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  1. yeah you'd be better from this http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1802095-164-forge-power-of-the-elements-v113-control-all-the-elements/ but it's a 1.6.4 so as said earlier you'll need to change ids if your on 1.6.4 server if your on a 1.7 it won't work.
  2. Yay thanks, how come it has to be Block Container
  3. Yeah, I'm aware of the lack of knowledge being the problem, I j ist had to wait till all my gcses were done, which my last was Friday, so now over summer I'm gonna work through this java "bible" I have, as for the instance thatnks for showing me, ans exposing what's wrong with what I tries rather than just leaving it a learn java thanks
  4. ok, please dont tell me to learn Java it's not gonna help solve this quick problem, thanks. I have two mobs both using the same model, so I want to use the same model class, and use an IF statement to control the scale. So in my model class I've tried placing in the GL11 matrix but errors up loads, but firstly I'm trying to create a string in EntityMinotaur and EntitySatyr as shown below. Could you please say if this is the right thing to do. The string I'm trying to write the IF based on is "CreatureChoice" Then in the model class I want to put this code but as I said before the GL11 stuff errors up everything around it: if (CreatureChoice == minotaur){ GL11.glPushMatrix; GL11.glTranslatef(0F, -0.2F, 0F); GL11.glScalef(1.5F, 1.5F, 1.5F); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } EntityMinotaur (with the string): EntitySatyr (with the string): ModelHornedBiped(without IF and GL11 shown above):
  5. oh ok thats a bummer, so it has to be done in the model class, rats I try use the same model for some different things so I'll just have to copy the model and have each mob with a seperate one, anyway thanks
  6. See if any of these work http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/5cfbc2d0-26d6-4f09-ab22-aa01f53a0db1/application-cannot-be-started-contact-application-vendor?forum=winformssetup
  7. C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ZeuX and r4wk I'm searching my pc I'll let you know of anything at all that links even the shortcut as above. Ok im confused the shortcut links to a folder with the shortcut in it, hmmm have you asked the techne people?
  8. assuming you did delete every file relating to techne not just uninstall it, if you have another pc or laptop in your house try it on that and see if that works
  9. I'm on win 8.1 to, I've never had probelms completely remove it and try reinstall it and then give it time
  10. Hi, I'm being incredible thick, I've done these before and have loads working, I've been through the codes of my working one and can't find what the problem is. Sorry for my stupidity on this one. The block "appears" in game but is transparent which made me think it was a proxy problem but I looked through and couldn't find the error. It shows no error in eclipse either by the way. Their is a tileenity class as well as what's shown below Proxy: Block: render: model:
  11. http://techne.zeux.me/Download
  12. kwibbles saying what If I wanted like a level 4 harvest so I need a custom pick stronger than diamond, which I don't right now at least and I think it's defined in the material section
  13. How do I set a Blocks mining requirement such as an Iron pick? I looked at tutorials but they only cover making blocks and generating not the harvesting of them?
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