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Everything posted by Jacky2611

  1. Ok, thx. Now please also upload the .gitignore, build.gradle, gradlew and gradlew.bat files to make sure that we run the same version of forge. Once you did all that it should look something like this. (And please don't judge me for the content of this rep. All my more recent projects are on bitbucket.)
  2. Yeah yeah, I got it. Kinda hard to describe not using Capablities. All I really wanted is a confirmation that I don't have to use them for something really small.
  3. He can also use MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(ModItems.class); in preInit. The events aren't triggered before preInit, they are triggered between preInit and init.
  4. Nearly the exact same thing I did. I just manually registered my event handlers instead of using annotations. Might switch to annotations later but for now I like that I can see where my event handlers are registered.
  5. Wouldn't be surprised if your trees leaves started growing over the chunk border triggering the next chunks generation. Comment out the decoration part of your custom biome and see if you can find it. Once we know that your biome is working we can help you to get your trees working. Btw, if you want you could upload your project to github. Forge already comes with a gitignore file and a dependency management system, so all you have to do is follow a simple tutorial on how to upload to a repository. It would make it a lot easier if I could run your code on my own device. Plus you have a backup in case something happens to your machine.
  6. Why is your ClientProxy a child of the ServerProxy and not the Common Proxy? And when do you call registerClientStuff? This is what I hacked together for my experiments:
  7. Do you have your project on github? Would make it a lot easier to have a look at it.
  8. Your biome might still be taking up too many resources. How much power does your device have and how much are you generating? Can you give us a github link?
  9. It will print the position whenever your biome get decorated. However, that would require your biome to be generated first. I would instead somehow (e.g. on item right click) run WorldChunkManager.a(int i, int j, int k, List<Biome> list, Random random) and print the result. If this really is the findBiome function it should work even if your biome hasn't been generated yet. Just make sure that the range is big enough.
  10. log? And hey, crashes are definitely better than nothing. And show us your current code.
  11. It might be WorldChunkManager.a(int i, int j, int k, List<Biome> list, Random random) BiomeProvider might be a renamed WorldChunkManager in 1.9.
  12. Ähm, give me a moment. I am digging through my old code. Could you try to look inside the WorldChunkManager?
  13. You could try to use this: https://takahikokawasaki.github.io/minecraft-resources/javadoc/forge/1.8- Or just use BiomeProvider findBiomePosition. silly me
  14. Already figured out that part. But I am happy if I can just use good ol' TEs for the basic stuff. Just needed something fast and easy that won't be outdated in a few versions. Really like it btw that we now have a built in power/energy interface.
  15. That brings back memories... I used BiomeManager.addBiome() in 1.8 I THINK that addSpawnBiome only means that it is possible that the world spawn is inside the specified Biome.
  16. Only moved the function over, renamed it and removed the Event annotation. Shouldn't have been executed.
  17. No, but people can overwrite json recipes using resource packs.
  18. @Draco18s Are you talking about registering the rendering stuff on the server side? Cause I tried that a few minutes ago and my minecraft DID crash. Not sure why it worked for MrBendelScrolls.
  19. I am pretty sure that you can change them with a resource pack. Disabling them with code might work inside the IRecipe registry event. Haven't tried it though.
  20. What exactly did you try to do? When I run the dedicated server and move some of the stuff from my client proxy to my common proxy I get something like this: Are you sure that you ran the server configuration? Cause it should crash...
  21. The problem is that all the client stuff isn't available on server. Should a server try to run a class that contains client code (even if its not directly executed) it will crash in almost all cases. I would run a setup with two classes, a YourModItems class and a ClientRendererItems class. YourModItems has a list of all your items and a method to register them that is started by the common proxy. Your ClientItemRenderer has a function that loops through all your items in the YourModItems class and registers the rendering stuff for them.
  22. Gradle is awesome...when it works. Try to delete your C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\.gradle folder (it's hidden) and then download the recommended mc forge version for 1.12 and run these two commands: gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace gradlew.bat eclipse (Assuming you are on windows) Should you still get an error tell us exactly when you got the error, what system and java version you are running on and what the log says.
  23. This might work for you: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/networking/ And have you already looked at the mc Dog? Not sure if it can help you, but when it sits down that data is sent to all the other clients too. Might be useful.
  24. Yeah, I know that NBT is not relevant. I meant the old TE system I used back in 1.7 when I used "NBT" in my reply. Sry, I was tired and my cakes dressing wasn't working the way I planned it. "NBT" was the first thing that came to my mind when I tried to somehow describe the old system.
  25. So you want to have two different outputs for the same recipe? I did something similar three years ago using the ItemCrafted(not the correct name) event. It allowed me to modify the output ItemStack on the run while it was crafted. Needed to change stuff based on on of the ingredients metadata and damage. Not sure if that's what you want though. If you just want to permanently adjust a crafting recipe on startup using code you could probably replace it using the CraftingManager class. Would be great if someone can confirm that. Edit: How the hell did you answer 3 mins before me Draco? I wrote this in like 20 seconds... Edit 2: Looks like they made some of the methods in the CraftingManager private. But now there is a RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe> event that should allow you to do the same.
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