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Everything posted by Mew

  1. Here is some sudo-code type thing: public class RenderingEventHandler { @ForgeSubscribe public void renderPre ( RenderGameOverlayEvent.PRE event ) { // hook into code for the types of overlays. E.g., experience, health, armor, food // use GL11.glTranslated ( par1, par2, par3 ); // // par1 = Move it so far on the X-Axis // par2 = Move it so far on the Y-Axis // par3 = Move it so far on the Z-Axis, irrelevant with GUI's. So it always equals 0 when working with a GUI // // move on to the next overlay and move it } }
  2. Well... Debug the crap out of it and see WHERE the methods stop being called. Once you have done that, we can help a bit more.
  3. you must be kidding me... yes ok it works well on linux because you have auto complete and drawing all the icons take a butload of time, but for a game ?!?! sign-shop is the worst system in the world and really ? efficient? please tell me how typing "/gold" is faster then opening your eyes: Wow, could you possibly be more short-sighted and close-minded? Sure, in your gold scenario a gui display is more efficient. Though that's not the case for everything. My mod is an example of this. /list <item name> is way the hell faster to execute than hitting a hot key, clicking in the textbox, typing what you want, then hitting enter. Why would i want to go from mouse to keyboard more times than i need to? I could also just show a list of all items in the gui and have the user click one but that is obviously horrendously slow and requires more eye movement than simply typing in a chat window. FYI.. you know you can do auto-complete in the minecraft chat window, right? sigh. I'm done here. gui would still win by a long shot why do you have to click the textbox ... you could open the gui and already have to focus on it your method *seems* to be faster because you didn't optimize it for a gui. so first your text box should be automaticly focused. after that, maybe for 1 item the cli method will look faster, but when it comes to multiple item then gui will own cli by far imagine someone wants to buy redstone or get information about redstone related thigns why not just type "red" and get me everything that has red in it, heck every item that has the tag red in your mod. with only a few item showing up (redstone, redstone torch, redstone repeater etc) i get muuuch more info/time then with cli without also, suppose were talking about a more complex item,ones that have a lot of text under them, lets say a sword that has various stats on it (+str,+mana,+hp etc). how can you even efficiently filter those and sum up the information with the cli window can you imagine ?: sword 1(seller hydroflame): 35 attack damage +50 mana +50% mine speed sword 2(seller mew): 45 attack damage +90 strength splash damage with only these 2 item i have FILLED my cli. shopping for these kind of items would be terrible the only place where (i find) is acceptable for cli is 1 chat, because its typing stuff anyway, it make sens that your cli is managed by cli 2 server side stuff, commands like give when run on server side, only and only because some people have server without X11 or another windowing system and run everything via ssh. and i if you take the time you can make gui that will help you more, make more stuff,faster Why can't I be so straight forward as that?
  4. Schematic to Java converter makes a class file full of stuff like thos: world.setblock(x+1,y,z, 1) world.setblock(x+2,y,z, 1) etc. but I can't imagine the computation of the addition would be the difference between an noticeable amount of lag for 6000 blocks? Hell... It lagged for a couple seconds! I don't have a top of the range computer, but it is still good. And yes it lagged. I redid it with the for loops and it didn't lag a bit. hell... My computer lagged just READING the code for it. That convertor SUCKS anyway... The amount of editing you have to do to the files after it converts is horrendous... You have to edit the name of every method, you have to CALL every method.... Oh yeah, and you also get an error in every method because there is too much information in it. So you have to cut ALL the methods into a third of their original size. All in all, I could do an okay structure in one third of the time it would take to build it, convert to a schematic, convert to code, fix the code, and run it. I really don't see the logic here The logic? I failed that class in school. But what I meant was. Say I wanted to place one block. Don't use a for loop. Say I wanted to place a wall 3 x 3 x 10. Use a for loop.
  5. Egg-xactly! ( I apologize for the pun, I am in the mood ) But yeah, may as well get the difference explained before people go weird...
  6. I know how to reduce lag a fair bit. I had a friend who built a testing structure that used world.setBlock ( args ) for every block he wanted. He had a solid rectangle of dimensions 10 x 10 x 60. My game lagged like crazy when I generated it. I used a nested for loop to do the exact same structure. I didn't lag at all. So my piece of advice, use as many for loops as you can... Unless it absolutely pointless to do so.
  7. Everything that extends GuiScreen (including GuiContainer) is client-side. The server side only has the actual Container. Thats what I meant. Thats for explaining that better... Why do I suck at explaining?
  8. Dam... I guess I am outdone again
  9. You couldn't find a good GUI tutorial for 1.6?!?!?!? I bet you didn't find mine Here it is: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_GUI Just note that the tutorial is what it is... A basic GUI. I will be working on a more advanced one soon that covers buttons, text boxes etc. Asid from that, try looking for coolegooners ( I think ) tutorial on minecraft forums.
