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TileEntity last won the day on February 11

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  1. mclo.gs only shows 25000 lines - add the rest with another link
  2. Also add the latest.log from your logs folder
  3. Remove canary or servercore
  4. Make a test with Forge only - without any mods Or use a pre-configured modpack as working base and add new mods one by one
  5. Same issue without the mod jukeboxfix?
  6. Add crash-reports with sites like https://mclo.gs/ Remove randompatches
  7. Looks like an issue with The_Graveyard - maybe a conflict with supplementaries Make a test without one of these mods
  8. Did you work with Worldedit before the crash? If yes, set max-tick-time to -1 in your server.properties If not, make a test without this mod
  9. It is an issue with chimes
  10. Try older builds of it https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fusion-connected-textures/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20&version=1.20.1&gameVersionTypeId=1
  11. Make a test without the mod Fusion
  12. Nothing mentioned - I think there should be a line with <player> joined the world or similar
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