Hi thanks for your reply,
Yes I knew rotation happens around the origin, but I've managed to shift it in a weird hacky way before using calculation to edit the translation... which was more work then it should be.
How should I go on to rotate the model then? Should I use something like the setRotationAngles function? or how should I tackle this?
I've been trying and fiddling around with these Fing numbers
But I can't seem to figure it out, this is my Tilentity renderer code that rotates a disc but it's well not rotating correctly:
Thanks in advance, I've really been trying hard to figure this out myself I know it has to do with some calculate stuff but I just can't figure it out,
I've googled on everything and tried everything, i'm desperate.
public class YourEventHandler
private static int flyTime = 0;
public void onLivingFallEvent(LivingFallEvent event) {
// if (flyTime > 0) { event.distance = 0; } // does NOT work correctly
if (flyTime > 0) { event.setCanceled(true); } // will not take fall damage while flying
* Use whichever Event works best for you; I used ArrowLooseEvent because
* my scroll item charges up like a bow and activates upon release.
* A list of Forge Events can be found here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Event_Reference
public void onArrowLooseEvent(ArrowLooseEvent event) {
// Check that the entity is a player
if (event.entity != null && event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
// Check that the item (named 'bow' in the event) being used is of the right class
if (event.bow != null && event.bow.getItem() instanceof ItemScroll) {
// Check if the item is the one that allows you to fly
if (((ItemScroll)event.bow.getItem()).getEffectType() == ItemScroll.FLY) {
// Set how long you are allowed to fly, or use a toggle instead
flyTime = ((ItemScroll)event.bow.getItem()).getDuration();
public void onLivingUpdateEvent(LivingUpdateEvent event)
if (event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.entity;
ItemStack itemInUse = player.getItemInUse();
if (itemInUse != null) {
updateItems(player, itemInUse);
// Need to allowFlying every update or it's difficult to get off the ground
if (flyTime > 0) { --flyTime; player.capabilities.allowFlying = true; }
if (flyTime == 0 && !player.capabilities.isCreativeMode) {
player.capabilities.allowFlying = false;
player.capabilities.isFlying = false; // drops player out of sky when timer runs out <ouch!>
Seriously the first thing i found when i googled flying armor minecraft forge.
EDIT: src http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1828278-forge-flying-with-custom-armor/