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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. The ItemBow is using instanceof checks, meaning that if you make your arrow extend ItemArrow , it should work fine.
  2. Gui#drawTexturedModalRect assumes you are using a 256x256 image. Use Gui#drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture with the last 2 parameters as the image size.
  3. It is still the same error if you look closely. Something else is still adding the -Xmx256M to your JVM flags. Check your JVM settings once more and recheck that you removed JAVA_OPTIONS from your environment variables. If you are using a custom launcher, that might also add the JVM flag, so make sure to use the official launcher. There have been a lot of reports like this (additional -Xmx256M flag added) lately, so it might be worth searching around the forum a bit.
  4. You have a second -Xmx argument in your JVM options. Make sure that's not in the JVM options of the Minecraft launcher. If it's not there, check if you have an environment variable called JAVA_OPTIONS. Remove it if it exists.
  5. java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking entity at net.soggymustache.mythicalbeing.entity.kodama.EntityKodama.onLivingUpdate(EntityKodama.java:70) It's not that hard... Something is null ...
  6. Seriously? The error is pretty obvious... The IvMapGenVillage should extend MapGenVillage .
  7. I think it might be better to use Block#isReplaceable(...) so you don't have to rely on the Material to be replaceable.
  8. LuckyBlocks mod for Minecraft 1.10.2 downloads as a .zip file for me, not sure what you mean with "download as a folder", as that isn't possible. If you want a custom texture, use a ResourcePack.
  9. You aren't supposed to unzip mod files. All mod files should be .jar or .zip.
  10. Probably 1.7.10. Next time, don't bump a year old post.
  11. Just start the game once more...
  12. refraction is fun too ! Got me a new cell phone up n runnin' not too long ago Its a "figo". What are you even talking about?
  13. Minecraft Forge only supports the latest and a few before that (1.8.9 is the latest, will stop being supported soon). There won't be any installer made by the Forge team for any Minecraft version before that.
  14. You never fill the StarcraftBlocks.blockList array with any Blocks .
  15. You probably can't, unless you have a backup of the world. Something might've gone wrong with saving the world, or you updated the world from an old version.
  16. He meant that it's best that you manage mod packs on Curse. The author is LexManos. You can use this website for the URL. Forge doesn't really have a description I know of (do something like "Unofficial Minecraft modding API"). There's no donation thing for Forge, though Lex has a Patreon in his signature.
  17. Post your updated code.
  18. Model registration, and anything related that could be usefull to us.
  19. JAR files are case-sensitive, Windows isn't. This allows for some files to work on Windows, but not in a JAR file, so check the spelling in your code. If you want more help, post related code. Also, we're not going to download a random file from the internet. Post code or logs using Gist or Pastebin, with correct syntax highlighting for code.
  20. Don't compare ItemStack instances. They can never be equal, especially when you create a new one directly before comparing. Compare the Item in the ItemStack : ItemStack#getItem() == Items.LAVA_BUCKET .
  21. This is not possible. Minecraft Forge is only for the Java version of Minecraft.
  22. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  23. The admins are working as hard as they can on fixing the website. BSPKRS is working on it right now.
  24. This is a known bug, and there's been a discussion about how to fix it. This will most likely be fixed soon.
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