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Everything posted by warjort

  1. I don't know what logs you posted. They look all over the place in terms of contents and times. But I did find this in what looks like your launcher_log.txt There are 2 errors there. The first says something is breaking the networking, but does not say what. All it says it has detected the network buffer is not empty when it should be. The second is the OutOfMemoryError you mentioned before. At this point, I've exhausted where I can look to find the problem. It's not giving any indication as to a possible cause beyond that memory error. It's likely the only way you will find the problem mod is by experimenting with removing mods until you find the one that makes the problem go away. Backup your world before removing mods.
  2. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123416-exit-code-1/#comment-536369
  3. From what I understand (I didn't look that closely) the original code was correct except it lacked the usual type parameter needed for the builder? This is because the compiler can't infer the type in that code so you have to tell it. Something like this untested code: But note the subtile of this forum. If you are posting compiler errors, you are in the wrong place. You really want a learning java forum.
  4. There's no error in that log except some periodioc warnings about 5 second server thread ticks. They should take 0.05 seconds. You can use a mod like: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spark to look for what is causing lag. Read their wiki/docs to figure out how to use it.
  5. The normal logs/debug.log. Put it on a file sharing site. Also check you have done it correctly by looking for that error you see in the client log.
  6. The wiki is here: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Main_Page which has a section on sides. But the api you are using isnt forge, its vanilla minecraft. Don't expect that to be documented. You need to learn it by looking at vanilla code or at other mods.
  7. Sorry, but I "offered" to analyse the thread dump if you provided it. I didn't offer to teach you java or system administation. I wouldn't do that job even if you paid me. 🙂 Maybe somebody else reading this forum will offer to help you? But if you can't figure it out how to use those free tools from that link above or other docs on the internet, you are probably more likely to get help in a java focused support forum.
  8. We can't help if you don't post a link to the logs/debug.log (after you removed that mod). We have no psychic powers.
  9. You are trying to use a mod for minecraft 1.19.3 with 1.19.4 There is no 1.19.4 version of that mod that I can see? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/callable-horses Contact the mod author for more help.
  10. We don't write or design your mod for you. But adding to the NBT or using a capability is only relevant if you want different ItemStacks of the same Item to have different values. If you do that, ItemStacks with different values won't stack together. If you want to modify other people's blocks to drop different items: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Dynamic_Loot_Modification
  11. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/9a25527a54011378c1a1e6b3b6dd0e90bd52fafb/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/entity/living/LivingEntityUseItemEvent.java#L109
  12. Instead you come back after less than 20 minutes of research (if you did any at all). This is a support forum. Not a teach me modding forum. But to answer part of your question. The vanilla client has lots of "simulation" code that runs client side so the user sees improved responsiveness. e.g. breaking blocks or predicting where entities will move to If the client's simulation gets it wrong, the server (which is authoratitive) will eventually correct it.
  13. Don't post on other people's threads unless you helping the original poster. Start your own thread. That error means you have 15 mods that want/are for a different version of Forge. It is likely one of those mods uses mixins and is crashing the game due to this incompatiblity before Forge can tell you which mods they are. In modern times, this is usually reported when not using the latest version of Forge for 1.18.2 since mods like create want the most recent versions.
  14. All that code does is modify the client state, it never reaches the server where the real state is stored and where you actually want to make modifications. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123325-1194-destroying-several-adjacent-blocks/?do=findComment&comment=535976 Or use search for the hundreds of other posts about this "sidedSuccess" FAQ. For the complications in modifying entity velocities: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/119553-1192-solved-cannot-get-passengers-of-an-entity-when-there-are-multiple-instances-of-the-entity-in-the-world/#comment-524427
  15. You also need to use java 17
  16. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author. Again the logs/debug.log might have more precise information. I shouldn't have to keep asking for that file.
  17. If you modify the client to include the following in its "java arguments" - you set it in the same place you specify the -Xmx memory value -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug it might show more information about the error you are seeing.
  18. Heap space: likely means you don't have enough memory on the client but... Stack Overflow: is a bug which might be causing the memory problem?
  19. There is nothing in the log that indicates what the problem is. The client is joining the game which you can see on both the client and server: The server then times out the client because it is not sending/responding to any network packets (including the "keep alive ping") The first indication this has happened on the client is - this is a normal message when a client leaves a server The only other information between when the client joined the server and it getting disconnected is the iceberg mod changing some network code. If it's not iceberg, I would guess the only way you will find the problem mod is by experimenting with removing mods until the problem goes away. Backup your world on the server before removing mods.
  20. There already is such a mod, it's just not been updated to 1.19.4 yet. https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Essentials/tree/main/src/main/java/dev/ftb/mods/ftbessentials/command Why don't you talk to somebody at FTB. Maybe they will expedite a 1.19.4 version in exchange for a donation?
  21. You also have this error: Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  22. Broken configuration file. You can find it in the world/serverconfig folder. If you don't have a backup, you can delete the file and it will be recreated with default values.
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