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Everything posted by iowarrior

  1. More bugfixes and improvements to quest/structure system 0.4.3 Maybe its time for a bit more explanation how it works. First of all, when the game is launched with the mod it will extract (if not already done) an folder structure inside the mods folder, containing the scripts. Right now there is just one script that is being loaded (quests/dungeon/specialitem.js) but later it will be expanded to accept any number of scripts. This script will define how the dungeon is generated. It offers a possibility of extremely random to completely static layout. In addition to that there can be any number of json files (the mod ships with two predefines) serving as descriptors for that script, and those will define the content of the generated structure. So eventually the user can add any number of scripts and any number of descriptors for each script. So what will happen during the world generation phase is that a location is selected for the structure, then a random script is selected that forms the structure, then a random descriptor is selected for that script for the content. The content in this case means main loot, random loot, and later mobs, boss mobs, traps and books. How the script uses the descriptor is entirely up to the script so anyone with enough programming experience can go quite far in modifying it, those with less experience can settle with modifying only the json files. When playing on a server only the server files are used and the client scripts dont have to match at all. So server admins can set up interesting locations for the players. Well, eventually, right now the locations are still completely random. Here is the current version of the specialitem.js: And here is one example of a descriptor for it, specialitem_swordofsharpness.json: Remember to delete the existing extracted script folder when updating to a newer version so that its extracted again with the new scripts.
  2. 0.4.2 - Fixed lots of worldgen crashes. Our test server currently has some login issues, you have to basically keep on loggin in and eventually it succeeds. I dont think its the mod, rather the numerous crashes maybe corrupted the world file... I could be wrong though.
  3. Made some fixes to the worldgen, this version should fix possible crashes. Also made further progress and has some very first implementation of scriptable dungeons. 0.4.1
  4. A heads up. Made some good progress on worldgen and quests. What i have settled for is a javascript enhanced quest system, and the generation of the dungeon in the picture below is controlled by a such a script. http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/images/2013-11-13_20.59.30.png[/img]
  5. Hey, things continue roll on. Got the first testable version with added worldgen, that is dungeons. Also as a nice addition, we are joing forces with hydroflame, where we'll combine my singleplayer design with his multilplayer server features. Being also more experienced with forge and graphics programming im happy to have him aboard. This is probably the last release containing just my stuff, mainly an update to 1.6.4 and some worldgen addition: 0.4.0 - Update to 1.6.4 - Added dungeon world structure generator
  6. Hey, going good. Been working on update to 1.6.4 and world generation. Should soon have a build and some more announcements.
  7. Thats really cool, will look forward to it. Even if this is a coremod i have some ideas how i would like to make my own mod work with it. Maybe some API to query for celestial events?
  8. This is pretty cool! Is it possible to configure the stars or the planets or even day and year length?
  9. Version 0.3.1 First Quest prototype added. A building might be generated in each village that contains a quest block. On activation the quest is given to the player. This first quest is called City Walls, and its about making the village safer. There are two phases in the quest; the inner city walls and the outer city walls. Upon completing each phase the player is rewarded with one XP level. Once fully completed it can no longer be obtained but prior to that multiple players can obtain it and then work on it collaboratively.
  10. Ah i see your point, compatibility between these two mods is a good thing to for me to keep in mind.
  11. FREINDSHIP!!!!1!! ps, if you were to combine your mods it'd be more like a modpack feel. Well, depends if we get the comms going on and it turns out we have a common goal. At this point i really cant tell. A successful project cant be based on just similarities. Like i said in my reply, a joint project would require some serious communication outside the forums to get the collaboration going on. And we haven't really been able to do that.
  12. Well , i have gotten some positive feedback, mostly offline from friends testing. But i didn't really expect much as this preview was released under the radar while still under development. Will be beating more drums when all the features start to get completed.
  13. So, after some thinking came to the conclusion that is not a good idea. Even if it would be possible to do for vanilla by updating a LOT of places as the inventory sizes are hardcoded basically everywhere, it would probably break with the first additional mod used for the same reason. Well, already went trough that with you outside the forums but also wanted to update this thread.
