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Everything posted by Mecblader

  1. I have a mod with many custom rendered blocks with models. I have noticed that when I have a lot of those blocks in one small area, they start to cause fps loss. I guessing tesselators are less resource intensive because you are not drawing the excess face of you block, but is it worth the trouble because my models are decently complex and it might be difficult to recreate them with tesselators. So which is the better of the two?
  2. I have a WIP mod and the last time I checked 1.7 really broke my mod and it was difficult to fix it because not much was named. Is 1.7 more friendly now?
  3. Hello, I am trying to make it so that when an item is thrown on the ground and a player walks by, the item will not automatically go in his/her inventory. I think I could accomplish this with setting the nbt data of every item that is spawn to have a really big pickup delay and I want them to be able to pick up the item when they right click. So, I was wondering if there is a way to detect when a player right clicks on an item,
  4. I think I figured it out, for some reason if you get the player y coord from the server it outputs a different coord than if it is client. Just add a check before looking for the block to see if the world is not remote because you want to do the checking on the server. (!Remote = Server, Remote = Client).
  5. Do a System.out.println("Working") after the check to test it because I think I remember trying motion.x +=1 or something like that, but it didn't work.
  6. Check the block below you by doing player.posY-1
  7. Also, you can't just look at a tutorial and expect it to do everything that you want from it. I used that exact tutorial, when I was first learning how to mod, and It did cover damaging the entity.(There should be three parts to that tutorial, make sure you looked at them all). The only thing that I had issues with, was the rendering of the entity. You need to call the code listed bellow in your client proxy. EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(Class of Entity, "EntityName", this.getUniqueEntityId(), mod.instance, tracking range, update frequency, true);// the last parameter is if you want to send velocity updates, given that you want to make a bullet keep it set to true. RenderingRegistry.instance().registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityClass, new Your Entity Renderer Class's constructor); //for the unique id I used private int startEntityId = 345; public static int getUniqueEntityId() { do startEntityId++; while (EntityList.getStringFromID(startEntityId) != null); return startEntityId; }
  8. I have overridden the method, but won't setting the light opacity to 0, let light pass through it and act like glass, except it is not transparent?
  9. I have a custom rendered tile entity and I have a lighting bug. The tile entity flickers from light to dark as a walk around it. I have tried to make the tile entity not opaque and I have tried to disable lighting after the push matix and enable it after the pop matix, in the rendering code, but the bug still refuses to be debugged! Does anyone have any suggestions?
  10. I'm sorry I should have been more clear, I have a custom furnace and I wanted to know how I could render the item that is put in it. I want the item to render in the world.
  11. Hello everyone, let me just start off by thank every one who has helped me issues that I have been having with my mod lately. Thank You Everyone who helped me! Now that every one is thanked, I was wondering how difficult it would be to render an item in the world, when it is put into an inventory?
  12. Does anyone have any other solutions that can work for my problem. I would really appreciate the help.
  13. I have a custom furnace that is setup similar to the way that the crafting table is setup, in that there is no Tile Entity to store the data on to. When you right click on the Block it creates a new instance for every player. My question is that would I tick the update method in my container on the server side or the client side. I ask this because the container is dependent on the player.
  14. Yeah, If you want to go through the trouble of using forge events, then you would be able to do basically any you want.
  15. Try the deobf version of industrial craft, I know that is 1.6.4, but you may be able to figure out how the did their tools.
  16. I believe that you should use this method for setting Hardness : MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(Block.OreDiamond, "pickaxe", hardness);
  17. I don't think that that is the solution because I got the inv. code from the crafting table and that is what it had in the the class. Plus I tested it and it was returning null all the time because the slot number would always be less than 2, which is the number of slots, and that made it return null all of the time.
  18. Can some one please help me with my problem?
  19. Hello, How to check which side is calling a method in a tick handler? To clarify, Here is my code: Also could some one clarify, what does the @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) annotation do when put in front of a method, I assume that it makes sure that it is only being called on the Server.
  20. Hello, I have a custom furnace were the gui does not not rely on the block or a Tile Entity, similar to the way that the Crafting Table is coded, but I have a strange bug, it smelts the item fine and appears to delete what is in the first slot but when you click on the slot a item just appears and can bee smelted again. I have made sure that I am deleting what is in the first slot, but it does not seem to work. I am pretty sure that the handling of inventories and this sort of stuff is done on the server side and I do believe that is being called on the server side because I have my tick handler handle the updating of the inventory. I would appreciate any help that anyone can give because I have had this bug for a week and I have spent hours upon hours to try and figure it out, but I can't seem to figure it out. (Note Code May Be Messy Due To Testing and Lazyness) Inventory Code Container Code Tick handler I think that is all the code that is needed, but please ask if you need more! Thank You!!!
  21. Hello, I have a Tile Entity that has a model that is 3x3 big. I know that minecraft only render the things that are in the fov to have more fps, but for my tile entity it makes it disappear after the block that the actual block is at is out of view. My question is "Is there a method that can fix this problem?" I have tried to use getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool because of its description, but I don't think that this is the right method to use because when I use it makes my tile entity flicker if you look at it at certain angles that it would have rendered fine at if I did not have the in.
  22. For my furnace it acts like a crafting table in that it has a separate instance for each player who uses it. I have an idea now, can someone tell me if it would work. Could I create an invisible block that can be placed over the the current 3D modeled block. The player would never have access to the building of the furnace because this is a mod for a map. Then I could set up the block bounds so that they overlap and when a player right clicks the place it opens the gui, I wouldn't have to direct it to the block because the gui is separate for each player.
  23. Hello, I am making a mod with custom furnace and It is more than 1 block big. The Furnace is 3 blocks wide and 3 blocks tall. I have tried to use setBlockBounds and getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool, but I don't know how to use them. I have looked at other code for other blocks, but I can't seem to figure it out. Can someone please explain how I could use this method for what I need? Also I have also run into the problem that the bounding box only shows up if I look at the block were the furnace is. All help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!
  24. Yeah all spawning should happen server-side and all rendering should happen client-side. As for why you can't spawn multiple mobs with your spawn egg, try to register the spawn egg in the client-proxy. I know that all spawning should happen server-side, but I don't understand why you can only spawn one and not more. Do you have some sort of special AI for acting differently around another mob of the same type?
  25. Are you checking if you are spawning on the server-side?
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