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TileEntity last won the day on March 25

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  1. Looks like an issue with abyssalsovereigns - this mod has functions that are not working on a server (client-side-only mod)
  2. The level.dat contains an invalid tag ID (115) Try to load the world in singleplayer - then test this world on the server
  3. Update your AMD/ATI drivers - get the drivers from their website - do not update via system
  4. I have no idea Remove mods one by one or in groups
  5. And without betterfortresses?
  6. Add the addons one by one and try different builds
  7. And without createdeco, createbigcannons, alloyed, create_dd and create_central_kitchen?
  8. Just delete the config file coldsweat/item.toml in your config folder With restarting the modpack, this mod will create a new one
  9. Try other builds of CyclopsCore or remove it and the mods requiring it
  10. Same issue without cupboard?
  11. No Check for a modpack which is using most of the mods you will need in your modpack Test this one and just add some mods you will need one by one If this modpack is modified with quests and other custom stuff, create a new clean forge instance and just copy the mods to your mods-folder
  12. Make a test with adding it or remove ad_astra_giselle_addon
  13. Switch to a pre-configured modpack Most of these already have a server pack Use such a modpack as working base and add new mods one by one
  14. Add crash-reports with sites like https://mclo.gs/ Maybe an issue with pneumaticcraft Make a test without it - if there is no change, use a pre-configured modpack as working base - then add new mods one by one
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