 1.19.4 since that class was removed in that version. And so do this, since Registries was renamed to RegistrarManager in architectury for 1.19.4 https://github.com/architectury/architectury-api/pull/354 Whatever is crashing is doing so without logging the error in the forge log. And it is doing it before the crash reporting has been setup. If an error is recorded, you will likely find it in the launcher_log.txt, see my footer for how to find it. Also, please don't post logs in the forum, use a file upload site.
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