  14. Solved. As i suspected it had nothing to do with my actual containers or Guis, they all worked fine. It had to do with client/server separation and when i worked a couple of days ago to get the mod working on dedicated server i separated something in the wrong way and accidentially registered the GUIHandler only on the client side. Thanks anyway everyone for your answers even though they didn't really relate to my problem they definitely made me take another round of thoughts into those matters.
  15. Ill just recap here because seems you guys misunderstood some points: Im not doing a furnace so i wont use GuiFurnace or ContainerFurnace. I have done everything right from the start as suggested, everything works fine in multiplayer except with a dedicated server. Im using the latest forge recommended build. If you can point to me a mod that is supposed to work and covers this issue, then i will test that on the server and rule out a server/forge problem.
  16. Well, i tried that seriously. Works in multiplayer but not on dedicated server. I will do it once more today just for the exercise and hope that maybe i just missed something.
  17. Tried extending the Furnace but that didn't solve anything, so i stick to extending the Container, etc.. And also as this is more of a subset of the furnace (burns fuel and produces nothing) doesn't make sense extending because of that either. Also checked the methods you mentioned and the order of adding the slots. I did notice that changing the order of adding slots affected in how it got screwed up (screwed up in different ways). To me it just doesn't make sense. But i guess ill just have to rewrite it until it starts working in dedicated servers.
  18. Ill leave your remarks about programming in general on their own since you probably made some incorrect conclusions of my programming abilities, but thank you for the actual answers on the matter.
  19. So in this case you think extending the respective Furnace classes and overriding where appropriate might fix this?
  20. I have a couple containers that have the same bug. I have to point out that they work on a multiplayer session hosted from the client but not on a dedicated server. When opening the containers the player inventory seems to be offsetted by a couple indexes in a weird way. Eg picking up the stack from the first slot actually picks up the helmet and so on so that picking up the 5th slot picks the first. The codes are pretty much based on the furnace and have been reading a lot of that furnace code and everything seems to be set up in the same way. My guess is that the client GuiContainer inventory slots become set up somehow incorrectly or that the server side is not updating the client propery. So i guess that when hosting the multiplayer from client everything gets synched up automatically, but not from a dedicated server. Do i need to add some network code to synch up custom containers? Or is there something in the container base classes that do this automatically if set up right? I can post the code too but i have basically this happening on a container that is almost 100% replica of the furnace.
  21. Got it fixed (SideOnly annotations helped) and it now runs also as dedicated server. As a matter of fact we now have a server running here and you are free to try the mod there. I will be playtesting there along with some others, you are welcome to join. Server address: minecraft.tomodomo.org
  22. Doesnt seem to work on dedicated server. Working on that. But it works for player hosted multiplayer... If someone is interested in pointing to the correct solution, this is what i get on dedicated server launch: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/Render at qadom.quests.blocks.BlockQuest.<init>(BlockQuest.java:30) at qadom.blocks.BlockManager.<init>(BlockManager.java:105) at qadom.Qadom.load(Qadom.java:133) and this last line is causing it: public BlockQuest(int par1, Material par2Material) { super(par1, par2Material); setHardness(10.0F); setStepSound(Block.soundWoodFootstep); setUnlocalizedName("questBlock"); setCreativeTab(QuestManager.tabQuests); <--- exception from here ... Ok, looked into it and i clearly have client code trying to execute on server, a problem that didn't manifest when hosting multiplayer from the client. This may take the rest of the weekend to fix...
  23. Yeah, i notice that. And like you said similarities but also differencies. It all essentially gets down to this one question. We aim to deepen the adventure experience by not just adding a lot of stuff on top of it. Instead small subtle changes and new challenges, and the extra stuff like spells, to keep that hard to obtain and balanced enough to not break the other gameplay. But i do look for team members because there are a lot of areas to work on. Maybe we should have a chat (skype or similar) to see if our views meet. From what i understood you planned on a MMO type mod, could be that we have similar goals but could be that we aim at different things too. So i wouldn't rush into combining these two as such because it could also mean that both parts deviate from their own original ideas then too much. Ill send you a PM with email and skype contacts, we can have a chat.
  24. I have updated the build to Forge Recommended build Did this at work and only checked that it compiles. Will be able to troubleshoot more in the evening....
  25. Ok, i was expecting something like this. I will start updating the code for the latest version of forge after work today. If you have time and feel its worth it, try with the older version of forge (
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