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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Forge Version: 1.16.x, 1.19.x Logs: > Configure project : Java: 17.0.5 JVM: 17.0.5+8-Ubuntu-2ubuntu120.04(Private Build) Arch: amd64 Forge Version: 1.16.5-36.2.39 Downloading: https://resources.download.minecraft.net/eb/eb065c510ad0810a1096f04c2a6fe692c415bc88 Asset: minecraft/sounds/music/game/nether/crimson_forest/chrysopoeia.ogg minecraft/sounds/music/game/nether/crimson_forest/chrysopoeia.ogg Hash failed. > Task :clean:downloadAssets FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':clean:downloadAssets'. > Failed to get asset: minecraft/sounds/music/game/nether/crimson_forest/chrysopoeia.ogg Some assets failed to download or validate, try running the task again. Steps to Reproduce: Clone repo to specified branch `./gradlew setup` `./gradlew eclipse` Description of issue: The final command fails in the downloadAssets subtask for multiple version of the code. I suspect a hash has changed due to changes in the minecraft resource files. I've also tried this with the official Forge MDK (v1.19.x and v1.18.x) to the same end. Hashes fail for chrysopoeia.ogg, stand_tall.ogg, and one other. I've tried installation on both WIndows 10 and Ubuntu 20, from both command line and through the Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEs.
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