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Everything posted by greymerk

  1. try... if(blockToReplace.getBlock() == Blocks.stone && blockToReplace.getValue(BlockStone.VARIANT_PROP) == BlockStone.EnumType.GRANITE){ ... } Seemed to work when i tried it.
  2. isn't your spellcraftgaming package directory supposed to be in the minecraft directory, not in the net package? Just looks like a namespace thing.
  3. Hi, I have a mod I'm trying to make compatible with forge, One function I need is the ability to manipulate the entities being created by mob spawners. When I use the LivingSpawnEvent.SpecialSpawn class event to modify spawns it only applies to entities spawning naturally, not to any other sort of spawns. Is there some other way to do this, or is this just not possible right now? In the base code this is something i've been handling in MobSpawnerBaseLogic.func_98265_a(Entity par1Entity) just by inserting my modifications right at the end of that method. Thanks in advance for any insights.
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