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Everything posted by jamiemac262

  1. ok, I know nothing about tile entities I was going to limit block spread and then make the faction core a tile entity for faction information.... maybe I'll do the tile entity part first
  2. I can only see 2 ways to do what you said every block checks for a faction core in range before spreading (seems kinda inefficient or control the spread from the faction core or is there another way I haven't thought of?
  3. so control the spread from the faction core? at the moment every block ticks randomly and calls a "doSpread" function
  4. Hi, I'm building my first mod, a faction style mod where the player places a "faction core" and all the blocks within a 16 block radius of the core change to my mod's equivalent of that block for example, Grass would become faction Grass, logs become faction Logs etc I've got the core block and a few other faction blocks (grass, log and dirt) the faction blocks spread like grass (but aren't restricted to dirt). I'm at a stage now where I want to limit the spread to 16 blocks around the faction core but I have no idea how to do it! can anyone help me out with some pointers/suggestions? thanks, Jamie
  5. thanks, 2 hours of torture solved within 4 minutes of asking for help lol
  6. Hi, I'm really new to forge modding and I've hit a wall while trying to set up textures. When the client it starting up I get this stack trace: My factionGrass.json looks like this: { "forge_marker": 1, "defaults" : { "model": "factionmod: block/grass_normal" }, "variants": { "normal":{ }, } } I also have the same errors about an inventory variant Can anyone see where I've gone wrong? thanks, Jamie
  7. hi, I have created a mod called ForgeConomy that I need to reference in another mod. How do I do this using intellij?
  8. i hadn't even thought to look in World... i'd gotten the placed block, casted it to a sign and gone looking for some kind of sign.getTileEntity(); lol
  9. thanks i could not for the life of me find a tutorial, or question, or anything with that damned line of code lol
  10. does anybody know how to get the tile entity of a block when the block is right clicked? i've got a playerInteractEvent, i can get the block i'm right clicking (in this case a sign) i just need to be able to get the tileEntity of the block. i can't work it out
  11. checking if the sign was a shop sign and checking if there is a chest below the sign when it's placed seemed much easier than building a whole new block.... guess i was wrong lol i'm trying to avoid GUI's, and packets... they just confuse me every time lol i have 5 mods i want to build. they are mods that just don't exist in the Forge community (that i can find) -- probably as a result of server owners being so used to bukkit. my plan was to make all 5 of these mods server-side... so a server owner can decide to include/exclude them without clients needing the mods
  12. it would be like essentials' shops from bukkit a sign over a chest with [buy/sell] -- respectivley <quantity> <item/block name> <shop owner> written on the sign is there still a block update event? -- i imagine that would be triggered when the text is applied to the sign, no?
  13. so I'm about to start developing a new mod now. thanks to everyone who helped me get my last mod out I'm a little stuck. My new mod is going to be a chest shop-type mod, where there's a sign with some text above a chest to create a player-made shop. In order to do this, i'll need to check what was written on a sign when it is placed above a chest. could someone explain how to do this please? all i know for certain is i will probably need a BlockPlaceEvent (if such an event exists)
  14. this resolved that issue, but func_152596_g is causing gradlew build to fail thoughts? I'm so damn close to releasing my mod!
  15. This works like a charm thanks
  16. getOppedPlayers() stilll doesn't exist?
  17. okay, i'll do this now. could you explain what this does? (so i know when it might be necessary for future ref.)
  18. "canSendCommands()" apaprently doesn't exist either
  19. oh, this might be relevant: i'm modding on 1.7.10 not 1.8
  20. "getOppedPlayers()" apparently isn't a method 0.o thoughts?
  21. I have a few commands on my mod that i don't want regular players using. Until i work out how to set permissions (or build a permission manager if i have to) i want to restrict these commands to OP, while letting players use other commands. it's worth noting that i have one command with several functions based on the first argument (/wallet set..... /wallet pay... etc) so at the start of each command that i want to restrict. i need to check if the player is OP. Can someone tell me how to do this please? don't you just hate being a Nooby modder? At the stage where tutorials aren't spoon feeding you through to releasing a mod, leaving you to ask many, many questions that seem to have simple answers?
  22. i can't believe my stupidity sometimes.... nbt.setDouble("funds", getWallet()); sould have been properties.setDouble("funds", getWallet()); thanks Ernio for helping me debug that
  23. I'm not really sure how to even debug this to find out what's wrong. i have an IEEP "Wallet" when i give my wallet a value, the console tells me it's saving the property. when i log out of the server and log back in i get a message telling me it's loaded the property from NBT, but it seems it hasn't, because the property has reset itself. could someone take a look and help me work out what's wrong here please? public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound nbt){ System.out.println("[MineConomy] Loading Player Wallet"); NBTTagCompound properties = (NBTTagCompound) nbt.getTag(EXT_PROP_NAME); setFunds(properties.getDouble("funds")); System.out.println("PLAYER'S FUNDS ARE NOW: " + getWallet()); //getWallet is 0.00 here. even after i set it to something like 1000 } public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound nbt){ System.out.println("[MineConomy] Saving Player Wallet"); NBTTagCompound properties = new NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setDouble("funds", getWallet()); nbt.setTag(EXT_PROP_NAME, properties); }
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