1.16.4 is no longer supported here. Please switch to 1.18.x or 1.19.x to receive support.
@CodeArtZero please don't give help for unsupported versions.
What serverconfigs do you have in the folder?
Also if you only manually stop the server and are running it on a local machine or something, you can probably do Ctrl+C whenever it hits that step (but that might not be the safest option).
Try removing Optifine. It is usually the culprit of most rendering-related problems.
Паспрабуйце выдаліць Optifine. Звычайна гэта з'яўляецца прычынай большасці праблем, звязаных з візуалізацыяй.
Unless it's not working, I think that is how it should look.
Additionally, SHIFT and Left Control are already bound to Crouch and Sprint, so that might be a contributing factor as to why it wouldn't work.
You can make it so that the entity will move in the direction that the player faces (so when facing down, it moves down); borrow some code from the EnderDragon class.
But if you want to make it controllable via keys, you can look at the Horse class to look at upwards control. IDK about downwards control though because to go down you hold shift but that's the same key as dismounting.