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Everything posted by ILuvYouCompanionCube

  1. That's a brilliant idea, it has to work. And if it does, we have to make sure EVERYBODY learns about it.
  2. @Naitenne yes, that would be really great. That's exactly what I wanted to do. But if I do it like that, it seems I have no way to render my blocks/items textures, because forge needs me to override some method to be able to find my textures. And that's only possible by inheritance edit: to make it clearer, I CAN define blocks and items like that. But they won't be properly shown in game. they will appear as a cube (for blocks) or a little square thingy like a white tablet. Both with the words "texture not found" (or something like that) written all over them. So unless there's a way around this, people have to derive from either block or item to be able to override that special method forge needs to find my textures.
  3. @Mew Yes I could... Still a lot of work compared to net.minecraft.item.Item class, have you seen it? (and in a side note, I'm not sure java inner classes can be declared static, but I may be wrong) edit: added @Mew at the begining of the post because it wasn't clear who I was talking to.
  4. wow... that's a shame. Minecraft seems to locate their textures by block/item unlocalizedName property and then just add ".png" to the end. Sad this is a problem people encounter so early. By the time they've mastered enough skills to solve it more elegantly than by inheritance, I think they just got used to it (i mean the forge developers and the rest of the community). And there's also the strange requirement java has that every class must be define in it's own file... create 50 blocks/items and you have 50 files just for that, plus all the rest of your mod. Really a shame. Edit: after reading your editing on your second post: I really don't think that's it. Although I don't think it would be worthless learning what that particular member does, if you can.
  5. Hello forum people. This is my first post, I still use minecraft release 1.5.2, just to be safe when modding, and I'm not that good at Java (I don't like to type that much) and I noticed that for registering textures for items or blocks to be able to be rendered in game, you need to override a method. That's not what minecraft itself does most of the time. Just a few blocks/items have their own classes but just because they have unique logic or they have to override other methods. So there's really no way around this? deriving from a base class for each and every block/item I define in mod, even if it's just a dumb block with a different texture, is the only possible way to have a block/item rendered in game?
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