  10. Not entirely... GUI's extending GuiScreen are client side, but GUI's that extend GuiContainer are server side, though information still needs packets and such.
  11. Fair enough. But why not make it a GUI? Have your own chat GUI that handles only IRC stuff. ( You also might want to make it pause the game ). The GUI would be a lot simpler and much more efficient ( Well, to my reasoning anyway. ) It also means that you do not need to worry about having to make that command turn on/off the IRC stuff. It keeps things SO much cleaner. Once forge created API support for client side commands though, feel free to switch to the chat commands. But since there is no support, do what you can that WILL work. Sorry if this seems a little over the top, I do do that sometimes.. I don't want to seem extremely biast towards GUI's... But I probably am.
  12. Ok I Tryed Decompiling it And I Got This: /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/Block.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockGrass.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockGrass.java:10: cannot find symbol symbol : class ColorizerGrass location: package net.minecraft.world import net.minecraft.world.ColorizerGrass; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFluid.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockLeaves.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockLeaves.java:15: cannot find symbol symbol : class ColorizerFoliage location: package net.minecraft.world import net.minecraft.world.ColorizerFoliage; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonBase.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockTallGrass.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockTallGrass.java:15: cannot find symbol symbol : class ColorizerFoliage location: package net.minecraft.world import net.minecraft.world.ColorizerFoliage; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockTallGrass.java:16: cannot find symbol symbol : class ColorizerGrass location: package net.minecraft.world import net.minecraft.world.ColorizerGrass; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonExtension.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonMoving.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/danielhoffman/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFire.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockChest.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneWire.java:10: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBreakable.java:6: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockMycelium.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCauldron.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBeacon.java:6: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDaylightDetector.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockHopper.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/Block.java:1301: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.Block public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/Item.java:12: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockGrass.java:92: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFluid.java:600: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockFluid public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockLeaves.java:375: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockLeaves public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonBase.java:68: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockTallGrass.java:116: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonExtension.java:94: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonExtension public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) {} ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockPistonMoving.java:278: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonMoving public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFire.java:443: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockFire public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockChest.java:584: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockChest public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockRedstoneWire.java:548: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBreakable.java:38: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockBreakable public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockMycelium.java:89: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockMycelium public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCauldron.java:42: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockCauldron public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBeacon.java:80: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockBeacon public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDaylightDetector.java:138: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockDaylightDetector public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockHopper.java:280: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase.java:24: cannot find symbol symbol : class ColorizerFoliage location: package net.minecraft.world import net.minecraft.world.ColorizerFoliage; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/world/biome/BiomeGenBase.java:25: cannot find symbol symbol : class ColorizerGrass location: package net.minecraft.world import net.minecraft.world.ColorizerGrass; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemStack.java:739: cannot find symbol symbol : class EnumRarity location: class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack public EnumRarity func_77953_t() ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemBow.java:5: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemArmor.java:6: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemFishingRod.java:5: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemPotion.java:13: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/Item.java:578: cannot find symbol symbol : class EnumRarity location: class net.minecraft.item.Item public EnumRarity func_77613_e(ItemStack par1ItemStack) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/Item.java:670: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.item.Item public void func_94581_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemBow.java:139: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.item.ItemBow public void func_94581_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemArmor.java:195: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor public void func_94581_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemFishingRod.java:64: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.item.ItemFishingRod public void func_94581_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemPotion.java:448: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.item.ItemPotion public void func_94581_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/item/ItemEnchantedBook.java:37: cannot find symbol symbol : class EnumRarity location: class net.minecraft.item.ItemEnchantedBook public EnumRarity func_77613_e(ItemStack par1ItemStack) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockAnvil.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockAnvil.java:67: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockAnvil public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/v/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBasePressurePlate.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBasePressurePlate.java:269: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockBasePressurePlate public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBed.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBed.java:157: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockBed public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBrewingStand.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockBrewingStand.java:207: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockBrewingStand public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockButton.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockButton.java:411: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockButton public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) {} ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCactus.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCactus.java:166: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockCactus public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCake.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCake.java:90: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockCake public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCarpet.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCarpet.java:146: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockCarpet public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) {} ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCarrot.java:5: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCrops.java:6: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCarrot.java:54: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockCarrot public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCrops.java:215: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockCrops public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCocoa.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockCocoa.java:228: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockCocoa public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockColored.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockColored.java:64: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockColored public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDetectorRail.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDetectorRail.java:174: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockDetectorRail public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDispenser.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDispenser.java:110: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDoor.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.IconFlipped; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDoor.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDoor.java:103: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDropper.java:5: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockDropper.java:27: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEnchantmentTable.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEnchantmentTable.java:127: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockEnchantmentTable public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEnderChest.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEnderChest.java:171: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockEnderChest public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortal.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortal.java:135: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockEndPortal public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortalFrame.java:8: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockEndPortalFrame.java:36: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockEndPortalFrame public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFarmland.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFarmland.java:176: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFence.java:7: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFence.java:187: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockFence public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFenceGate.java:6: package net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture does not exist import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/block/BlockFenceGate.java:175: cannot find symbol symbol : class IconRegister location: class net.minecraft.block.BlockFenceGate public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister) {} ^ /Users/***/Desktop/Minecraft Mod Folder/forge/mcp/src/minecraft_server/net/minecraft/util/ChatMessageComponent.java:260: warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter; cast to java.lang.Object for a varargs call cast to java.lang.Object[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning var7.append(StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(this.field_111090_h, var13)); ^ 100 errors 1 warning ================== Well.... That looks broken. Also, please, please, PLEASE! don't capatilize the first letter of every word... It hurts to read
  13. How would I do that? It would be nice to have that though... Save a lot of trouble There is also one little rule I have to add to that... Not a step, but a rule. CHECK THE FORUMS FOR YOUR QUESTION OR SOMETHING SIMILAR BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR POST!!!!!! I can't emphasize that enough.
