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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Run windows powershell as adminstrator, then type the following command netstat -abn a = all b = show the program n = show ports as a number Then locate the entry that is LISTENING on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:65535 (in the local address column) Beneath that it will show the service/executable name that is running on that port.
  2. Not really my area of expertise. But usually if you hit the limits of what json models can do then you change your block to a BlockEntity and write your own BlockEntityRenderer to draw what you want. e.g. the vanilla banner could be normal block, but then it wouldn't wave in the wind.
  3. The rubidium mod is trying to use graphics on the server. This is a bug in that mod. But you don't need this mod on the server.
  4. Same error, different file. If it happens again after you fix that file. Look at the error message in the crash report to identify which file is broken.
  5. It cannot open that file because your current user doesn't have the operating system permission. There are similar messages with other files. You need to fix the file permissions in your minecraft folder.
  6. Textures are determined by the block model. Block models are selected in your blockstates.json based on the block's Property(s) in your BlockState. Which BlockState is used is decided by you. e.g. see the how LIT property is used by RedstoneLampBlock
  7. 7.2.9 is world edit for 1.18.1, you have 1.18.2 https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit/files
  8. Your config/forge-client.toml is corrupted. Delete it and it will be recreated with default values.
  9. Datapacks are not loaded during datagen. Datagen is where you generate them. 🙂
  10. https://johann.loefflmann.net/en/software/jarfix/index.html
  11. Forge added support for this in 1.19 (search for rendering) - https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/8608 I don't think there is anything for this in 1.18.2, but somebody might correct me?
  12. Make sure you have a recent version of java installed.
  13. I tried creating a modpack with your versions of forge, create, flywheel and jei. It worked fine for me. I then started adding your mods with create in the name which is how I spotted you were using a beta release. With their latest versions this also worked fine.
  14. None of your links to pastebin are working. Use a different fle upload site. e.g. http://gist.github.com
  15. You are trying to use mods for 1.18.2 with 1.18.1
  16. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/createaddition/files That is a beta release and not the latest version. If its not that, you should go through your mods to check you have the latest versions. The problem is likely one of these mods has a dependency on a specific (older) version of create.
  17. Like I said, you create one for each player.addEffect()
  18. public class CopperizedDiamondSword extends SwordItem{ MobEffectInstance m = new MobEffectInstance(ModEffects.DAMAGE_BOOST_EFFECT.get(),10,3 ); You can't do this. This will try to create the MobEffectInstance when the sword is created. The effect won't be registered yet, they are registered after items. You also want a new MobEffectInstance for every addEffect(). It is this object that keeps track of the time left. You can't share them between players or even different applications of the effect on the same player.
  19. Yes you do: Although the I think the latest version of flywheel is 0.6.4? Try redownloading the files. If that doesn't fix it, post the full logs/debug.log. Maybe that will have a clue?
  20. Doesn't this work? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/architectury-api/files/3855244 If it doesn't, contact the mod author to find out which version of forge is supported.
  21. Missing the architectury mod.
  22. https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/6974
  23. The following is the basics (it probably contains typos so double check names and values with the Minecraft/Forge source). You create and register the MobEffect like anything else using DeferredRegistry. There is a ForgeRegistries.MOB_EFFECTS. See net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffects for how it constructs vanilla effects with attribute modifiers. I would guess yours would be very similar to MobEffects.STRENGTH and AttackDamageMobEffect? You will also need a src/main/resources/assets/modid/textures/mob_effect/yourid.png for displaying the status icon to the user and give it a translation in your language file "effect.modid.yourid": "Blah" See the MobEffect class for the callbacks on what behaviour you can override. What you actually add to the entity is a MobEffectInstance, which I suppose most importantly for you defines the duration of the effect.
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