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Everything posted by Havaro

  1. No, but there are a few disadvantages if you don't start a new world: Most of the mods spawn blocks, like ores and trees, only in new chuncks. To find them, you have to go to a place where you've never been. You cannot convert back to a non-forge server if you have mod blocks in your world (like ores, trees, etc.).
  2. Don't install Forge into your jar Read and do this: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Source
  3. Please read what the error says and do what it says you to do.
  4. It always makes logs (Hint: .minecraft folder)
  5. 1. What is the problem with the FTB-modpack? 2. How are you going to contact the mod authors?
  6. You can find it on the same page as the other builds: the jenkins page.
  7. You need a port for it, check out http://mcportcentral.co.za, these guys port mots to Bukkit.
  8. Wow, that topic was so funny to read, thanks for sharing!
  9. No.
  10. Try to mod for 1.3.2?
  11. You read the forum rules and "Read this or you may get banned".
  12. You did not follow the installation instructions. You can't use forge with Modloader and ModloaderMP.
  13. It's just under the client download link! Link to the jenkins: http://jenkins.minecraftforge.net:7070/job/forge/ Link to latest recommended build for 1.2.5: http://jenkins.minecraftforge.net:7070/job/forge/171/
  14. DO: 1. Read the forum rules. 2. Do some research. 3. Read the installation instructions on the mod page. DON'T 1. Double post. 2. Call your topic something like 'help'. This is not the topic... 3. Ignore the forum rules.
  15. Yes, Bukkit is a whole new server. It does not use the official minecraft server at all.
  16. Just read the Install Instructions in ChickenBones' thread?! I'ts just above the downloads! The instructions on how to install Minecraft Forge are here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Client
  17. Sorry, I don't understand your reply.
  18. No, there is no reason to.
  19. Correct Also, make your own mod package. Do not use "net.minecraft.src"
  20. Use the "eclipse" folder in your mcp folder as the workspace in eclipse.
  21. So? You did not do any research whatsoever.
  22. Just choose a version from the Jenkins page. Go back until you find the 3.x builds. The recommended before version for mc 1.2.5 is The main page: http://jenkins.minecraftforge.net:7070/job/forge/
  23. The last Minecraft Forge for 1.2.5 was build 171. This is version Al 4.x versions are for Minecraft 1.3.x http://jenkins.minecraftforge.net:7070/job/forge/171/
  24. No problem, I'm happy enough that you are not one of these people:
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