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Everything posted by Flopticode

  1. Unfortunately not. In my case I was able to just copy my whole library code into my project, which is really bad practice, but seems to be the only option until the forge team develops a usable and working interface for non-mod libs...
  2. You're right, I have now set up a local maven repo and published my library to it. That should make things way easier in the future. I think in my case native code is a good option because the dll does not interact with Minecraft directly at all, it is always controlled through a mod. I'm aware of the potential problems (memory leaks, segfaults, hardware dependencies, ...) that native code can cause, but I am very experienced in C++ and always double check these errors in my code. Is it possible that you tested this with a mod, not a library? afaik fg.deobf is just for deobfuscating mods so that they can run in development environments. Also my library has no MC version as it is completely independent from Minecraft (just features pathfinding functions for an abstract world). I tested your gradle script anyway (that was before I set up the Maven repo btw, so this still refers to the jar inside the 'libs' folder) and it didn't seem to work (gradle throws an exception that the artifact was not found, probably due to the fact that fg.deobf can't handle that dependency as it is not a mod?). After I set up the maven repo, I added it to my gradle file like this repositories { maven { url "P:/repos/maven" } } and I retested some of the previous options, hoping that it just didn't work for flat dirs (obviously I tried just one of these at a time): minecraftLibrary "flopticode:mc-astar:1.1" implementation "flopticode:mc-astar:1.1" minecraftLibrary fg.deobf("flopticode:mc-astar:1.1") implementation fg.deobf("flopticode:mc-astar:1.1") All of these result in the same NoClassDefFoundError. At this point I am completely confused why it doesn't work as I did exactly what this entry from the Forge Documentation says.
  3. It's the same situation as in this post from before: So I guess in theory I could export my mod to use it in-game like an end-user would, but I don't think I can properly develop a mod without any debugging / testing tools from the IDE.
  4. I don't get a specific error from gradle, it returns "BUILD SUCCESSFUL". However, eclipse shows an entry mc-astar-1.1.jar - P:\Java\MinecraftModding\1.20.1\MCAStarMod (missing) in the classpath window after refreshing the gradle project. This obviously implies several "The import mc_astar_java cannot be resolved" compile errors everywhere I use the library's packages in the Java code. On the other hand, if I add the path in the "implementation" statement in the gradle file, the classpath shows mc-astar-1.1.jar - P:\Java\MinecraftModding\1.20.1\MCAStarMod\src\main\resources\libs and I get no compile errors, meaning it should at least find the library (right?)
  5. That's what I thought too at first, but when I tried just the filename, the project failed to compile. Then I looked up the classpath generated by gradle and saw that it added "mc-astar-1.1.jar" at the project's root directory, not in "src/main/resources/libs" as I would have expected.
  6. I tried the following now implementation files("src/main/resources/libs/mc-astar-1.1.jar") and it throws still the same NoClassDefFoundError. Also tried it again with the JDA just to be sure my API is not the problem and it also didn't work.
  7. It's the release from my GitHub repo. I renamed it to "mc-astar-1.1.jar" for testing and moved it to the "src/main/resources/libs" folder of my mod project.
  8. Sure, though it's pretty much the default one from the Forge MDK plugins { id 'eclipse' id 'idea' id 'maven-publish' id 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' version '[6.0,6.2)' } version = mod_version group = mod_group_id base { archivesName = mod_id } java.toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17) println "Java: ${System.getProperty 'java.version'}, JVM: ${System.getProperty 'java.vm.version'} (${System.getProperty 'java.vendor'}), Arch: ${System.getProperty 'os.arch'}" minecraft { mappings channel: mapping_channel, version: mapping_version copyIdeResources = true runs { configureEach { workingDirectory project.file('run') property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES' property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug' mods { "mcastartest" { source sourceSets.main } } } client { property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', mod_id } server { property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', mod_id args '--nogui' } gameTestServer { property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', mod_id } data { workingDirectory project.file('run-data') args '--mod', mod_id, '--all', '--output', file('src/generated/resources/'), '--existing', file('src/main/resources/') } } } sourceSets.main.resources { srcDir 'src/generated/resources' } repositories { flatDir { dir 'src/main/resources/libs' } } dependencies { minecraft "net.minecraftforge:forge:${minecraft_version}-${forge_version}" implementation "blank:mc-astar:1.1" } tasks.named('processResources', ProcessResources).configure { var replaceProperties = [ minecraft_version: minecraft_version, minecraft_version_range: minecraft_version_range, forge_version: forge_version, forge_version_range: forge_version_range, loader_version_range: loader_version_range, mod_id: mod_id, mod_name: mod_name, mod_license: mod_license, mod_version: mod_version, mod_authors: mod_authors, mod_description: mod_description, ] inputs.properties replaceProperties filesMatching(['META-INF/mods.toml', 'pack.mcmeta']) { expand replaceProperties + [project: project] } } tasks.named('jar', Jar).configure { manifest { attributes([ 'Specification-Title' : mod_id, 'Specification-Vendor' : mod_authors, 'Specification-Version' : '1', 'Implementation-Title' : project.name, 'Implementation-Version' : project.jar.archiveVersion, 'Implementation-Vendor' : mod_authors, 'Implementation-Timestamp': new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") ]) } finalizedBy 'reobfJar' } publishing { publications { register('mavenJava', MavenPublication) { artifact jar } } repositories { maven { url "file://${project.projectDir}/mcmodsrepo" } } } tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach { options.encoding = 'UTF-8' }
  9. Thank you, that source improved my understanding on gradle dependencies, but unfortunately it didn't fix my problem. I tried to add the dependency to the "implementation" configuration, but the library is still not present at runtime. Just to test, I also tried to explicitly add the dependency to the "runtimeOnly" configuration as well, which didn't change anything either.
  10. Hello, I developed a Java library and I am trying to import it into my 1.20.1 Minecraft mod using Forge 47.2.0. I added my libs folder as a flatDir repository using the following code: repositories { flatDir { dir 'src/main/resources/libs' } } and I added my library (mc-astar-1.1.jar) to the classpath by adding minecraftLibrary "blank:mc-astar:1.1" to my dependencies block, which should be enough for properly importing the library, according to the docs. However, the library only seems to be added to the compiletime classpath, but not to the runtime classpath as the Java compiler doesn't report any compile-time errors and a NoClassDefFoundError is thrown as soon as I try to access any classes contained in the library. To ensure that my library is not the issue I tried to import the Java Discord API as a jar library as well and it didn't work either. I already spent a few hours solving this problem, so I will greatly appreciate any hint about what detail I am missing here. Thank you!
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