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Everything posted by Methuselah96

  1. When I try to run forge's install.cmd without mcp it states: The system cannot find the path specified. Press any key to continue . . .
  2. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/350344-allocating-more-memory-to-java-windows/
  3. I saw this in the change log and was wondering which eclipse workspace we are supposed to be using. 9c77d3f Remove old eclipse workspace and ship/extract as a zip file (use ant set
  4. thx for writing it though at some point i might try to rewrite it a little
  5. but you can use the dynamic lights mod for that if you wanted to
  6. Ok, Ok I'll make a tutorial.
  7. http://minecraftforge.net/wiki/FAQ#Error_Logs
  8. Tallinu had said there were only a few and i agree with him.
  9. Sounds like a mod is outdated and is trying to use ICustomItemRenderer while it's deprecated.
  10. that's not a lot that's like six out of like a hundred some blocks
  11. did you delete META-INF?
  12. what kind of program did you install modloader with (as in did you use winrar, 7zip, jzip, or what)
  13. I'm sincerely sorry that you got a bad first impression of this forum.
  14. they are not used by a lot of blocks don't listen to him
  15. you installed incorrectly
  16. lol virus is still alive sorry just remembering him (haven't seen him in a while) yeah he's pretty good go check him out
  17. you'reTileEntityMobSpawnerobject.setMobID("the string you used to initialize your mob");
  18. Overmind I think you're wrong. I've used the dimension manager a little bit and as far as i know there is no way to make your own world file.
  19. Can you get an error log, please
  20. Make sure you are using the absolute latest Forge ( That is most likely the problem.
  21. I don't think so. Lex took out ICustomItemRenderer when it went to 1.2.4. Skribbblie's probably using a 1.2.3 buildcraft or something although I don't know why those mods weren't in the crash log.
  22. My guess is you don't have the latest version of BuildCraft. Try redownloading the newest version. Hope I helped.
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