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Everything posted by siiikooo0743

  1. cause that is not how it works^^. Minecraft calls that for you when the player let's go the mouse button. -siiikooo
  2. Yeah but it isn't being called unless you call player.setItemInUse(stack, maxDuration) , which slows the player down, like eating would:( -siiikooo
  3. Can I make minecraft call Item.onPlayerStoppedUsing() without the player walking slow? -siiikooo
  4. Thanks, didn't even see that function Trying it now, but should work. -siiikooo
  5. Mod on GitHub now: https://github.com/siiikooo0743/JAOUM If you want to check out the whole code. -siiikooo
  6. Hi, TileEntity.invalidate() never get's called. this.chunkTileEntityMap.put(chunkposition, par4TileEntity); gets called and par4TileEntity has all the data. -siiikooo
  7. The Data seems to get lost between the TileEntity.readFromNBT([...]) and the later called Block.getBlockTexture([...]), where i use the Tile Entity. Trying to find out why -siiikooo
  8. Got breakpoints working and the data gets actually properly read. The Block just doesn't update right. I'm fixing that now. siiikooo
  9. My problem at the moment is to get breakpoints working in my project setup. But i might just use the standart setup now. -siiikooo
  10. k I have no idea. Never saw this error before. Good luck fixing it -siiikooo
  11. Maybe it's more than you have?? But I don't know. -siiikooo
  12. Saw there is an metadata sensitive version. So i would only need to override this function for every Item. But how do i do that without actually overriding to file??? -siiikooo
  13. Where(in which function) would i place this snippet best? Best would be if changed the hardness even when the player holds down the left Mousebutton and than turns over the block.(Other than the Dragonegg) -siiikooo
  14. Hi, my TileEntity loses its Data when i save and reload the world. Why? TileEntity: public class TE_BuildingBlock extends TileEntity { public int TextureBlockID; public int TextureBlockMetadata; @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1) { super.writeToNBT(par1); par1.setInteger("TextureBlockID", TextureBlockID); par1.setInteger("TextureBlockMetadata", TextureBlockMetadata); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1) { super.readFromNBT(par1); TextureBlockID = par1.getInteger("TextureBlockID"); TextureBlockMetadata = par1.getInteger("TextureBlockMetadata"); } } MainMod: GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TE_BuildingBlock.class, "buildingBlock"); Block: public TileEntity createTileEntity(World world, int metadata) { return new TE_BuildingBlock(); } @Override public boolean hasTileEntity(int metadata) { return true; } Thanks siiikooo
  15. hard if i don't have the world but i solved it. thanks anyways siiikooo
  16. Hi, is there a way to set the hardness of a block depending on what his metadata is? For exmample if the metadata is 0 the hardness is 1.0F and if it's 1 the hardness is 3.0F Thanks siiikooo
  17. Thanks a lot man! Helped a lot! Will test it now. -siiikooo EDIT: Is there an easy way of teeling mc that this block needs an update?
  18. Hi, i can't see how this would help me: But thanks for the idea of a TileEntitySpecialRenderer -siiikooo
  19. Is your mod loaded on the Server? Maybe check the Serverconsole. Can't seem to find anything wrong in the code. siiikooo
  20. Hi, is it possible to change the texture of a block dependent on it's TileEntity? I have more than 16 different textures so i can't do it with metadata. Thanks siiikooo
  21. Oh... that is code is really old. Back then i didn't know that that is the ClientWorld lol Thanks i never noticed that.
  22. Hi, i get this crash-report: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/0501b3b8 every time the updateEntity()-function of my TileEntity is called. gitHub: https://github.com/siiikooo0743/Extradimensional-Hotbar/tree/master/MCP/mcp/src/minecraft/siiikooo0743/EXDIHO Thanks in advanced siiikooo0743
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