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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. You can run it because the other mods' items aren't getting obfuscated. To build it properly, run gradlew build from the command line.
  2. Magic bees is the erroring mod.
  3. You are trying to load Minecraft 1.8 with LiteLoader 1.7.10. Of course that won't work.
  4. In the pastee link, the first three lines says what happened, which mod has done it and what it has done.
  5. What Minecraft version? What Forge version? When are you getting this? We need more info.
  6. We don't offer support for older Minecraft versions. Update or make a mod for 1.7.10.
  7. It is not working as the minZ and the maxZ in the setBlockBounds(params) method (3rd and 6th parameter) are the same. That means the bounding box is so small that you can't see it.
  8. If you want to change the bounding box, you need to use Block#setBlockBounds(params) to change the bouding box. If you want the actual model to change, you need to use GL11.glScalef(scale,scale,scale)
  9. There are some issues with Forge and Java 8. You need to use Java 7 or Java 6.
  10. Gl11.glScalef(0.5F,0.5F,0.5F) will make it half the size.
  11. Right now you're rendering a lot of times. You nee to check if event.type == ElementType.A_TYPE before rendering.
  12. Well, that code starts drawing a quad, adds 4 vertices to the tessellator and draws that to the screen. You need to bind the texture first and then call that method.
  13. Add a if(!world.isRemote) at the start of the method, and wrap all your current code in that if-statement.
  14. From the S35PacketUpdateTileEntity: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public NBTTagCompound func_148857_g() { return this.field_148860_e; } The getDescriptionPacket() is called server side, but you are trying to access a method that only exists client-side ( @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) . To solve this is, in the getDescriptionPacket() method don't call packet.func_148857_g() , but create your own NBTTagCompound ( NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound() ).
  15. Everything is rendering inside-out because of this line of code: GL11.glRotatef(180F, 0, 0, 0); . Either remove this line or actually rotate something (changing on of the 0's to a 1).
  16. You don't need to make a topic in bug reports as Forge is not out yet and FML is still very unstable and in development, and that's why some things may not work yet.
  17. Commands are processed on the server side. You need to send a packet to the client that notifys the client to open the GUI. There's a nice tutorial on the SimpleNetworkWrapper in the tutorials section.
  18. You can probably iterate through the ArrayList and then check if the name is the name you want.
  19. On the client side, there's only ever one player ( Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer ).
  20. He doesn't want to add new enums to an existing one, but modify the ones that already exist.
  21. Where did you get that plugin? I would be very interested in that plugin as it makes debugging way easier, as you can just modify it while the game is open, instead of needing to re-open Minecraft.
  22. You can use OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE for the item damage. That way you only need 1 recipe for all the item damages possible.
  23. You're right, your GuiHandler is not right. In the getServerGuiElement(params) method you return a Gui instead of a Container. If you don't want a container, you need to call the EntityPlayer#openGui(params) method client side ( world.isRemote is true for client, false for server) and return null for getServerGuiElement(params) .
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