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  1. Still unable to come up with a solution. Ive literally commented everything down the the bones. *sigh*
  2. Still trying for a solution. Something must be throwing it off, and I really think its NOT with the container. It has to do with networking (Offset Packets). Maybe I am writing a Int and only reading a short (I did check though). Maybe I am not registering the GUI correctly? Not returning the correct information somewhere? I dunno.
  3. My slots are correct, I have taken it directly from the ChestContainer.java file, and just altered the starting X and Y. They match fine in the image I am using.
  4. Maybe your processing the Slots on the Gui Image displayed? Not sure if this is the root of my problem though. Just by changing the cordinates shouldn't really change where the items appear. The key is, when I open the inventory the real way (e), my items are moved to the new place where they appear in the custom made container. So the items are defiantly moving. I am thinking that something I do when the player logs in, is throwing off the Inventory and in turn messing with the custom container. I mean, if we think about it, this is a very BASIC thing. And its becoming such a major issue.
  5. Cool, Let me first say thank you for at least investigating. I spent hour and hours on this stupid bug. I am starting to think its packet related somehow. I just made the changes you suggested. I am still having the issue. I put items in Slots 0, 1, 2 (Hotbar). When I open the container, they appear in slot 33,34,35 (last slots in inventory). It appears to be moving them backwards somehow. Yet, When I click slot 0, the item disappears but does not appear in my hand. If I click slot 33, 34, or 35, nothing happens. Any thoughts? new code protected void bindPlayerInventory(IInventory playerInventory, IInventory chestInventory) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(chestInventory, k + j * 3, 8 + k * 18, 18 + j * 18)); } } for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 9; ++k) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(playerInventory, k + j * 9 + 9, 133 + k * 18, 122 + j * 18)); } } for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(playerInventory, j, 133 + j * 18, 179)); } }
  6. Bump. Still looking for any advice on where to look.
  7. Of course. But its before that. Its not even displaying to the user correctly before any action is taken. NBT only has an effect on the TileEntity. Which I am not using at all. Just the player inventory is messed up.
  8. You didn't add public void registerPackets() { registerPacket(SendChatAll.class); } Do that, issue fixed.
  9. You dont need 2 switches. Your client gui does not match your server gui. Server Gui = Containers. Client Guis = Guis. You need to change your server Gui to switch(Id), and put 2 cases, 1 for your first gui. 2 for your second.
  10. Updated first post. Still unfixed.
  11. Bump. Still unable to fix this. :'(
  12. Of course. This way you have access to the blocks/items for the recipe.
  13. Change your code new PacketParticle(player, 80); to UsefullStuff.packetPipeline.sendTo(new PacketParticle(player, 80), player) Fixed.
  14. Still having issue. My code can be gotten on https://github.com/KenBeanNet/SimCraft/tree/master/java/mods/simcraft. To recap, The container is not function correctly. When I open the container, items are in the wrong positions. Its like the code for displaying from the inventory is incorrect, but its copied and pasted from the original minecraft code. Any help, I appreciate.
  15. Eh. Just put something in the main bar slot 0. Open the container. The item is now no longer in slot 0, its in slot like 33 (last row in your inventory, 3rd from the right side). Somehow it gets the wrong number and throws it off completely. Then you close your inventory, log out and in, and its back in the correct spot. Its only like changing it on the clientside, not server.
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