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Posts posted by delpi

  1. diesieben07,

    one more question on this.  When the client stops tracking the entity, does it deconstruct the entity? 


    The reason i'm asking is that I'm tracking the valid extended properties on the client in order to do a clientside tick on them  I found 'a' way to do this, but I'm a little fuzzy on when the client destroys the entity and then reconstructs it.

  2. One more thought.


    Get rid of the following temporarily.


    MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer(Item.getItemFromBlock(StuffForMC.blockFullyBrockenBedrock), new ItemRenderFullyBrockenBedrock(render1, new TileEntityFullyBrockenBedrock()));



    Just the item in your hand be rendered as the normal block and see if it stops what is going on in the world.  There were some things in it there that seemed odd, but I I couldn't put my finger on anything wrong. 



    BTW, I'm an engineer, I usually troubleshoot things by changing inputs, until I learn enough about how the outputs change to understand it.


  3. diesienben07,

    Since she is looking at name tags, she will probably need to sync it to the client.


    That brings up a question I'm hoping you have some experience with.


    I set mine up so that when the entity extended data constructed on the client, it send a packet to the server asking to be updated with its latest info.  All the other updates after that works fine.  However, the first one gets ugly because the entity has the wrong ID for a somewhat random time.  So, what I did was set it up so that the extendedproperties kept the entity's Id and watched for it to change.  when it changes, it asks for an update. Most often the initial ID would e something very low, 1, 2, ect and be a minecart.


    Any advice or experience on that?

  4. Everything in "public void updateEntity()" should be in "if (!worldObj.isRemote)" .    Might be wrong on your "this.updateBlock();" since its code isn't shown. 


    The redundant "this.markDirty();" is excessive.


    how do you think this will work?  you are never saving your items NBT to the main nbt.




                    NBTTagList items = new NBTTagList();


                    for (int i = 0; i < getSizeInventory(); i++)


                            ItemStack stack = this.getStackInSlot(i);


                            if (stack != null)


                                    NBTTagCompound item = new NBTTagCompound();

                                    item.setByte("Slot", (byte) i);







    What is "entry".  Its not defined anywhere so hard to tell what it is or what you meant to do.  If at this point, it doens't print the right value, then 'entry' is the wrong variables in your code.




                    compound.setInteger("intEntry", this.entry);





  5. hand write out this instead to rule out an issue in your text manipulation


        renderItem.getItemModelMesher().register(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(MODID + ":" +      item.getMaterial().name()+"_pick", "inventory"));



    I notice in your path to the texture you have a capital.  From your code, thinking your modid does as well.  Change to all lower caps as well.


    Those are always things I do first.


    Lastlly, in eclipse, you have clicked on the project and chosen 'refresh' right?  If you don't eclipse won't always recognize any file changes.  Do that anytime you add a texture, json, edit, ect.

  6. Ok, one more shot in the dark



    public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister){

    this.blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("StuffForMC" + ":" + "fullybrockenbedrockbreakingpartickles");



    Comment out the action



    public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister){

    //this.blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("StuffForMC" + ":" + "fullybrockenbedrockbreakingpartickles");



    I don't think it will solve it for you, but it will change what happens and might make an error code happen in log that will help.




    1.8 will be horrible for his mod and what he is trying to do.  It will never look like that in his hand without some serious trickery.

  7. When this block malfunctions in your hand, is it one you had in your hand before you logged out?  If you discard it and get a new one from the creative menu, does it fix itself at that point or remain busted?


    Try turning the following to false, I've never had good luck with true;



    public boolean shouldUseRenderHelper(ItemRenderType type, ItemStack item, ItemRendererHelper helper) {


    return true;



    I've never used the following and not at my normal computer.  What does it do?  Might try flipping it as well.



    public boolean handleRenderType(ItemStack item, ItemRenderType type) {


    return true;


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