  14. Well done mate That is how to solve a problem. Mewniversal Rules to Solving a Problem: Step 1) What is I want to do? Step 2) What do I know of that does the same thing or something similar? Step 3) Look at the other source, or, if there is nothing, proceed to step 4 Step 4) Start working on a solution Step 5) If you still can't figure it out, ask for help
  15. You know... There is a reason that you have to use a PLAYER instance to do that. Only that player gets the message I believe. Though I think that if you got an instance of the server, you could then execute the say method. ** EDIT ** After minuscule searching ( I went to the command for /say ) I found this: MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().sendChatMsg(ChatMessageComponent.func_111077_e("Hello, this is a message")));
  16. I think I can say this for everyone who posted here trying to help, your welcome! We had fun figuring this one out And that is the reason when a topic is marked solved, people can still read it. It would be utterly useless to anyone who had the same questions later. I followed this thread every update, post by post and I learned a lot from it! Agreed to that my friend! I have yet to actually USE the information, but it has helped with my debugging skills certainly
  17. I think I can say this for everyone who posted here trying to help, your welcome! We had fun figuring this one out And that is the reason when a topic is marked solved, people can still read it. It would be utterly useless to anyone who had the same questions later.
  18. I apologize if I was saying your videos aren't worth watching. I didn't mean it to sound like that if it did. But anyway. It would be quite cool if someone could make a montage of the best videos so that we can have all the best in one video explaining EVERYTHING on the subject... Hmm... I am not doing that
  19. please don't do that... Unless your videos are up to the same standard as the courses don't tell someone to watch them instead of these great courses.. I will agree to that. HE LECTURES on these things, it's as if he has a university class to teach this stuff to... They are amazing lectures at that. ( Only seen one so far, but hey, AMAZING )
  20. I see your point.. That makes sense now Thanks for clearing that up. As I also had said, please point out where I am wrong And you did. So thank you for extending my knowledge in this area
  21. Thanks for the support But I would be inclined to follow GotoLink on this, why would you calculate motion/rotation on the server? That is just extra resources used on the server and it does't really matter if the clients are out of sync... Does it? Please correct me if I am wrong in this!
  22. Like I said.. It has flaws. Thanks for pointing that out. And I did leave room for expansion in my explanation didn't I? So that means the rotation could be kept on the server, but I doubt that myself.
  23. Well, I have found it! I don't really understand it very much though... I actually won't attempt to give you the code though, I will contact hydroflame and get him to explain this one, it will help a lot more.
  24. Lol, sometimes I read to fast and don't get all the information I need Sorry about that! As for the actual rendering... I will look into it. I do know it can be done, because with a mod I am working with, we are rendering shields and wings and hats etc. on the player. I will look into the events and such that are being used and get back to you on this! ( Why didn't I think of this earlier??? Oh yeah... right... I had to fix up the natives first )
  25. Well, I would like to think that would be simple logic problem, but oh well... ( I apologise if this is taken insultingly, I am not intending it to be that way. ) I also apologise if this seems extremely childish to you, and seems insulting. I am not trying to be. Think about this logically. What is a client? A client takes the data from the server, and displays that data in some way. The server handles the data, and sends it to the client to be displayed. So, going by what I have just said ( if it was unclear, please say so, I am still trying to get the hang of explaining things and your input would be helpful ), anything that deals with visuals, so your entity movement and stuff like that, is done client side. The server handles the information like the placement of the entity on the map, the locations of blocks etc. Once again, the server handles the data, the client displays the data. I hope that helps If it doesn't, I am sorry.
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