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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Bedrock_Miner

  1. I now moved the mods to my newly created website.
  2. Your chunk loader is a class which implements IChunkLoader, right? And you can add it with ChunkLoaderManager.addChunkLoader. Remove it with .remChunkLoader and update it with .updateChunkLoader. The chunks are forced to be loaded in the TicketManager (in the ChunkLoaderManager) with the methods ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk and .unforceChunk. (ChunkLoaderManager lines 93-144)
  3. Solved it! I just added the bold part to the build.gradle file: sourceSets { main { java { srcDirs = ["$projectDir/src", [b]"C:/Modding/_Utility and basics/Basics and Utility/Utility"[/b]] } resources { srcDirs = ["$projectDir/src"] } } }
  4. I checked the file: it only contains the META-INF folder. What is wrong with this?
  5. Take a look at the mod chickenchunks by chickenbones. You can find a public repository of it on bitbucket. The code is for 1.6 but you can edit it to use it on 1.7.2. If you have problems, I can post some working code.
  6. Heyho guys! I created a folder on my computer which includes several utility classes for modding (eg. Renderer templates etc.). I imported them into eclipse and added them to the classpath. Everything worked well till now. I tried to compile the mod with gradle. The build didn't result in an error but the .jar file is only 300kb. This is MUCH too small even for a small mod. Forge doesn't recognize the file as a mod. What can I do to make gradle compiling both my mod andbthe external source into one .jar file? Ps: I'm using Forge for 1.7.2, build 1060.
  7. Hey guys! I want to add a special block which renders the player watching it but with a colorless skin (saturation = 0) How can I do this? I actually have a renderer which renders the player exactly as i want but how can i disable the color?? -_B_M_
  8. Actually I'm not trying to render the cracks but another texture. But i want to do it the same way as the cracks are rendered: grayscale to alpha
  9. Hey guys! I created a Tile Entity which is 3*3*4 Blocks large. The problem is if I stand next to the Tile Entity and look in a direction where I can't see the middle Block anymore, the tile entity isn't rendered at all. How can I make the Tile Entity being rendered even if I only look at the very outer corner of it?
  10. Hey Guys! I wanted to render some textures with the same technique the destroy overlay is rendered: The grayscale of the texture is calculated into a corresponding alpha value. But actually I don't understand how this is done. I looked in RenderGlobal, tried to understand the code, copied something, no effect.. Can anybody explain how to do this?
  11. Thx. That explains the error I got
  12. Hey Guys! I'm a bit confused what to write in the build.gradle file to compile my mods. I had a working file which I took from a tutorial, but this was deleted by accident and I can't find the Tutorial any more. So, what do I have to write into this file for Forge
  13. Some time ago, I had an error when I tried to add a mod to a world with some other mods already installed. There was an ID bug, as the ID of my Block appeared to be 0. I'm wondering, why this can (still) happen because, from my point of view, its very easy to solve. First, for every world a list of the IDs and the corresponding Block- or Itemname should be saved. I think, this is already done in earlier versions, because in the "missing id" screen in Forge 1.6 it says the corresponding modid. Second, if a world is loaded the IDs from this list should be loaded into an array of Items/Blocks which forms the base for the IDs in the world. Third, if some IDs are missing in this list, they are added at the end which ensures that there is no ID duplication. This will work both on client and server. I don't know if parts of this idea have been added to forge already or are going to be added soon, but I wanted to tell you what I think about this. This method of storing the IDs and the Block- and Itemnames will, of course, take a little bit of disk memory but will completely remove any ID problems. The only error that could still happen is that either the maximum Block- / Itemcount is exceeded or two Items have exactly the same unlocalized name but this requires them to are in mods with the same modid which is very unlikely. I hope you understand what I want to do exactly and I also hope that this feature or a similar one will be added to forge soon.
  14. Well, I now copied some if the code, but it is from 1.6 and I get some problems. For example, this line of code is used very often: world.theChunkProviderServer.loadedChunks The problem is, that this is declared private in the class ChunkProviderServer. How can I get acces to this field? Or do you know another way to get the actual loaded chunks?
  15. I found this repo on bitbucket and it looks quite nice to me. Well, am I allowed to copy this code and use it? Or are there copyrights or something?
  16. I think it might help if you tell me what you tried out and what effect this had. Would you mind telling me this?
  17. OK. I did this now, but actually it doesn't work any more. I did it like this:
  18. So, I create a Ticket when loading a world for each block that uses these tickets?
  19. OK, but how can I find out if the world unloads? Do I need an EventHandler for this? If so, which event cause I couldn't find one that seems to match... And when do I have to create the Ticket if i do so? Actually I do it every time a block of this type is placed
  20. I think it would be very useful if you can tell me how to use this ForcedChunkLoadingCallback, because I really have no Idea how to use it. Maybe this will fix this Error anyway.
  21. Changed, but still get an error (I think its the same, but I post it anyway)
  22. Basically it works fine, thanks for that! But I got two problems: First, I don't understand how to use the LoadingCallback. Second, if I reload a world and remove the chunkloader, I get this error: The code of my chunkloader is this:
  23. Hey guys! I want to create a chunk loader which keeps all the chunks in an adjustable radius round the block loaded. How can I do this? I tried the following, but this didn't work: In a tileEntity I overrode onChunkUnloading and added the method worldObj.getChunkProvider().loadChunk(...); This only caused that the server fails to shut down. The commandBlock i placed there didn't write anything in the chat as it should. So, how can I create a working chunk loader block?
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