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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. He tells you to use the FMLCommon.instance().bus() instead of the MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.
  2. You did it totally wrong. You should be reading it as: My mod is a cow!
  3. I followed a tutorial to make a multiblock stucture (Click here for link!). I modified it a little bit so the master block is in the middle-middle, instead of the middle-bottom. It instantiates the structure fine, but if i try opening the gui, It doesn't open. I tested a little bit, and i figured out that that the master block is the only block in the structure that has the hasMaster value set to true. But if i understand the tutorial correctly, it should set the value hasMaster to true of all blocks in the structure. Relavent code for the structure: TileEntity: Block class:
  4. I get an error when importing a gradle project with the independent setup mention in the tutorial post of GotoLink. I got this error when clicking the 'Build Model' button: This is my build.gradle:
  5. If your using forge version 1057, you ned to downgrade to 1056 or upgrade to 1058 or higher. 1057 has some major bugs in it, so you shouldn't be using it.
  6. Where do you call the init method in your Configuration class?
  7. No, because you register the items with a string, so that's how minecraft now determins what item's should go where. So you shouldn't have to worry about that.
  8. Why would you want that?
  9. I searched over the internet, but i couldn't find a solution. Can you help me with this or are you out of ideas too?
  10. You are spawning the entity in the world client-side.
  11. Override the getRenderBoundingBox in the TileEntity class (maybe it's called something else, but you should be able to find it because of the word "Render")
  12. Forget about IDs. You should need to worry about them anymore, as they are handled internally.
  13. I ticked the "Run before" box, and changed that line next to it to "cleanEclipse setupDevWorkspace eclipse", but i got the same error.
  14. The client and the server are desynchronized. You should look into getDescriptionPacket() and onPacketData().
  15. I get an error when importing a gradle project with the independent setup: This is my build.gradle:
  16. If you use this code: this.setBlockName("modid:texture"); the texture path is FORGE_FOLDER\src\main\resources\assets\modid\textures\blocks\texture.png. So if you change that to: this.setBlockName("texture_folder:texture"); the texture path is FORGE_FOLDER\src\main\resources\assets\modid\textures\blocks\texture.png. So if you change the string before the column, it changes the directory to that name.
  17. When you right click with a bucket, it check for the material of the block you clicked on, and if that's Material.water, i return a water bucket, and the same for lava.
  18. You should do that server side, so chech for that with if (!world.isRemote) {DO STUFF IN HERE}
  19. You never initialize IconArray
  20. For the text, i think you can use NBT to set the text, so you need to experiment a little with that. Or you could just do it as Tinker's Construct, make a new item and on right click, open a gui with the text in it.
  21. Yeah you should register your renderers client-side. BTW, make sure you remove all the "__OBFID" field from your class, it fucks up the obfuscation
  22. Why do you want to drop a ItemStack on the client-side?
  23. public TileEntity entity; You're rendering your model with BasicTileEntity, but in your block code you return a TileEntity. Try returning the correct one.
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