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Everything posted by Ninoviski

  1. Hello guys, I need help at the EnttiyArrow, about it. First of all, is about is strenght. Let me tell my problem, i want to make a spear, but if i just get the EntityArrow code, it will go very strong. The deal is this: Is there a way to make it less strong, or do i need to mess up with the heading, onupdate, ticks... If i do need to mess up with there stuff, is there any tutorial? Or could you reader help me? Thanks to you all, See ya
  2. When you start to test your mod, at the console, it will tell that it searched for your items textures, if yout take a look, you will see where is it But i think that if you put /mods/yourmodname/textures/items/mod.png or /textures/items/mod.png Ps: the image dont need to be mod.png
  3. See blaueserschoern tutorials, it might help
  4. Bump Look, SET UP in the Item, we have ItemDamage, that is an int, and is about getting the item life "taken" in the Enttiy we just have this.setDead, so, we dont have half life, or is it dead, or is it life I want to put the ItemDamage to the Entity, so i do public int ItemDamage At the Entity i do public ItemSpear Spear Now, i can do Spear.Item PART A How to use it? How to every time that the Enttiy Intialize it can get that damage. For initializing we know that we use the entityInit() PART B As a guess, i created a public int, it is public int getItemDamage(something about x, dont remember) { return Spear.ItemDamage ] I think that my guess is a piece of shit, cause we need to teel that this cucker is that sucker so i THINK we must put (WorldObj remute stuff), but i dont know how to use it, if statement? i dont have anyother condition... I am pretty new to JAVA. PART 3 When it hits the target entity, it get "hurts" ( i think that is putting the animal int (public int getMaxHealth this can get hurt, but i think i might not work, cause i belive it can get hurt(red stuff))) but how do i do that? With my noobity of JAVA i kept creating methods with no certain. public int takeItemDamage(another x stuff) { return Spear.ItemDamage - x = Spear.ItemDamage } For me, the codes makes senses, because thats the algebra i must do, except that cant show that it is a last ItemDamage, we have the last and the new item damage, and also that wordremote stuff END If you red all of this i give you really thanks, really, and if you do help it will be really greatfull See ya
  5. Hey, i must tell you something bro, i dont know java very well But i keep trying and trying, until know i did some stuff, just read:: ItemDamage = the damage the items has, it is an public static int I added too an method at the EntitySpear that is a public int public int takeSpearDamage(int x) Return this.Spear.ItemDamage = this.Speat.ItemDamage - x; Just on the method you can see that i cant make a diference beetween the old and new int See ya
  6. Thanks you so much, i will try it now...
  7. The arrow i more a bullet, it is shooted, but mine is it, i dont need any weapon. I dont know the meaning of EntityItem there, but, i saw the ItemArrow (fucking on update, did you see its size?) and i copied it. Before i doing that i used the snowbalk code, but we cant pick it back, so i used the arrow anyway...
  8. Man, i will answer this just tomorrow, this is hard work hehe Im at the Ipad
  9. Heey, now i see that you mean a sword hehe, i will try to explain it Well, i dont like messing up with these func12346969 i really dont like them. But the only thing that i can tell you, is that in the Zombie, when you add that func stuff in the EquipedItems, you add a void method about it also. Example: public void func123 (stuff par1stuff....) . . . renderEquiperItems(stuff) func123(blabla)
  10. So, i am working in a Spear, and it can work like a sword, or like a snowball. And i have a problem beetween these 2 friends. I think you allready know, but, when i right click with the Spear, it generates its Entity, because an Item cant get flying arround out there. But, as it is also a "sword" it has that tool stuff, about its usage. Know comes the issue, if i throw the Spear, i can pick it up, but when i do, it doesnt has the same usage as before i threw it. For example, i saw a zombie, i hitted it, and killed it, and then i saw a creeper, and i trhew the Spear at it, and jnow it is dead \o/... So, i go back to my spear, and when i pick it, its new, like i have never hitted a zombie. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, got it? So, i keep thinking that, if i write to the NBT it will solve, but i dont know if it is the Entity NBT, the Item NBT, both, and i dont know also to how to comunicatw these two. Hope you get it. See ya
  11. So, my friend, if you are talking about HOLDING an ItemStack, you must add, at least, two methods, the EqquipedTems stuff, and the RenderCarrying. You can see they at the EnderMan renderer Look, about that function stuff, you will substitute it to your RenderCarrying, thats the thing, got it?
  12. Dont know if this can help, but to to the Enderman render class, ant see the method of it has about holding items (i pretty think it might be)
  13. I see... Thank you, any other question i will post here
  14. 1.3 can be easy, OK. But i mean 1.5
  15. I mean a little Eskimo village :B
  16. Hey, i am developing a mod out there, and i should make a village for it At mc wiki there is a tutorial, but a tutorial to how to put it in the single player, not programming with forge or nothing... And i want to know, is there any tutorial of forge for creating a village...
  17. So guys, my fela da puta de brother locked the topic, now i cant unlock, even if i press the button 7 times. The another topic: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,8948.0.html Hope you guys understand and solve this mess
  18. Another problem that i am getting is at my GUI texture, i copied the code, and even doing that i didnt worked. I mean, in the first (less than a sec) it shows my texture, but after that, it gets like a font style, with happy faces, numbers, etc...
  19. Got it, but there is a way to, dont know, communicate the Entity that i used to open the GUI and then set fire at it. Now that you said it came more clear to me, i will think about it, thank you man. Think about that /\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/ ----- Edit ---- An exemple, that is really "far" is the container and the GUI, they work with those client and common proxy, and in the GUI, we do some super(...) stuff
  20. I have tried to, when i click the button, there will show off a message (like the player sayng) and that message will set fire in the entity, but i am really really really noob in chat things, so i will keep trying the common way
  21. So, i did this public GUINino(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, EntityNino par2EntityNino) { this.nino = par2EntityNino; } And it is still giving crash in the same line of code (95) the line of the setting fire stuff public void actionPerformed(GuiButton par1GuiButton) { if (par1GuiButton.enabled) { if (par1GuiButton.id == 1) { this.mc.thePlayer.closeScreen(); } else if (par1GuiButton.id == 2) { >>>>> this.nino.setFire(9); <<<<<< } } } Thats all i have got, i will try look at another class out there and wait for replys See ya
  22. Doing it right now, just the computer that is a piece of merda
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