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  1. Oh yes, I saw that mod, but that's what I was trying to prevent, I want to provide the Config screen myself and not depend on other mods.
  2. Thanks will give it a go. PS: Do I need to manually build the screen items by item, or is there something built in that can handle it, like in the past we had GuiConfig?
  3. I haven't been updating mods in a while but I remember back in 1.12.2 and older versions there was a "GuiConfig" that we could extend and together with a "IModGuiFactory" that was enough to register the in-game Config GUI from @Mod passing the guiFactory in question. All that to get the "Config" button working in-game. What is the method to achieve this in newer versions like 1.18.x and 1.19.x - I couldn't find anything in the Documentation (Or maybe I missed it)
  4. So I'm making a mod that is client side only (Which I have working, but haven't fully tested the scenario of joining a server that doesn't have this mod on it) Bur following the documentation I found under "Concepts > Sides" that we should add an specific line. So my code now looks like this. @Mod(ModInfo.MOD_ID) public class RMH { public RMH() { ModLoadingContext.get().registerExtensionPoint(ExtensionPoint.DISPLAYTEST, () -> Pair.of(() -> FMLNetworkConstants.IGNORESERVERONLY, (a, b) -> true)); FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus().addListener(this::clientSetup); //MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); } private void clientSetup(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) { ModLoadingContext.get().registerConfig(ModConfig.Type.CLIENT, ModConfigs.SPEC, "RemoveMouseoverHighlight-client.toml"); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(RemoveHighlight.class); if(ModConfigs.USE_KEY.get()){ MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new KeyMonitor()); MyKeyBindings.register(); } } } The line that I added mentioned in the documentation is ModLoadingContext.get().registerExtensionPoint(ExtensionPoint.DISPLAYTEST, () -> Pair.of(() -> FMLNetworkConstants.IGNORESERVERONLY, (a, b) -> true)); I even commented out MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); which I'm not sure I should... The mod still works, but for some reason it doesn't feel right. Do I need to have anything else, or this should do it?
  5. I need to learn all those shortcuts. Will take a look at that, didn't know what it was called, but yes, for sure comes way more handy that trying to figure out where a class exists.
  6. On your IDE you probably have a folder called "External Libraries" on your project tree. In there you can find among a whole lot of other things, one folder that in particular may come handy. For example for 1.17.1 (Should be similar if not the same for 1.16.5) Gradle: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.17.1:37.1.1_mapped_official_1.17.1 (For 1.16.5 the name will change a little bit of course) When you open this tree you will find net > minecraft > level > world > block > DaylightDetectorBlock In there you can take a look at it's code to see what this block is doing in order to detect when it's daylight and when it's not. Haven't been doing MC modding in a time, but I guess this block been that it extends an entity block, it "ticks" and so has this method where the "magic" happens. tickEntity
  7. I am not 100% sure, but I believe Java 17 is only for Minecraft 1.18 For previous versions (or at least for 1.12) try with Java 8 (Also called 1.8.0) Here you have a resume https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Update_Java PS: Apparently for MC 1.17 it's Java 16 that is needed.
  8. I know in 1.12 there was an event called DrawBlockHighlightEvent but I can't find it on 1.18 (Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place) Anyone know what this event is called now, or where to find it? Thanks a lot.
  9. Ok so... After looking around a bit more I found out the solution. I didn't need to create the model for my BlockItem from my ItemModelProvider, but instead from my BlockStateProvider using the method `simpleBlockItem` That registered the model for the item of the block without any issue.
  10. So I have a Class extending ItemModelProvider to generate the .json files for my items models. The one problem I'm having is when I want to generate the item for a block. In this case I'm using the method `withExistingParent` but the problem is that when I point to the "parent" (in this case the model for the block itself) it complains about that file not existing. And while it's true that it doesn't exists, it does exist on the "generated" resources. withExistingParent(ModItems.BLACK_STONE_ITEM.get().getRegistryName().getPath(), new ResourceLocation(ModInfo.MOD_ID, "block/black_stone")); So my question is, how do I point to that folder instead of the "regular" resources folder?
  11. I was following the guide at https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/1.16.x/gettingstarted/ and it mentions we should change the instances of "examplemod" on build.gradle to the nameid of the mod we creating. And it also mentions we should change the group too. There are a couple of missing steps here. It doesn't mention we should change the project structure to reflect this changes. And more important, it doesn't mention the mods.toml file at all. Without updating this file with the correct values Minecraft wont start. EDIT: PS: Just noticed the mention to this comes on the next step. I guess then on step 1 it shouldn't be mention how to run the mod yet?
  12. I am guessing registering a config GUI is related with registering Configuration files also, but I can't find documentation about neither of those for 1.16 Any clue where I can find the steps to do so? Or 1.7.10 methods still apply? (Maybe it was 1.10)
  13. I'm new to using IntelliJ when modding for Minecraft, have been using Eclipse for the most part, but now I'm giving IntelliJ a try. I have one "key" problem with IntelliJ. After refactoring my package route from com.example.examplemod to mramericanmike.rmh. Now each time I runClient I'm still getting the old code been read from "Somewhere" How is it possible if the package and main class file no longer exist, they are still been used when runClient is called? I'm still seen in console [Worker-Main-6/INFO] [co.ex.ex.RMH/]: HELLO FROM FMLCommonSetupEvent 57 notice the co.ex.ex.RMH when my new package is different and the logger was changed to output LOGGER.info("HELLO FROM FMLCommonSetupEvent 7"); Notice changed 57 to 7 I tried running genIntellijRuns again, but it did nothing. What am I missing here?
  14. So I was looking at the documentation, but couldn't find anything related on how to get the Config button from the mods window working. I wasn't able to find much information on this topic other that some probably outdated tutorials on Youtube. Any guidance is welcome. I remember already having many issues with this topic time ago back in 1.12 I believe it was. PS: I posted on the wrong subforum and can't move it with the edit function.
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