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Everything posted by NovaViper

  1. [ { "modid": "tetracraft", "name": "TetraCraft", "description": "Another Adventure, the Sequel of Zero Quest", "version": "0.0.1", "mcversion": "1.8.9", "logoFile": "assets/tetracraft/logo/logo1.png", "url": "", "authorList": ["NovaViper"], "credits": "Made by NovaViper", "parent": "", "screenshots": [], "requiredMods": ["Forge"], "dependencies": [], "dependants": [], "useDependencyInformation": "true" } ]
  2. I'm having issues with 1.7.10, for some reason the game can't detect the mc.modinfo file I have in mymod.
  3. So, as of now, you can't add custom sounds to Minecraft, right?
  4. Oh, so this registry method i made is a bad idea to use? public static void addEntityWithEgg(Class entityClass, String entityName, int eggColor, int eggSpotsColor) { int id = getUniqueEntityId(); EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, entityName, id, TetraCraft.instance, 80, 3, false); //Last 3 Parameters monitors movement See EntityTracker.addEntityToTracker() EntityList.idToClassMapping.put(id, entityClass); EntityList.entityEggs.put(entityName, new EntityList.EntityEggInfo(entityName, eggColor, eggSpotsColor)); }
  5. Also, I'm having issues with registering my entities. I have a method that makes sets a new ID for me but sicne 1.9, it doesn't use ids, it uses the entity's name. How I configure my method to check for the entity name instead? startEntityId = 0; public static int getUniqueEntityId() { do { startEntityId++; } while (EntityList.getIDFromString(startEntityId) != null); return startEntityId; }
  6. Since 1.9, they now use SoundEvents instead of strings for sounds. How do I reconfigure my strings to Sound Events and what does that mean for my sound.json? Sound Java File package novaviper.tetracraft.common.lib; /** * Created by NovaViper on 2/6/2016. * Class Purpose: Defines and lists all sounds for the mod */ public class Sound { private static final String SOUND_PREFIX = ModReference.modid + ":"; // Terrakon Sounds\\ public static final String TerrakonBark = SOUND_PREFIX + "mob.terrakon.bark"; public static final String TerrakonGrowl = SOUND_PREFIX + "mob.terrakon.growl"; public static final String TerrakonHurt = SOUND_PREFIX + "mob.terrakon.hurt"; public static final String TerrakonPanting = SOUND_PREFIX + "mob.terrakon.pant"; public static final String TerrakonWhine = SOUND_PREFIX + "mob.terrakon.whine"; public static final String TerrakonDeath = SOUND_PREFIX + "mob.terrakon.death"; } Sound Json { "mob.terrakon.bark": {"category": "neutral", "sounds": ["mob/terrakon/bark1", "mob/terrakon/bark2", "mob/terrakon/bark3"]}, "mob.terrakon.growl": {"category": "neutral", "sounds": ["mob/terrakon/growl1", "mob/terrakon/growl2", "mob/terrakon/growl3"]}, "mob.terrakon.hurt": {"category": "neutral", "sounds": ["mob/terrakon/hurt1", "mob/terrakon/hurt2", "mob/terrakon/hurt3"]}, "mob.terrakon.pant": {"category": "neutral", "sounds": ["mob/terrakon/panting"]}, "mob.terrakon.whine": {"category": "neutral", "sounds": ["mob/terrakon/whine"]}, "mob.terrakon.death": {"category": "neutral", "sounds": ["mob/terrakon/death"]} }
  7. Scratch what I said in the previous, I'd just like to go for something easy for animation, since this is my first time dealing with it. I'd like to go with methods hardcoded into the model since I have only one entity as of right now. Later on I would like to progress it into a framework
  8. Thats acutally what I want to go, a framework that I utilize for the entity im working on currently and all of my other ones. But I don't know where to acutally start off with when it comes to developing the framework. So far I started making an interface based on the code off of the original AnimationAPI mod and JurrasiCraft. I did make a seperate 'mod' built within (just in a different package).
