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Everything posted by TeNNoX

  1. There's a version number in 3 locations: the @Mod annotation the build.gradle file the mcmod.info file I wondered, should they all be the same, real version number? I'm already using the ${version} replacement for the mcmod.info I've also seen mods where the @Mod version is always 1.0, or other weird combinations. When I omit the version in @Mod, I get a log message saying: Does that mean I could add a version.properties file with ${version}? What is the correct/best behaviour? (Is it possible to just have the version number in build.gradle?)
  2. Damnit, forgot that. Sorry! @Mods: delete this post please
  3. I got this error when starting forge 1.7.10- in eclipse: http://pastebin.com/pBpsvtMk
  4. Got those errors when running the latest forge (1.7.10- http://pastebin.com/7xuf6kiR The start continued without problems, though. Greetz, TeNNoX
  5. I tried to create a simple cube as entity. The entity is not really "living", it has no health, can get no damage, and it is flying not walking. How should I realize that? 1. Should I use Entity or EntityLiving as super class? 2. If not EntityLiving, how can I properly render it? 3. If EntityLiving, how can I properly render it? 4. How can I use the Minecraft Pathfinding for my entity? 5. Do you know a way to let the flying not look straight and linear?
  6. I changed the forge version in build.gradle to "1.7.10-" to update my mods to 1.7.10. Then I ran gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and after that gradlew eclipse. When I open eclipse now there are these errors: The I can't expand the forgeSrc in "Referenced libraries":
  7. Would be nice if you could notify me if the git pull works ...
  8. Sure, I have it on Bitbucket (also via git, but private repos are free). I tried to make the repository public, but I am not sure if it worked. If you have a better idea, I would be happy to hear http://goo.gl/18KcJD You can take your time, I just hope you will find something. -Greetz, TeNNoX
  9. the main problem still seems to be: (=> checkedPosition < toCheckCount) [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.tick.level.chunkCache.recheckGaps' took aprox 1349.424627 ms I tried deleting all stuff in PlanetoidChunkProvider and rewriting it after a tutorial. It works fine, but I got a default world. Then I removed the default generation code -> still works fine. (World generation takes about 5-10 seconds) When I added the planet generation code though, the problems came up again. The weird thing is: the provideChunk method (generation of the planets) is only taking up 3-5 seconds in the whole generation process, which takes 40-50 seconds!! When I disabled all planetoids except DIRT, I got this profile dump: In the console the profiler is mostly complaining about: Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.WORLDNAME.tick.tickBlocks.tickChunk' took aprox 112.277802 ms and as you can see the topmost timeconsuming thing is checkedPosition < toCheckCount - 59,05%/30,48% So I conclude that my code for generation is not taking very long, but it is causing minecraft to do something very timeconsuming, the problem is I don't know what! I'll post my code here and would be very happy if you could take a look and maybe you will find some stupid mistake of mine, like forgetting to generate a light map or something. PlanetoidChunkManager: http://pastebin.com/VEemPii5 Planet: http://pastebin.com/2jXeqncJ I hope you can find something
  10. So I can't test that while generating... Here is a profiling session dump: (ingame) http://pastebin.com/RaY481Rt Do you have an idea what could cause the lag? As I said: A guy also informed me that the lag is appearing mostly on serverside when running client/server seperately. (mostly world generation again)
  11. Well, the mod only provides World Generation, it is not changing anything after finished generating a chunk. There are no custom blocks or anything like that and I don't change any opacity or light values I only experience the lags ingame, but the world generation takes abnormally long. (I can't see the profiler in the loading world screen) I keep getting these messages in the log: [14:14:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.tick.level.chunkCache' took aprox 286.612826 ms [14:14:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.tick.level' took aprox 302.049894 ms [14:14:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.tick' took aprox 309.558255 ms [14:14:25] [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 339.65235 ms [14:14:26] [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.tick.gameMode' took aprox 269.158475 ms [14:14:26] [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root.tick' took aprox 272.695252 ms [14:14:26] [Client thread/WARN]: Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 299.881455 ms (both contain the section "checkedPosition < toCheckCount") Do you know how to make profile dumps (LIKE THIS ONE), with something like this I could find out if the abnormally world generation is caused by the same thing. It is not caused by my own world generation code, I added some time-measuring functions to all methods, and they add up to 3-4 seconds, the world generation takes 10+
  12. You're right, I had those two constructors in PacketSorter, and the SideOnly annotation fixed it: public PacketSorter() { } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public PacketSorter(GuiAssemblySorter gui) { active = gui.active; x = gui.tile.xCoord; y = gui.tile.yCoord; z = gui.tile.zCoord; } Thank you <3
  13. I have a mod with custom World Generation (Planetoids), but it has some problems with massive lags. The Minecraft profiler identifies the section "root.tick.level.chunkCache.recheckGaps.checkedPosition < toCheckCount" as the problem. (The section is located in World.updateLightByType(...)) Do you know by what this is caused (I know it's lighting) and maybe even how to fix this?
  14. Thank you for replying. Both in here: http://pastebin.com/d90z3CzF
  15. Can I change the mod-unique item/block name after release without people loosing their items/blocks? I accidentially named them the real names like "Splash Potion" instead of "splash_potion". -.-
  16. I suddenly got this error when running a developement environment with Forge 1.7.2-
  17. GuiHandler: http://pastebin.com/xu3UPn72 ChannelHandler: http://pastebin.com/FKiTzKCt Registering: // GUI stuff // NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(this, new AssemblyGuiHandler()); // Network channels // channels = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newChannel("Assembly", new ChannelHandler());
  18. I got this wierd error (probably) after sending a normal packet from clicking something in the gui to the server. line 48: "There was a critical exception handling a packet on channel Assembly" http://pastebin.com/A28vLvct Packet sending code: Assembly.instance.channels.get(Side.CLIENT).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGET).set(FMLOutboundHandler.OutboundTarget.TOSERVER); Assembly.instance.channels.get(Side.CLIENT).writeOutbound(new PacketSorter(this)); The error only occurs on the server (not when playing in singleplayer)
  19. Same as the answer above, but thanks fo the tip! Done, thanks I moved to creating a SortItem class for that now. I will now try to send data via custom packets, only sent when opening a guy, I'll see if that helps
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