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Everything posted by 13772

  1. I made a pengui in my mod an I already have basic animations: @Override public void setupAnim(PenguinEntity p_102618_, float p_102619_, float p_102620_, float p_102621_, float p_102622_, float p_102623_) { this.head.xRot = p_102623_ * ((float)Math.PI / 180F); this.head.yRot = p_102622_ * ((float)Math.PI / 180F); } but I want to make a walking animation for the penguin. I wanted so that the hole body from the penguin wiggles like a real penguin when walking. but I have to problemes: first: I can only animate the head if I have a group for the head in blockbench which I have now but I want to animate the whole body so I would need a group for that too but if I create the new group and name it for example "everything" and then put the group for the head in there and all the other body parts too then only the "everything" group is shown in the code. (Sorry its hard to explain for me I hope you understand it). second: I dont now how to code that wiggeling. I'm a beginner so can you please explain it good or show me an example code? that would be nice!
  2. I found the solution @Override public void setupAnim(PenguinEntity p_102618_, float p_102619_, float p_102620_, float p_102621_, float p_102622_, float p_102623_) { this.head.xRot = p_102623_ * ((float)Math.PI / 180F); this.head.yRot = p_102622_ * ((float)Math.PI / 180F); }
  3. Tanks warjort and now I know how to apply effects to the player and how to check if the player wears armor, but to apply an effect to the player I need to get the player object I saw a Declaration to this but It doesn't work in 1.19. Sorry for so many questions as you see I'm a beginner. And sorry if my english is bad I'm from germany
  4. I would like to add animations to my pengiun. No cutsom animations just standard walk and look arround. But I don't know how to do it. I only saw videos for Minecraft 1.16 and the code from those videos doesn't work in 1.19 (I'm a beginner by the way). This is my code for the animation right now: @Override public void setupAnim(PenguinEntity p_102618_, float p_102619_, float p_102620_, float p_102621_, float p_102622_, float p_102623_) { float f = p_102621_ - (float)p_102618_.tickCount; float f2 = 1.0F; this.body.xRot = ((float)Math.PI / 2F) * (float)Math.PI * 0.35F; this.body.y = 9.0F * f2 + 11.0F; this.Right_Leg.xRot -= (float)Math.PI * 0.45F; this.Left_leg.xRot -= (float)Math.PI * 0.45F; if (this.young) { this.head.y = 10.0F * f2 - 9.0F; this.head.z = -16.0F * f2 - 7.0F; } else { this.head.y = 10.0F * f2 - 14.0F; this.head.z = -16.0F * f2 - 3.0F; } this.head.xRot += (float)Math.PI * 0.15F; } it almost works, but the feet turn all the time and the head is far away from the model and also turns all the time. can some one help me please?
  5. Thanks, Warjort, but my problem is that I don't know how to add/remove an effect and I dont know how the LivingEquipmentChangeEvent works.
  6. I would like that when the player wears a piece of armour from my mod, that he then gets Jump boost, is that possible and if so how?
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