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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Is there a way to change how much light is coming from the sky (Sun/Moon). I'd like to make full moons brighter than new in a sort of oscillating pattern.
  2. The onUpdate() method is called when an item is in a players inventory. Is there a way to make said item update inside of a chest?
  3. Put your code into the "onEntityCollidedWithBlock" method
  4. The best i could think of is to check to players potion effects in the onUpdate event than cut the duration of the potion in half
  5. Add and "@Override" the "attackEntityFrom" method to check for fall damage and then dont apply it.
  6. Change EntityLiving to EntityMob, after the instanceof
  7. Ya that worked but is there a way to get them to spawn regardless of biome, other than putting every single biome in there?
  8. But if there is nothing there its supposed to spawn them regardless of biome. Correct?
  9. I'm trying to have cave-spiders spawn anywhere, i don't get a crash-error but they just don't spawn Here's the line I'm using in the pre-int: EntityRegistry.addSpawn(EntityCaveSpider.class, 10, 1, 2, EnumCreatureType.monster); am i doing something wrong?
  10. Thanks this helps alot
  11. Is there any possible way to take control away form the player?
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