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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Bedrock_Miner

  1. No, I would have noticed that
  2. Sorry, how exactly can I register a model? I've only registered the model files so far (and used the normal blockstates file). Yes that's exactly what I meant. Is this already implemented in Forge? Because it could make things a lot easier if you have many, many state properties. (However, I still prefer code) Yeah, that's what I thought as well... Could be a pain for users with a slow computer...
  3. Where do you mean it's scaled down? The Star is rendered completely equal in size all the time.
  4. Didn't change anything
  5. Wich class should implement IBakedModel? And what do I do with that class? I recently saw a model json file on a github by forge that used some additional features. However, I cannot find the link anymore. Is there a new Forge model file syntax or did they removed it? Because it looked kinda fancy. Another question: How much would it slow MC down if I had the TESR and about 100-200 blocks within the viewport? (OK, depends on the computer, but would it cause massive lag?)
  6. Hello everyone! I'm wondering if there is an alternative for the ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler in 1.8. I want to create a block similar to the conduits from enderIO and therefore I need a code-driven renderer, however I don't want to use a TileEntitySpecialRenderer because of efficiency. Please don't tell me to use models, for such a complicated model it would be a pain in the a** to create a model for every single possible state. Or is there a better model type? Anyway, I prefer the code driven renderer... Any Ideas, what I can do to recreate something like the ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler? Is there maybe an approach by Forge to re-implement it?
  7. Unfortunately, neither this nor .setBrightness solved the issue. I still assume it's something with the blend, but I have no idea.
  8. The method I used is a wrapper again and just calls GLStateManager.color (setColor... was renamed to that).
  9. I did post even two screenshot, they're inside the first two spoiler boxes, if you haven't found them yet. Changing the order of pushAttrib and pushMatrix didn't change anything.
  10. Hello everyone, I've got a probably very dumb question. I've created an entity that is supposed to be rendered without lighting and stuff, so that it can be seen in the dark. However, I discovered that if two entities are onscreen, the one that is rendered later is way too bright. I probably messed up with opengl at some point, but I cannot figure out where. This is the entity how it should look like: And this is the entity how it looks when another one is rendered before: Here is my rendering code: (hope you understand it) Thanks in advance for your efford. EDIT: It has probably something to do with the blend function, because in front of the black background of the sky, it is rendered normal.
  11. OK, that was easy Thanks a lot, works great!
  12. Hello everyone! I've created a shooting star entity which slams into the ground, explodes and drops an item. However, there is one problem: When I arrive at the place of impact and want to grab the Item, I always get stuck in the blocks that have been blown away by the explosion: There is no block rendered, but I bounce at the top of where the block was before the explosion. Is there any way how I can avoid those bugs with explosions? I think they also appear in vanilla Minecraft.
  13. Sorry to say that youre wrong. This mod does use a coremod included in the jar file.
  14. Makes it pretty useless for block overlays, you would get an enormous amount of lag if you redraw the overlay for several blocks every render tick... Probably a coremod would be useful here, or is there a chance that forge adds events when chunks are rendered?
  15. The important question that I've always ased myself is: When this event has been called, how do I find out, which chunk just got redrawn? It wouldn't make much sense to redraw the whole world.
  16. Dang.. Yes, you're right. I missed that.
  17. Why would this break other mods? It would just change a single symbol in the Entity names!
  18. As we all know, it's possible to target special Entities in Minecraft 1.8 using the @e[type=Entity] selector. However, there is a problem with modded Entities. The name of those Entities is not compatible with the method because it contains a dot. That's because Forge adds the Modid to the name. An Entity called MagicArrow, for instance, will get the Name weaponmod.MagicArrow. This is caused by the registration method EntityRegistry.doModEntityRegistration: The dot in the name is not accepted by the @e selector. " @e[type=weaponmod.MagicArrow] " replies with the Error Message "The Entity UUID provided is in an invalid Format". My suggestion is very simple: Just change the dot to either an underscore or to nothing. weaponmod_MagicArrow would be accepted.
  19. Thanks for the detailed explanation. Just one addition I discovered earlier: When registering the Entity, Forge automatically adds it to the List of summonable Entities. If you have a "utility" Entity, something that is generated for a few seconds and vanishes again, you may not want to have it in this list. You can do that by adding a value to the map, registering the entity and removing the value again. EntityList.classToStringMapping.put(entityClass, ""); EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, entityName, modID, modInstance, trackingRange, updateFrequency, sendVelocityUpdate); EntityList.classToStringMapping.remove(entityClass); This does not add the registered entity to the list of summonable ones.
  20. Hello everyone! I've created some Entities before and I also got them to work somehow, but I still don't know what the methods used for Entity registration do exactly. Also I'm unsure which are necessary and which aren't. These are the methods I'm curious about: EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId() //Question here: Where is this used during registration? EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(entityClass, entityName, id) //Question here: Necessary at all? What should the ID be? EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, entityName, id, mod, trackingRange, updateFrequency, sendsVelocityUpdates) //Question here: What do the parameters tracking range, update frequency and sends velocity updates do? EntityList.addMapping(entityClass, entityName, ID) //Question here: Which ID do I need to use? I know, most of the questions seem to be noobish, but I'm quite unsure, especially because it seems like Entities use a lot of different IDs (Mod internal, Global, ...) Maybe, anyone can present me a list of methods that needs to be called in order to register an Entity proprely.
  21. I've rewritten my code and now it works. I don't know whether this was caused by the other packet/handler style or by the Thread-Safety methods I added. (Probably the second one).. Hopefully it keeps working.
  22. Well, great video bro! OK, I didn't know that the packets are handled in a separate thread (or I didn't pay attention ), so I think I'll rewrite my code.
  23. OK, so here you are: Handler initialization: (Init) Magicum.packetHandler = new PacketHandler(Magicum.MODID); Packet registration: (After initialization) Packet Example: (PacketUpdateRequest) Packet Example: (PacketPlayerMana) Login information: The client hosting the LAN world is a "cracked" account which is not logged in to Minecraft. The client trying to connect is my own minecraft account. This has worked previously. I have no events triggered on receiving packets. I have two events triggered when connecting to a server: the requestSyncAll method sends a RequestUpdatePacket to the server if it is called on client side. The answer to the request is a series of sync packets. (Like the mana packet) PlayerData is an implementation of IExtendedEntityProperties. Note: I created this ToServer/ToClient stuff to prevent packets to be sent to the wrong side accidentially. If you have a send call for a packet which does nothing on that side you send it to, but you think it does, it's more convenient to get an error than to search for an empty method. (My opinion, you may do it differently)
  24. Hello guys! I tried to test my mod in an LAN world and started Minecraft two times, then I tried to create a lan world on one instance and connect from the other one. I can join the world, but then the connecting client immediately crashes. The hosting client shows in the chat that I joined the game and left immediately. The crash is caused by a packed which is sent to my mod's channel but wasn't registered with it. I'm using a PacketHandler based on a SimpleNetworkWrapper. I'll attach the code I'm using. This is the error I get: Obviously, my channel receives a packet with the discriminator -97 which was never used by me, thus it's not listed in the discriminator list. Here's the code I'm using: Packet Handler: BasePacket: This error only happens when I try to connect to a LAN world, it is not caused when I connect to a server. I hope anyone has an Idea how I can fix this issue or why it's caused.
  25. Oh, well. That's convenient. So I can use this for rare usage and a external storage for frequent access?
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