  9. Those animations are all 1 movement you move a part to its destination then back to the start. The walking an idle animations would use sine cosine waves to loop. Just check if the entity is moving for the walking otherwise use the idle. The bite looks like an attack. I would look at how the iron golem attacks and mimic its code. The scratch...not sure what it is for as it doesn't extend past the face....but it could make use of the same code. Something to think about when your creature attacks though. Living entities are immune to damage for a few ticks after being hurt. If your creature has touch damage enabled then chances are it will run face first into its target and cause touch damage before attacking, knocking back its target or negating any attacks soon after. Just something to keep in mind I've been looking at the code but I want to utilize the degrees in the degrees I made in Tabula, similar to what Jabelar did but I'm not sure how to call the animations or set them up properly
  10. It's a mix between the first and third option. Here is the animation video too:
  11. Anyone know how to make animation APIs? I'm still very new to APIs and animatoins
  12. Oh.. so the variable I put in makes it to 13-14. Thanks for telling me that ^^
  13. Ok.. I notice something odd is going on. I think the numbers I'm putting in for my arrow is being multiplied a lot since I set a mob's health to 20 and the arrow one-hit kills it, I set it to 40 and it takes two shots to kill it
  14. Oh, so that would mean 6 damage is 3 hearts right?
  15. So it takes 20 hearts by default? What I did in that method that you made is set the arrow damage with a given number like this: if (!playerNeedsAmmo || playerHasAmmo(stack, player)) { float velocity = (float) charge / 20.0f; velocity = (velocity * velocity + velocity * 2.0f) / 3.0f; if (velocity < 0.1f) { return; } if (velocity > 1.0f) { velocity = 1.0f; } EntityArrow entityArrow = new EntityArrow(world, player, velocity * 2.0f); entityArrow.setDamage(damage); if (velocity == 1.0f) { entityArrow.setIsCritical(true); } int powerLevel = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.power.effectId, stack); if (powerLevel > 0) { entityArrow.setDamage(damage + powerLevel * 0.5D + 0.5D); } Which the damage variable is 6 for my Ballistic Bow. Would this be 60 hearts or 12 years?
  16. Also, the reason why I was asking about the damage because I'm trying to hurry and setup my wiki page before I add a ton more stuff into the mod.
  17. Ok, I've been playing around with Tabula and it has been MUCH EASIER to handle with exporting than techne was. Though I'm trying to figure out on how to mimic the animations I made in the mod since the mod doesn't export animiations (such a shame for that too.. hopefully the modder comes out and do us all modders a favor and implement this). I've been looking at some mods like those Mowie mods and they seem to use their own libary and was acutally made with Tabula.
  18. Oh, I did forgot to ask one question (sorry if this counts as bumping, I just want it to stay in the same thread in case someone comes across this) I did finally manage to figure out how to set the damage of the bows. Now my question is how do I know the number im putting in is the acutal damage that an entity takes?
  19. *Facepalm* Thanks, I configured the method and the model spawns now without crashing. ^^
  20. Basically, IntelliJ says for the method i'm using, I require a variable that extends to IRenderFactory, not Render
  21. The IDE says I need the IRenderFactory in my method in order to use it.
  22. How do I register them? I'm confused on how to register the renders after the RenderManager
  23. I did something like this public static void addEntityRender(Class entityClass, Render render) { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(entityClass, new IRenderFactory() { @Override public Render createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) { return render; } }); } And it still crashes
  24. Register public static void addEntityRender(Class entityClass, IRenderFactory render) { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(entityClass, render); } Client RenderManager renderManager = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager(); RenderItem renderItem = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem(); Registers.addEntityRender(EntityTerrakon.class, new RenderTerrakon(renderManager, new ModelTerrakon(), 0.5F)); Renderer @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class RenderTerrakon extends RenderLiving<EntityTerrakon> implements IRenderFactory { private static final ResourceLocation cowTextures = new ResourceLocation("textures/entity/cow/cow.png"); public RenderTerrakon(RenderManager renderManagerIn, ModelBase modelBaseIn, float shadowSizeIn) { super(renderManagerIn, modelBaseIn, shadowSizeIn); } /** * Returns the location of an entity's texture. Doesn't seem to be called unless you call Render.bindEntityTexture. */ protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityTerrakon entity) { return TextureReference.terrakon; } @Override public Render createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) { return this; } }
  25. I dont know how to highlight them either one of these
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