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    MCF Mapping & Modding moderator.

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  1. Hey there, Whenever I try to run setupDecompWorkspace in Forge v12.17.0.2051, I get this error. It doesn't actually tell me what's wrong, so I was wondering how I could fix it. Here's the stacktrace: http://pastebin.com/Bg6eg4Ch Thanks!
  2. I just tried removing them, and got the same error.
  3. Here's a pastebin link to the code: http://pastebin.com/8bWqKY2r Line 47 is the BlockModelRenderer.renderModel() call.
  4. Ah, thanks, that's exactly what I've been looking for! I used some of your code to finish up my TESR. The only thing is that I'm still getting the same crash as before, do you know what's wrong? Code: Crash:
  5. Well, I was trying to render it dynamically at first, by using vertexes, WorldRenderer, and the Tessellator to draw the texture of a block. But then I noticed that I had the IBakedModel of the Block I wanted to render as, so I thought that would be easier to use, especially if the block used multiple textures (furnace, grass, etc.). If there is an easier way to accomplish the same thing without using a TESR, please let me know.
  6. Hey there, I made a block with a TileEntitySpecialRenderer, and I want to have it rendered as whatever block is inserted into the TESR block's GUI. I'm currently using the code below, just to try to at least get it working, but it always crashes with this error, also below. I'm not sure if BlockModelRenderer.renderModel() is the correct method I'm supposed to be using here, and if I'm supposed to be using the GL methods as well (eg: pullMatrix(), popMatrix(), etc)? Could someone clear this up for me? Thanks! Code: Crash:
  7. Hi there, I'm trying to finish up the last release of my mod for 1.8/.8, so I can update to 1.10. I just need to find a solution to this one small problem. I have the Block and IBlockState instances of another type of Block that players insert into my custom block's GUI. How can I change just the texture (only) of my custom block to the texture of the block in the GUI? In 1.7.10, I used getIcon(World, X, Y, Z) to determine what block was inserted into the GUI, and changed my block's texture accordingly. What's the 1.8.8 version of that method?
  8. Hello everyone, Today, I'm going to show you how to use Forge's built-in version update checker found in v11.14.3.1549 and later. First, create an update.json file. Lastly, add the URL of your newly created file to your @Mod annotation. ...And you're done! If someone uses an outdated version of your mod, Forge will show a download link and changelog for the new version, using the info you've provided. Hope this helps!
  9. Hey, I'm trying to port my mod from 1.7.10 to 1.8, and I noticed one feature doesn't work in the 1.8 version. In 1.7.10, I can use Reflection to modify EntityRenderer.cameraZoom to have the camera zoom in and out, but in 1.8, that doesn't seem to work. I've made sure I'm modifying EntityRenderer.cameraZoom correctly by printing out the value, and it is actually being changed, but the view doesn't change at all. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Is there some sort of "refresh" method I need to call in 1.8?
  10. Hey, I'm trying to add my security camera model from 1.7.10 to 1.8. .java models for blocks are no longer used, so I had to make a .json model for my cameras in 1.8. The model looks fine, but I was wondering, how could I have one specific box (the main camera body, to be exact) in the model rotate? In 1.7.10 with .java models, I could just modify the rotation angles of one of the boxes in my TESR, but it doesn't seem like I can do that now. Would I have to use an ISmartItemModel or something? Here's a video showing the camera from 1.7.10, and how I would like it to rotate: Thanks for reading.
  11. In your @Mod annotation, simply set "canBeDeactivated=true". Only use this if you're sure you won't harm anything by suddenly disabling it, such as with GUI tweaks or chat mods.
  12. Hey everyone, The code I'm currently using to check if a player is online works absolutely fine in multiplayer, but I get a NullPointerException whenever I use it in a LAN world. Apparently, something to do with MinecraftServer returns null when you're using LAN. Could someone help me out? Code: Crash:
  13. Hey guys, I was wondering, is there any easy way to get the recipe for a given item/block? I was making a "manual" item that describes all the blocks in my mod, and it'll be nice if I could draw the block's recipe right in the manual's GUI, just like the CraftGuide mod. Any ideas? Thanks.
  14. You can use World.getBlockState(blockPos).getBlock() to get a block, and World.setBlockState(blockPos, yourBlock.getDefaultState()) to set a block.
  15. Awesome, setting the amplifier to -1 works like a charm! Thanks everyone!
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