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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Some conflict between yamamoveset and epicfight. Check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors.
  2. https://github.com/VazkiiMods/Quark/issues/4196 https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/quark/files/4551115 - supposed to be fixed in the latest version
  3. Curseforge says that mod is no longer maintained. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rubidium-toolkit
  4. You don't set the bounding box directly - unless you have your own custom move() implementation. Like entities you set the position, velocity and size and the bounding box is recalculated for you as it moves or you manually change its parameters. See Particle.tick(), move(), setSize(), etc. for how it works. It's hard to say what your problem is without having all the information. Don't post incomplete snippets of code in the forum, put a simple project on github that reproduces your problem. I would guess (I shouldn't have to guess) it is that 2x quadsize since that is only used for rendering? While as I said above, it is the size (which proxies through to the min/max of the bounding box) that is used to (re)calculate the bounding box for collisions.
  5. Code for 1.18.2 that registers a BlockTag LootItemCondition. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113816-1182-method-for-iterating-over-blocks-belonging-to-a-tag/#comment-505993 It should be the same for 1.19 except If you use the most recent versions of minecraft the ResourceKey is in the Registries class instead of Registry.
  6. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/alexs-mobs/files/3785937 alexmobs-1.18.2 is for minecraft 1.18.1 according curseforge.
  7. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820 That means the mod wants forge 36 to 39, i.e. minecraft 1.16.5 to 1.18.1 While you have forge 40 or minecraft 1.18.2
  8. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820
  9. Your log says they are not the same. Are you sure you are connecting to the right server?
  10. It's not something I know a lot about. This link tries to explain the change in 1.18: https://github.com/TheForsakenFurby/Surface-Rules-Guide-Minecraft-JE-1.18/blob/main/Guide.md Here's the vanilla overworld config (for the latest 1.20 snapshot at time of writing): https://github.com/misode/mcmeta/blob/9d422bf8fe4824657260721682e5527ef608ce67/data/minecraft/worldgen/noise_settings/overworld.json#LL386C2-L386C2 From what I understand, they are only available when the chunk generator uses the NoiseGenerationSettings and only to carvers. So you shouldn't really rely on them being available. e.g. if somebody changes their overworld to "flat" you won't have any data. The way mojang do this kind of thing is to have different structures based on the biome. e.g. see the different villages. https://github.com/misode/mcmeta/tree/data/data/minecraft/structures/village If you still want to try to figue out how to get hold of the data, I would start with NoisedBasedChunkGenerator.topMaterial() but notice that method is deprecated in 1.18.2 and doesn't exist in 1.19.4 (the CarvingContext and SurfaceSystem methods still exist but are also deprecated).
  11. This is a support forum. We don't teach you how to write mods. You need to write your mod for yourself then come back with questions when it doesn't work as expected (after you have tried to figure it for yourself). Post a project on github that reproduces your problem when asking questions.
  12. Override shouldRender() for your renderer to check that flag. The vanilla arrow renderers don't check it.
  13. Use java 17 https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122698-forge-1182-server-wont-load-up-with-dawncraft/?do=findComment&comment=533997
  14. Broken config file. If yout don't have a backup, delete the file and it will be recreated with default values.
  15. One of your mods is trying to load a client side class. The error does not say which one. The logs/debug.log might have more information?
  16. Same issue with terrablender Usually if a configuration is broken, you can just delete it and it will recreate the file with default values.
  17. Looks like some issue with not enough crashes configuration file? Contact the mod author for help.
  18. There is no real error in that log. Post the launcher_log.txt There is a lot of this But that doesn't look to be the cause the crash?
  19. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123710-minecraft-1194-forge-crash/#comment-537530
  20. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/119273-cant-download-forge-it-says-error/?do=findComment&comment=523804
  21. Try a mod like https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spark Read their documentation/wiki for how to use it. If you want help here, you need to post your logs/debug.log
  22. That log doesn't show you starting forge. If you are posting the launcher_log.txt you need to do it directly after the crash. Restarting the launcher will clear the log. You should normally post the logs/debug.log
  23. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/117960-1192-trying-to-give-player-creative-flight-in-survival-mode/?do=findComment&comment=519089
  24. minecraft:pig usually means a mod is not registering one of its entities properly. The logs/debug.log might have more information?
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