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Everything posted by delpi

  1. If someone really needs to know the UUID in packet, you have to convert to a String (there are other ways to skin the cat too) and back. buffer.writeString(player.getUniqueID.toString()) and then UUID.fromString(buffer.getString()) - Code is probably not exactly right, but it is close enough you should be able to figure it out.
  2. Its really the multiple fields issue that plague me. I'll try that with the ones that got me and make sure it would have caught it. Thanks. I've been able to look at the methods doing something very similar to what you said with success. That is goofy on mojang's part. Reminds me of 'Never trust Vanilla'
  3. That worked great. Thanks guys. I do have a related question that came to mind as I was verifying the fields were still the same. Is there a trick you use to find the right version of the variable? This is probably something obvious I just don't know, For example there are 3 'flightSpeed" (might be flySpeed, going off memory). I usually look at the other variables around it to help decide if it is right one, but I still find out when I compile it and try to run it on server that I picked poorly occasionally.
  4. I had seen this before but didn't really understand the significance. Hoping someone could guide me on it. in my build file I have mappings = "snapshot_20141130" I'm going to the mcp_snapshot to find fields.csv for reflection. What i'm worried about is this being horribly out of data. That sounds like its from last november??? Am I supposed to update this? If so, how?
  5. That typically has to do with the other methods you overrode in your block. Is what you showed for your block the whole block?
  6. Those types of things are what i was suggesting he put inside the IEEP. He will probably need to keep track of some variables and he will already have the structure for storage at that point.
  7. Hmm, perhaps type it into google. Took 2 seconds to find. https://github.com/coolAlias/Forge_Tutorials/blob/master/IExtendedEntityPropertiesTutorial.java
  8. Do all your magic inside extendedproperties for the player. I'm still not sure I understand why to do this.
  9. In your post, you are referencing the cache of skins, but you only need to do that if you are hijacking a skin. Do you want the player to have a default list of skins of your picking or do you want to just give him the skin of some other player you are dynamically picking? The first is easier. Just look at how zombies or whatever have a static skin referenced and do that for getting the resourcelocation instead of the the current method.
  10. There is perworld (dimension) and permap (per instance) versions that do this. Do a search and you will find an explanation by diesieben07 on it. you don't need to do the 'complicated' route. Below is the pertinent part he stated. Each WorldSavedData has a unique identifier (for maps this is map_0, map_1 and so on). That is the parameter the constructor takes. Also think about if you want actual per World (=per dimension) storage or just a per map (= per save) storage. For per world use world.perWorldStorage and for per map use world.mapStorage. Then to create a new data use Code: [select] YourAwesomeData data = new YourAwesomeData("IDENTIFIER"); world.perWorldStorage.setData("IDENTIFIER", data); // or world.mapStorage To get that data back any time use Code: [select] YourAwesomeData data = (YourAwesomeData)world.perWorldStorage.loadData("IDENTIFIER"); loadData will return null if the data has not been created yet. Thats it. Just be sure to always call markDirty() on your data when you change a value, otherwise MC will not save it. If you want an example look at the link Mew posted.
  11. you are comparing itemstacks. don't do that. compare items.
  12. found someone post this and tried it. It seems to work. There is probably a simple reason, but I didn't take the time to trace it down through vanilla. If I just getblockstate for the world the player will end up in, no more wierd empty world. I'm sure its causing a packet to be initiated to update the client, but like I said, haven't bothered to trace it out.
  13. Wuppy had a tutorial on this you could looks at. Worldprovider and Chunkprovider are the big ones you need to manipulate to just get a dimension going.
  14. I've been fighting that too. I haven't figured out the exact cause yet, but have narrowed it down. It only seems to happen going back to world 0. I have multiple overworld/nether/end world sets and it doesn't happen with any of them. It also doesn't seem to happen when going through a portal. It only really seems to happen on teleport to world 0 without a portal. I'll post my relevant code when i get home tonight and maybe between the two of us comparing, we can figure it out. That is unless some other kind soul had the solution.
  15. If you log out and log back in, does the world look right?
  16. I get a little fuzzy at times around the usage of final and static, but from what I see. your list of material parameters will always be null the way you did that.
  17. You need to create the materials before the items as dies said. What it seems like you said before is that you have the code to register your items and materials inside your Item Class. Show how you are doing that. You should be making a call to register your material, then a call to register each item using that material. Your description does not seem to match that.
  18. That code doesn't really seem that relevant. Where is the config file setup? Assuming that is UselessConfigration, but without seeing it, no way to know what is going on.
  19. I can tell you that the 'Needed to grow BufferBuilder buffer' does not cause crashes on my system. Happens all the time, especially in the dev environment. Probably don't get hung up on it as the source of your issue.
  20. he said he wanted to kill a player by clicking a button. I explained how to do it. It was humor.
  21. Easy way for you to do this. When the player is nearby, move close to him with a sword in your hand. Click your left mouse 'button'. It can be buggy at times. You may have to try it a few to make it work.
  22. Yes. After all the entity is showing up. Found the issue. The way I'm using to render techne item models in 1.8 was causing it. Needed to override the methods somewhere else to. It all looks good now.
  23. I agree 100%, but yet it is. Here is the whole class in case it sparks a thought
  24. I put all my events in a side specific proxy section. I'm very deliberate in separating the client/server. It tends to avoid confusion. I looked briefly through your stuff and there were a few things in there that make me think you could benefit from the same. However, that is my opinion, not gospel.
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