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Everything posted by jamiemac262

  1. hi, i need to call a method "isBeingProvided" which belongs to a certain block using the co-ordinates of the block so i need to know if that's even possible, the method will be called by a few other blocks and they are able to find this specific block which acts like a signal booster for energy, the blocks need to check that every "booster" block within 10 blocks of them are being provided with energy. i have added the "isBeingProvided" method into those booster blocks but don't have a clue how i would be able to call the method... can anybody help me out?
  2. hi, i'm building a mob with a block that needs to detect when a hostile mob stands on it, and kill the mob. i have absolutely no idea how to do this or even where to start could somebody point me in the right direction please?
  3. hi, i have a block that acts like a sort of marker in the land..... it allows the player who places it to create a faction and control the faction from this block... the problem is that i can't seem to get the GUI too work, some aspects of the wiki tutorials aren't crystal clear. do i need a containerGui for every block that has a GUI? or just blocks that are going to store items? e.g. a block that will store strings and an array or 2, i'm not sure if that needs to extend containerGui for a block that serves this function. at the moment my GUI only extends GuiScreen, and in the log the problem is: "A mod tried to open a gui on the server without being a NetworkMod" i guess this question might be a bit vague so if anybody could offer some tips or suggestions for any part of this topic i would appreciate it thanks in advance
  4. okay well that gives me a headache to try and think about haha..... i will give it a go sep by step like you said still quite new to forge so could someone point me to a metadata tutorial?
  5. what is line 162 of your MultiScrewdriver class? infact, can you post that class? it's where the error is ava.lang.NullPointerException at tps.dbm.items.MultiScrewdriver.onItemUse(MultiScrewdriver.java:162)
  6. i forgot to say, i want it to spread like grass, but a bit faster--which it does just now but still.... only 1 block away haha
  7. hi, i haven't got a clue how to do this so i wonder if somebody could help me out? i'm creating a mod that's kind of a cross between factions and starcraft i have a block called Creep Generator (which just now doesn't have anything to do with factions or clans etc..... i will probably have to ask about that as well later haha) i'm going to refine this later (to stop it replacing ores) but for now i need the creep generator to replace every block within a certain radius of the creep generator..... i want it to affect all the solid/liquid blocks from bedrock to world height within this radius. right now the block will affect the area immediately surrounding it and no further than 1 block away can anybody help me out?
  8. wasn't really sure where else to post this i just changed my password because i couldn't remember the password i used for this website. so i need to ask: could somebody from the forum perhaps alter the login and password reset pages to mention the restrictions to how we lay out our passwords (e.g. at least 8 characters, a mix of upper case and lower case etc) after (i think) 5 login attempts i had to create 3 passwords before i could get on
  9. i have tried to look for the source a few times, as far as i can tell the mod is not open source
  10. i've just finished college and am moving onto university for software development, i know java very well as it's all we used the last 2 years of college
  11. my friends and i are tired of waiting for red alloy wire to update to 1.6 so that we can use it with the latest mods again, and i cant find the source for the redpower mod so this seemed like the best solution. the mod is going to be this and a bunch of different colours of red wire.
  12. hi, i have been trying to make my own version of red alloy wire from the redpower wires mod, i have the block and can place it, and redstone connects to it. however beyond that i haven't a clue what to do. i am unable to make the redstone signal travel through the wire and i do not know how to make it change shape to connect to other wires or how to make it attach to walls. could someone point me in the right direction? what i have so far can be found here http://gw.minecraftforge.net/0Pm4 thank you in advance
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